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CAUTION- Windbag Alert!!!!

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Bruce Monkhouse

Pinball Dude
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So much for getting the muzzle on in time. ::)


Parrish: U.S. voters 'out of step'

OTTAWA (CP) - The re-election of a war-mongering president shows Americans are "out of step" with the rest of the world, says a Liberal MP infamous for her blistering attacks on George W. Bush.

Carolyn Parrish said Wednesday that she's "dumbfounded" by Bush's victory. "He has been reconfirmed as their commander-in-chief, and he is a war-like man." American voters showed that they are "completely out of step with most of the free world," Parrish said. "I guess it's a reflection of the profound psychological damage of 9-11."

The comments came just hours after Prime Minister Paul Martin warned his MPs in a private caucus meeting not to make incendiary comments in the wake of the U.S. election.

Parrish wasn't at the meeting and apparently didn't get the message.

Earlier this fall, Parrish publicly expressed her disdain for what she called the "coalition of the idiots" who back the U.S. missile defence plan.

Last year, she referred to the Bush administration as American "bastards."  

Now, Parrish is urging Bush to dump his ballistic missile program, suggesting his immediate concern should be getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"I would hope that he'd concentrate on getting the U.S. out of those two problems they've got," she said.

"I think his immediate concern should be where he has soldiers dying."

New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton said with Bush remaining in power, Canada now has a tough choice to make.

Layton calls missile defence one of the most important issues affecting Canada-U.S. relations.

"Now the Canadian government has to sit down and say, all right, how are we going to move forward on the issues important to Canadians," he said.

"This means that Canadians have to speak up against the missile defence system and say 'No'

She needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut.  Yes you are allowed to have opinions but please not in-front of camera's.
whether the quote be for or against your beliefs, you cant deny that its always good to have someone come and stir things up some, gets people thinking about issues on both sides.
she's not stirring up any issues, she's just voicing personal beleifs without any facts or statistics to back them up.  any idiot can go in front of a camera and say that Bush is a bad leader, and that the missile defence initiative is a bad idea.  many idiots before her have done just that.  backing it up and making people reconsider their stance on those subjects is a different matter entirely, and something she has proven incapable of doing.
I think that MP is a dumbass.

"I guess it's a reflection of the profound psychological damage of 9-11."

Yeah I guess seeing thousands of innocent people getting blown up for going to work each day would have some effect on your everyday life don't you think. If a person were to kill a member of my family, I would want that person to be put to justice. She should try shutting up for once :-X
Where's that guy that pied Chretchen, she needs a pieing too  ;D :D
If our government is serious about rebuilding relations with the US (and there are some indications that this may be the case...) then incendiary, ill-considered comments like hers are not serving the national interest. Freedom of speech may, in some situations and circumstances, be limited by a person's posiition. I doubt that most Canadians support her foaming at the mouth, even if they do legitimately question the US in certain areas.As friends we can express concerns without indulging in this kind of moronic behaviour. She should go and join her soul-mates on the left wing of the NDP. Cheers.
48Highlander said:
she's not stirring up any issues, she's just voicing personal beliefs without any facts or statistics to back them up.   any idiot can go in front of a camera and say that Bush is a bad leader, and that the missile defence initiative is a bad idea.   many idiots before her have done just that.   backing it up and making people reconsider their stance on those subjects is a different matter entirely, and something she has proven incapable of doing.

Precisely!  In a dinner conversations, what she says (however insipid general) is simply that, what she says.  In front of the media, it becomes a view of Canadian politicians.  Last I checked we were not at war with the US and attacking one of our closest allies for what looks like more attention shows her true colours.  If she genuinely disagrees with Bush's policies, she should voice those concerns and keep her ill-contrived personal attacks for family and friends.  If you believe what she did was harmless, let me ask you this:  Would you feel the same way if an empolyee working for a corporation was told not to talk about an announced stratagy to the media but did so?  What do you think would be the repercussions if that employee publilcy voiced their disdane and disapproval of that strategy?  What if that employee was an executive for that company?  She needs to be reprimended for her remarks- however, in this increasingly PC world, doing so will be touted as a violation of her rights.  If I was the party leader and probably publicly "explain" to her her errors.

I like carolynn Parrish because shes a no bs type of MP who tells it like it is but I also do agree that she needs to keep a lid on it when relations with americans are streched. (bet those cattle farmers aint too pleased with her)

She has the right to speak out against anyone she chooses but being a member of Parliment she needs to show some contraint sometime.

She's just saying what all us non bush supporters say while having a cup of timmys with our friends.

lol ;D the reason she hasnt got pied yet is prolly because the person doing the peing is a non Bush supporter too.

I will vote for her again. :P
to bad someone would't kick her in the overies,in front of a camera to shut her big arregant mouth.she's rioght out of'er.her constiuants must be real proud.evan the liberals must be real happy with her,considerin george said today he's comin for a visit.HOPE HE BRINGS SOME TAR AND FEATHERS WITH HIM,AND GIVE'S HER A TEXAS SHUT UP....... ::)
I like carolynn Parrish because shes a no bs type of MP who tells it like it is but I also do agree that she needs to keep a lid on it when relations with americans are streched. (bet those cattle farmers aint too pleased with her)

Ohh Paramedic. I need a parmedic after reading your post. When she referred to the Iraq was as "the coallition of the idiots" she didn't realize she was being recorded. Then she begged and pleaded with the reporters not to report what she said. In near tears she continues to explain that anymore negative press about her would have negative impact on her mother who is suffering from Alzhiemers.

I don't have a problem with people who speak their minds. I have a problem when they are not willing to stand behind what they say and cower behind the sick. Parrish isn't a bright beakon of clearity, but rather a selfish coward that has seemed to find a niche selling her unique brand of hate. She is like a fart in an elevator. Unpleasant, without substance and temporary.

You can't ignore she does/did say what MANY people do believe about Bush alone though. He's a warmonger. He's publicly admitted it several and many times on national TV, news conferences etc. He's said "I'm a war president and I think that way"... No DAH! ................

It does say something for the American people that they re-voted the guy who made the "working man" class bend over and take it from behind. Either they're really scared for thier family over in Iraq (I would be too!!!) or they just think that since they're in the shit now, might as well stick with him and make it look like they meant to all along!

Hrmph. Not that Kerry would be a good president either. The US seems to be plauged by one of the same issues as Canada, look at that! A similarity! ---------> CRAPPY LEADERSHIP...

Warning - free speech is in place - Warning!
I apologize ahead of time if I do upset anyone
This was an expression of my own personal opinions! If many of you folks on this site LIKE Bush, are any of you going to vote Conservative this next election? Or stick with the ankle grabber we currently have in place?

I believe she stated "Americans...I hate those bastards" at one time. Everytime i see her name, it seems shes ranting about American Politics. I dont think the issue of Bush being resinstated is as much of an issue, as how does she keep getting reinstated (I believe shes on her 4th term now for the Western T.O. sector).

She really needs to bite her tounge..

Recruit Joe, you clearly took what President Bush said out of context. he stated he was a War President, because the U.S. had undertaken a war effort during his term, not that he's a "warmongerer"

Free speech yes, but calling them idiots and stating you "hate those bastards" is crossing the line. Im sure many people (including you) would get their backs up if I called gays "faggots" and liberals "pussies" now wouldnt you? (For lack of a better analogy at the moment).

Windbag it is..
She doesn't like Americans apparently--Does everyone have to? Its not like Canada has ever been slagged by an American--Get over it
Free speech yes, but calling them idiots and stating you "hate those bastards" is crossing the line. Im sure many people (including you) would get their backs up if I called gays "faggots" and liberals "pussies" now wouldnt you? (For lack of a better analogy at the moment).

Okay, fair enough. I do agree with you, very good point. I also agree with you about what you said about Liberals...  :P

What do you all think George Bush will do next? Try to clean up some of the overseas missions and start wrapping things up at home? Like getting American's more jobs (they clearly do want a stronger economy and are upset about some of Bush's tax changes)? Maybe he'll simply continue on his agenda and not change things for the first while? He is voted back in for another 4 years... Many of the Americans' I've talked to on a daily basis are quite upset that many of the jobs in thier country have been outsourced to places like India, CANADA and other much economical options for American companies. One of Kerry's big promises is that he would create more jobs in the US/retain more jobs in the US... Would do Bush a great deal to try and do the same although it could hurt said countries like Canada...

What will be next?
She really should mind her business when it comes to American politics. Instead she should take a long, hard look in the mirror (shudder) and clean up the filth that's in her own lieberal party's back yard. There's enough backroom trash in our own dictatorship to take her into retirement without her ever opening her mouth in public again. People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. Typical, self righteous, pompous lieberal politician.
An MP is supposed to discuss and stress ther views and opinions of the Canadian Citizens.  To come out in public and somethign as ridiculous as that, especially when other Canadian's don't necessarily share her view points.

Being a spokesperson for the governement it is alright ot be outspoken, but to say the thigns she said reflects bad on all of us Canadians.
Heh-heh.  I think Ms. Parrish is funny.  She'd be good on Saturday Night Live -- if that show is still around.

I know I suffered psychological damage on 9/11.  Ever since then I've supported our efforts to eradicate those responsible and bring change to the festering sores of the Middle East.

Crazy or not, I maintain a sunny outlook and a belief in Western Culture and America.  And I like Canadians.  Must be all that brain damage, eh?

bubba said:
to bad someone would't kick her in the overies,in front of a camera to shut her big arregant mouth.she's rioght out of'er.her constiuants must be real proud.evan the liberals must be real happy with her,considerin george said today he's comin for a visit.HOPE HE BRINGS SOME TAR AND FEATHERS WITH HIM,AND GIVE'S HER A TEXAS SHUT UP....... ::)

That was a just a stupid, arrogant and sexist comment that has no place on this website. Clean up your language or take a hike.
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