Trudeau killed it because he believed in only taking UN missions, solely because he wanted the Nobel peace prize, Diefenbaker he didn't go through with the avro arrow, wouldn't arm the RCAF with nuclear weapons, didn't help in the Cuban missile crisis thank god for the commander of the RCN who sent ships. Mulroney someone who said he would rebuild the forces, completely lied, didn't even send a combat ground force to the gulf, who else is there, Cretian the one who finished us off cut budgets and sent us to Afghanistan, with raw uniforms and equipment, Harper the first prime minister in decades to attempt a rebuild of the forces is now backing out of Afghanistan because of domestic pressure. The only reason the public wants us out is because they don't understand the mission.
O'leary actually i didnt inmsult them if you can read i said no offence to the members but great offence to trudeau meaning i was insulting him.