Usta spend days and rds on the range under the tutelage of our best shooters. Nothing fancy just practice basic lessons. Some deviations into flavor of the day "Quick kill" comes to mind. worked well on CQR but difficult to master without massive expenditure of time and ammo. Given dearth of bullets and the trg reqts for touchie feelie stuff, we are truly F###ed!
There are a lot of good simulations, VR systems, and motion capture/video overlay technologies that can be used to train personnel without a vast amount of live firing.
I agree there is no true substitute for live fire - but most Grand Master level competitors do a 10:1 (or more) ratio of Dry Fire compared to live.
With the motion capture and video overlay systems, you can analyze and refine techniques that can shave time off pretty much everything - reloads, getting into positions, stoppages, and well when combined with target analysis you can see exactly why some shots went where they did .
Yes those systems are all relatively expensive, but when used properly you aren't needing 100k rounds a year to keep a shooter at tier 1 levels of performance, now 15-20k will do, and that is a significant savings on ammunition, weapons, and maintenance.
I have zero idea on how many rounds a non SOF member shoots these days, but I would guess that you would see a better than 5:1 ratio in performance increase, as I've seen what can be done with some supporters who really aren't shooters.