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Canadian Soldiers Involved in Civilian Shooting

Been there, done that... would do it again. besides, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six... so go ahead, shoot.

PS. Im no hi school dropout. I gradumated grade twelv befor i jonied da army. A$$ clown... check that. Dr. a$$ clown.

"It's the soldier not the poet who has given us the freedom of speech."... just my edumacated opinion.

Vince  :cdn:

career_radio-checker said:
If we pay him it just encourages others to do the same - charge a check point, get wounded, get free medical treatment, get a pretty penny.
Probably not.  Others will know that he is lucky to not have been killed.

career_radio-checker said:
This may be far fetched but there is a possibility that this sort of "taking a tumble" could be a tatic by Taliban supporters to help raise funds for the Taliban.
I don't think Canadian politicians are the target audience if this was the case.  If a guy is ready to be shot for the TB, then the TB will likely want to use him shooting at us.  At the same time, it is likely that the TB will have people test our reactions at cordons and road-blocks, and the TB may want to cause the soldiers themselves to hesitate in future incidents.

Ref. the Dr Business comments on the Globe and Mail site...  you know sometimes it's just gotta be said however politically incorrect it may sound ..."What an a$$&*@#!
glock17 said:
....and all those lovely things that CANADA now stands on gaurd for!  ....

I think that sums up what kind of Doctor this clown really is....... apparently he and Dr. Nick must have gone to the same school.....
If said Doctor feels we are not doing our job correctly, then maybe, just maybe, he should step up and take his spot on the line and show everyone how it should be done.

If he is not interested in dealing with the problem over here... we can always let the problem deteriorate and he can address the problem on his street with his very own roadblock.
Yet another eason why I don't read anything that has the Globe and Mail attached to it.

The fact that their readership actually believes that there are oil wells in Afghanistan just re-enforces the fact that the Globe and Mail does not educate their subscribers in the least.

They'd rather just push their own quasi-hidden political agenda instead of the facts.

Unnngh....blood on Canada's hands....protecting Canada's oil interests in Afghanistan.      ::)

Why don't they gather up these people and let them go man a VCP for a couple of days. Perhapse after a few SIEDs they'd get the idea.

Hey I was in that general area that night.  What a shit show all around.  What's funny is that buddy spoke perfect english.  He popped out of nowhere down a side street.  Not much time for anything.  That's all I will say for now.
The Librarian said:
Sure, no doubt they are included in the counts Rebecca, along with all those other innocent Muslims who are blown up by extremist suicide bombers. That's exactly the reason why "facts" are misleading.
The two bombs which detonated seconds a part the other day were huge. We observed the first one, as its fireball, (not mushy cloud) went higher than a 10 storey building. That killed over a hundred, and wounded countless others. all innocent, all muslims killed by muslims.Its a civil war, adn they HATE each other I think more than they hate us.

Extreme sickening violence!

Wesley (Over There) said:
The two bombs which detonated seconds a part the other day were huge. We observed the first one, as its fireball, (not mushy cloud) went higher than a 10 storey building. That killed over a hundred, and wounded countless others. all innocent, all muslims killed by muslims.Its a civil war, adn they HATE each other I think more than they hate us.

Extreme sickening violence!

Highjack alert

Ever try to intervene in a fight between two block heads, fighting over the same girl at a bar? But were too stupid and wrapped up in their hatred to notice the girl walk right by them with a completely different man. And then they try to swing at you for speaking logic and trying to reason with them. So you say screw you guys, go ahead... kill eachother see what I care, I'm going back in to have another beer. 

That's actually never happened to me but that's how I would characterize my view on Iraq and the type of sectarian violence being perpetrated there.

ok highjack over
Snaker said:
"Freedom of oil pipeline companies to operate in Afghanistan". Wow, this guy is a genious. I didnt know we were taking any of Afghanistans vast oil supply.  You learn something new everyday!

The "Trans Afghan Pipeline" boogeyman rears its head again.  That just shows how horribly misinformed and out of touch that guy is.  All the cool hippies are protesting Canada not getting enough support.  The TAP is, like, so 2005!
Is there a significant percentage of the population that believes this tripe? 

Or just a few wierdos hanging around the news sites waiting to relay their garbage?
I suppose geo, but where would one find an accurate answer?  Are the regular pollsters asking the right questions? Somehow I doubt it.
glock17 said:
I suppose geo, but where would one find an accurate answer?  Are the regular pollsters asking the right questions? Somehow I doubt it.

Given that the polls are created for people with some sort of agenda, you typically will always end up with some sort of slant-able stats. 
"There are deceptions, there are lies and then there are statistics". 