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Yes you can get both LDA and Per Diem  at the same time.  However, you cannot get CLDA and Per Diem for the same day.
I understand. The situation below is very unacceptable where in our CF health care system, people are made to wait hours and days, and not returned to their workplace so that they may be productive. It is good the base CoC is aware and hopefully working to rectify it. Some medical unit persons (and not all are doctors, PAs, nurses, capiche?) mistakenly think that because the civilian facilities have wait times, then it is acceptable for CF facilities to have wait times as well. Unfortunately, we are not a "public" system. Every moment you, or your personnel are sitting at the CDU is time they are not doing what they are being paid to do.

My issue with what you said is that unless you have evidence as to where those MOs actually are and why, then your statement I quoted is slander, and something you would not put up with if it were the role is reversed.
ArmyVern said:
You may not like to hear it, but at that time, at that base, that is how it was (a mere 18 months ago). It wasn not only I who didn not like it. It was everyone who was placed on wait lists for appointments ... then called months later when they still had not recd one to find they had only moved up 10 or 15 spots - some had even slid down the list.  That is also why we were ordered to start recording all this and to report up to our Comd who sent further to have the sit adressed. This was normal, not an exception. This was staff and students sitting in MIRs for hours waiting to get seen each and every day. Being sent away for lunch and told to come back after (even the next day) to see someone ... Not nice to hear, but it happened.

Glad to see that perhaps some rules regarding that and things may be looking up. Maybe this year, I will actually get that annual MRI & spec appt as my PCat says.

That problem still exists. I've had many troops go in for their appointed time and be told that their appointment was either moved to the right or just plainly canceled. It was noted and pushed to higher as ordered.

I actually had one fella report to me that he does not require to be fit dental prior to release according to a Dent O. Funny thing is he's had 4 appointments either shifted or canceled in the past year for a check up/ release dental. He hadn't seen a dentist in over 3 years due to deployments.

Rider Pride said:
My issue with what you said is that unless you have evidence as to where those MOs actually are and why, then your statement I quoted is slander, and something you would not put up with if it were the role is reversed.

That was the reason given by the BHosp to explain the wait times and the lack of our troops moving up the waiting list after months - that their mil staff was working at skill-maintenance & that they had 1 mil doc each afternoon to handle appts - and that is exactly why our B Comd Staff ordered us (in O Gps & in email) supervisors to begin calling the Hosp weekly to check in on waiting list #s, and to record their movement/lack-of on that list,  for each of our pers 'waiting' and to report it up to them ... so they could have it addressed on the national level. That same hosp then contracted civ nurses etc to come in to help clear backlog due to mil staff absences.
I see we have alot of medical stuff on a field pay thread, mods, can we split this?

I was on TCAT once and I think I might have gotten lucky. My MRI was scheduled for like 6 in the evening so i was in within 4 weeks, not too bad a waiting time.

As far the medical system, I think the medical system in Ontario is far below the par for what it should be. Then you have to consider in the case of DND, the ontario medical system gets paid for each patient and treatment.
ArmyVern said:
That was the reason given by the BHosp to explain the wait times and the lack of our troops moving up the waiting list after months - that their mil staff was working at skill-maintenance & that they had 1 mil doc each afternoon to handle appts

Then that is an organizational problem specific to your site, and not the fault of the MOs who are working at that clinic. The CDU model includes 3 doctors, plus PAs and NPs for patient care, regardless if those clinicians are military or civilian.

Other locations with the same organizational structure and similar patient numbers do not have to problems your base is experiencing.

We've just been briefed that LDA will be phased out, possibly as soon as next fiscal, and that the CF are re-instating FOA.  Has anyone else heard such rumblings?
Brick Top said:
Sorry.  To clarify, I was referring to the monthly allowance currently in place.

Maybe the CF will finally see how many people they were paying to stay in garrison....
PuckChaser said:
Maybe the CF will finally see how many people they were paying to stay in garrison....

.....Or found it to confusing paying LDA and Deploying them overseas and wondering if they were to be Tax Free or Not Tax Free and what level they were at in Out of Country time and ............. RMS clerks heads exploding as there were no longer Fin Clerks to do these things......"What do you mean your Claim wasn't Section 34'd before the end of last Fiscal Year?"    >:D

Brick Top said:
We've just been briefed that LDA will be phased out, possibly as soon as next fiscal, and that the CF are re-instating FOA.  Has anyone else heard such rumblings?

This is the first I have heard about this. 
Too true, even doing the points calculations to get LDA rolling was a headache.

Great thing to do if its true though, drop a rumour right near Christmas that troops are going to be losing a piece of their paycheque, especially during some tougher economic times. At least the folks in CTC Gagetown who spend months in the field a year with just CLDA won't feel left out anymore.
One possibility is to eliminate LDA and instead go with CLDA.  Oddly enough, if they did that, the troops in CTC would earn more than those in field units.
Doesn't CTC already get CLDA? I thought if you weren't entitled to LDA you still go CLDA.
PuckChaser said:
Doesn't CTC already get CLDA? I thought if you weren't entitled to LDA you still go CLDA.
Re-read my post.  At no time did I even infer that CTC doesn't get CLDA. I only mentioned is that they may eliminate LDA and just go with CLDA.  So, the units would stop getting LDA, and the troops would have to earn their CLDA, which they currently do at the schools, and those at the schools will then be getting more because they are in the field more often than any unit out there. 
PuckChaser said:
Seen, thanks!
No probs.  And remember, this is only RUMINT from the water cooler.  There are other rumours, of course, but this rumour sounds similar to the other rumour mentioned earlier in the thread.
A "comprehensive policy review" was launched by the CLS end-Oct. Decision brief was to be presented to Army Council 22 Nov-ish. Army recommendations to CMP in Jan '11.

All unit Adjt's should have a copy of the CLS Planning Directive (and maybe Ops O's).

Seeing as the last post is 5 days old and the importance of this news to my troops should it prove to be true, I was wondering if anyone heard anything from their Unit...

In my unit, neither my CoC nor my C Clrk have heard of this "rumor".

Can somebody confirm what was supposedly passed down to unit Ops or Adjt's?