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Canadian President

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Yes, Americans are "Americentric"

But the thing that confuses non-Americans is that America is run by commitee
in a way that no other country I can think of is.
The dazzling array of special interests and lobbys never really gets noticed
from the outside.

It's easy to vilify what you don't understand.

When I've traveled on business I've witnessed greatness and great ignominity.
- actually quite amazing.

Personally I think Canada is the best thing that has ever happened to the USA!
They wouldn't be what they are without us. ;D

Yes, Americans are "Americentric"

But the thing that confuses non-Americans is that America is run by commitee
in a way that no other country I can think of is.
The dazzling array of special interests and lobbys never really gets noticed
from the outside.

It's easy to vilify what you don't understand.

When I've traveled on business I've witnessed greatness and great ignominity.
- actually quite amazing.

Personally I think Canada is the best thing that has ever happened to the USA!
They wouldn't be what they are without us.

"Put another steak on the barbie Margerat, Flip's coming over for dinner" ;D
I'll have mine rare please Margaret......

I'll bring some Merlot.... ;D
GreyMatter said:
1. The right to bear arms - the US fought for its independence and embedded the right of arms into their consititution, while it was handed to us free on a platter as a defensive measure against US expansion. 
- Untrue.  The US codified RKBA  which originates as far back as the Magna carta inspired democratic writings in middle aged England.  We have the same rights under common law, but are voluntarily giving them up as time passes by.  You use a right or lose it.

GreyMatter said:
2. Foreign policy - the US has throughout history believed it has the right to 'correct' countries which do not think the same way as they do.  I dont believe Canada has ever 'invaded' another country (I'm sure anti-war groups will dispute this, but there you are...).
- It was the rest of the world who begged and pleaded and coerced the USA into helping with WW1 and WW2.  If you want the USA to return to a policy of economically self-sufficient isolationism, just say so.  Be careful what you wish for.

GreyMatter said:
3. Use of economic and diplomatic power - our country uses its political and economic influence far less agressively and more cooperatively than the US. 
-And far less effectively.  Had we their power, would we be so magnanomous? Doubtful.

GreyMatter said:
4. Respect for the military and military achievements - US citizens, on average, have far greater respect and suppoirt for their military than our population does.
- Maybe that's because a lot of our current population are plastic Canadians, as compared to being real Canadians who have a personal 'Canada First' policy.

GreyMatter said:
... Health care - nuf said.
- Yup.  That's why our Prov Health Care 'Crats send so many of us to the USA when we are sick, right?  And why they have policies regarding limiting expensive procedures for Canadians over 80, right?  And why only Steve Harper waits in a waiting room while the rest of the former Junta get special treatment, right?

GreyMatter said:
...Socialism - a lot of the ways we do things in Canada are regarded as 'communist' in the US.  They only call us 'socialist' to distinguish the bears from teh beavers.
- Are they right?  Are we Communist? 

GreyMatter said:
...Loyalty of entertainers and sports figures - too many of our (former) citizens go to the US because 'thats where the money is', which I dont blame them for doing if thats how you have to earn a living, but then they become US citizens permanently. 
- It's a free country.  Jamaicans, Sri Lankans and Somalis can say the same about us.

GreyMatter said:
...Power of provinces versus states - our provinces have far less influence than a state has in regard to their right to control natural resources that the local populations are dependent on. 
- BNA Act gives resources to the provinces.

GreyMatter said:
...Showing the flag - US citizens are proud to show the flag wherever they are, no matter where they are.  Canadians are far less 'flag-happy'. 
- We are rapidly becoming "Ugly Canadians". Too smug. Too arrogant.

GreyMatter said:
...Popularity among other countries - again, nuf said.
- Everyone hates a winner.  Envy. 

GreyMatter said:
...These are only my observations of course, and not everyone else may agree with them.   Regardless of the differences, I dont think they are enough to jusitify continued villification of a neighbouring country, especially since we are going to be neighbours for a long, long time. 
- We should all agree with you on this.  Who else would you rather have as a neighbour?
...These are only my observations of course, and not everyone else may agree with them.   Regardless of the differences, I dont think they are enough to jusitify continued villification of a neighbouring country, especially since we are going to be neighbours for a long, long time.

We should all agree with you on this.  Who else would you rather have as a neighbour?

Two more steaks on the BBQ Margerat, got 2 more coming for dinner. TCBF and Greymatter, and  Flips bringing over some merlot. One more person and we'll have ourselves a party.  ;D
It's daunting for a kid who's been raised to believe that other countries and cultures deserve respect and understanding.

It would be interesting if you could remember this point in his life, and in ten years ask him if he still feels the same.  Respect and understanding; yes.  Subversion and abasement of the founding principles of this country; no.  The whole multiculturalism myth that we continue to suffer under is shredding this country.  I think that is one area the Americans blow us away.  America first, whatever else second.  However, that is a topic already capably covered elsewhere.
zipperhead_cop said:
It would be interesting if you could remember this point in his life, and in ten years ask him if he still feels the same.  Respect and understanding; yes.  Subversion and abasement of the founding principles of this country; no.  The whole multiculturalism myth that we continue to suffer under is shredding this country.  I think that is one area the Americans blow us away.  America first, whatever else second.  However, that is a topic already capably covered elsewhere.

I wasn't talking about multi culturalism. I was talking about the respect and understanding we have for other countries and cultures in the world. I think it shows particularly in our approach to foreign policy and when we are guests in other countries. America first is exactly the chauvinism I was talking about that no one else is worthy of even considering or learning about, that all that is important is contained within the borders of the US...or your own state.
There's nothing wrong with being an ardent American or Canadian....but understanding that the rest of the world isn't is an important concept that he saw lacking in many that he met.
I wasn't talking about multi culturalism. I was talking about the respect and understanding we have for other countries and cultures in the world. I think it shows particularily in our approach to foriegn policy and when we are guests in other countries. America first is exactly the chavanism I was talking about that no one else is worthy of even considering or learning about, that all that is important is contained within the borders of the US...or your own state.
There's nothing wrong with being an ardent American or Canadian....but understanding that the rest of the world isn't is an important concept that he saw lacking in many that he met.

Well said. I was going to make comment based on my US experiences along these same lines but didn't feel capable of expressing the thought clearly.
Their hypocrisy and "as long as they existed" foreign policies(cover ops, staging coup, political assassination) makes me sick to my stomach. Waging wars in others countries/throwing nuclear bombs(vietnam/iraq/korea/serbia/iran/japan), and at the same time saying you're christian and you're the good guy. That makes me sick. Other than that i like the U.S.A, and i don't think that makes me anti-american, if i would be i'd be anti-canadian, if you can find MAJOR differences between UsA and Canada overall, let me know.

Oh yeahm, we got a Queen(official top ruler of Canada), and they don't. Plus i don't think Harper's GWB's handpuppet, anyone who'd be in his pants would act as nice[canada's top trading traffic country], we need good relations with americans their foreign affairs aren't canadian business afterall and canadian politicians would rather not meddle with it.
The US nuked Iran, Iraq, Korea, Serbia, and Viet Nam?  Was it in the papers?  Never should have let my subscription to The Weekly World News lapse, I guess.
It wasn't on the news much, it happened while Paris Hilton was in jail... :p
SiG_22_Qc said:
Their hypocrisy and "as long as they existed" foreign policies(cover ops, staging coup, political assassination) makes me sick to my stomach. Waging wars in others countries/throwing nuclear bombs(vietnam/iraq/korea/serbia/iran/japan), and at the same time saying you're christian and you're the good guy. That makes me sick. Other than that i like the U.S.A, and i don't think that makes me anti-american, if i would be i'd be anti-canadian, if you can find MAJOR differences between UsA and Canada overall, let me know.

DING DING DING.......and we have a winner of the stupid paragraph of the week contest.

Sig 22.........get a grip on your posts.
Since you have already been in the warning system, next step would be read-only for you.
I caught the jist of what he was saying.  I think the nuke comment was for Japan and the waging wars in other countries was for the rest.  A little incoherent.  Sig, you forgot Germany, Italy and North Africa and Belgium and France.  Damn those Yanks for meddling themselves in WW1 and 2 eh?

There are MAJOR differences between us.  We just have to express them in a more confident , less us vs them attitude.  We have a lot to be proud of, we just need to be proud of the stuff we are/have, not the stuff we think we are not. (Not sure if that came out right or not  :p)
Ya dion will never have my vote. The Librals had thier chance and they blew it. I am happy with our government at the moment. Stephen Harper is doing well in my books. As for the personal attacks. Dion is supposed to be a leader, not a cry-baby. lol. GOOD TOPIC THOUGH
I think the point of this discussion is summed up in a few short sentences.

In life when we have a dispute with our neighbours we can always get up and move to another neighbourhood, but...

1. We can't move Canada
2. We can't move the U.S
3. Whatever you may think of the U.S, it will always be "there". So instead of wasting energy trying to find ways to "lipsmack" them, why don't we find ways to try and get along. I'd admit sometimes they come across as being arrogant, self centred, blah,blah, blah, but we are far better of with them, than we are without them, for so many reasons.

Let me put it another way. Who would you rather have as a neighbour. And please be honest.

1. Russia
2. China
3. Mexico
4. United States

If you chose any of the first three, then clearly you have never lived in Canada, or you have long been isolated from society.
kommando17 said:
Ya dion will never have my vote. The Librals had thier chance and they blew it. I am happy with our government at the moment. Stephen Harper is doing well in my books. As for the personal attacks. Dion is supposed to be a leader, not a cry-baby. lol. GOOD TOPIC THOUGH

Why is it everywhere we look, you have to have an opinion and a senseless one at that...k17 you look like you are babbling. Do yourself a favour and start reading instead of posting.
When I read something written on the left side of the aisle
or perhaps the left-out side I keep seeing this word "hypocrisy"

The only way you can actually believe that is accurate, is if you are confused.
Let me elaborate on my previous point.

The US government consists of three competing and often conflicted arms.
US lobbies consist of grass roots organizations all pulling in different directions.
The US States All have their own competing  interests and I won't go near industrial relations.  ::)

To imagine that this maze of competing interests could form the single minded
intent required for "hypocrisy" is either overt revisionist vilification or just plain

The four great English speaking nations are in many respects like family.
A mother land with three sisters as daughters. Each with their own unique
interconnected history. And for many of us, the the "Americans" are family.

DING DING DING.......and we have a winner of the stupid paragraph of the week contest.
I thank God this wasn't me who got "dinged" ;D

Bye the way, ever live in a house with three sisters? I have  ;)
Ex-Dragoon said:
Why is it everywhere we look, you have to have an opinion and a senseless one at that...k17 you look like you are babbling. Do yourself a favour and start reading instead of posting.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
DING DING DING.......and we have a winner of the stupid paragraph of the week contest.

Sig 22.........get a grip on your posts.
Since you have already been in the warning system, next step would be read-only for you.

What do i win? Saying one's thoughts are stupid is one thing, not pointing out how or why is worst.
I believe i have the right to bear an opinion and respectfully express it on this forum.
If you believe anything i've said is false, or dishonest, or disrespectful i'll be glad to explain it to you.
Bring the ban or bring a smart reply, both are welcomed.

I'm actually serving my country, what about you? (wannabe?)

P.S. And about your ding ding ding sentence, pretty easy to hide in front of your computer screen isnt it?
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