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Canadian President

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If I may.

SIG_22_QC said:
What do i win? Saying one's thoughts are stupid is one thing, not pointing out how or why is worst.
I believe i have the right to bear an opinion and respectfully express it on this forum.
If you believe anything i've said is false, or dishonest, or disrespectful i'll be glad to explain it to you.
Bring the ban or bring a smart reply, both are welcomed.

I'm actually serving my country, what about you? (wannabe?)

P.S. And about your ding ding ding sentence, pretty easy to hide in front of your computer screen isnt it?

I, along with many others on this site, dare you to make any sense out of the following Post.

SIG_22_QC said:
Their hypocrisy and "as long as they existed" foreign policies(cover ops, staging coup, political assassination) makes me sick to my stomach. Waging wars in others countries/throwing nuclear bombs(vietnam/iraq/korea/serbia/iran/japan), and at the same time saying you're christian and you're the good guy. That makes me sick. Other than that i like the U.S.A, and i don't think that makes me anti-american, if i would be i'd be anti-canadian, if you can find MAJOR differences between UsA and Canada overall, let me know.

Oh yeahm, we got a Queen(official top ruler of Canada), and they don't. Plus i don't think Harper's GWB's handpuppet, anyone who'd be in his pants would act as nice[canada's top trading traffic country], we need good relations with americans their foreign affairs aren't canadian business afterall and canadian politicians would rather not meddle with it.

Shake your head!
SIG_22_QC said:
What do i win? Saying one's thoughts are stupid is one thing, not pointing out how or why is worst.
I believe i have the right to bear an opinion and respectfully express it on this forum.
If you believe anything i've said is false, or dishonest, or disrespectful i'll be glad to explain it to you.
Bring the ban or bring a smart reply, both are welcomed.

I'm actually serving my country, what about you? (wannabe?)

P.S. And about your ding ding ding sentence, pretty easy to hide in front of your computer screen isnt it?

Your wish is my command,

And by the way, Bruce served while you were being served your food out of a jar.



edit for spelling and grammar
SIG_22_QC said:
What do i win? Saying one's thoughts are stupid is one thing,...

Although these types of comments are temporarily entertaining, its unfortunate that you Mods give so many warnings but the guy doesnt take the hint. 

Plus it takes the interest out of the whole thread when it gets dragged through the mud...
GreyMatter said:
Although these types of comments are temporarily entertaining, its unfortunate that you Mods give so many warnings but the guy doesnt take the hint.   

Plus it takes the interest out of the whole thread when it gets dragged through the mud...

Not to mention the people that pile on and drag it further off track after we have sorted the problem out. ::)
recceguy said:
Not to mention the people that pile on and drag it further off track after we have sorted the problem out. ::)

Oops... am I doing that?
This thread is just itching to be locked, and hopefully it will happen sooner than later.
....and I scratched that itch. [hiding in front of my screen of course.]
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