Not sure if this belong here or maybe a new thread?
Assuming that Canada and the US can work out, beneficially for both countries, this latest trade dispute, what are people's thoughts on moving towards a
'Schengen-like' Agreement between Canada and the US?
Personally as someone who grew up on the Windsor/Detroit border and had close family that we'd visit multiple times a month in the days of just showing a drivers license and maybe a birth certificate that was just a small piece of paper, I'd have issues with this. I can see that it potentially should be way to use for individuals in the border cities to cross into Canada with their guns (legal or illegal) and cause complete mayhem.
So the concept of a Schengen situation where you just drive across the border without stopping or showing ID would not work. But, I could see us go to back to where we were pre-9/11 and the ability to show an enhanced drivers license (which we already have in Ontario) that shows your citizenship and no longer have the need to have a passport might be a possibility.
Back over to the potential guns across the border issue. Lets look at a high level between Switzerland and France:
- Land neighbours
- Both member of the Schengen Agreement
- Large difference in population - 9m vs 67m
- Switzerland has the among most liberal gun laws in Europe, France does not
- All eligible Swiss males have their automatic service weapon within their home - French males do not
- Swiss vets can keep their service weapon after they retire - French vets cannot
- Both require licenses to obtain their weapons, in Switzerland there is no specific requirement for a mental health check
- Handgun ownership is allowed in both countries - in Switzerland all guns can be full auto
- Neither have open carry ability - * allowable with a special permit if you work in armed security or have a valid personal security concern
- You can own an AR-15 in Switzerland with a standard mag capacity - you cannot own an AR-15 in France
So, with the above as an initial starting point, it looks on the whole that Switzerland is alot more liberal in gun ownership that France, I mean Swiss vets get to keep their personal weapon when they retire and they can own an AR-15 with a mag capacity of 10, 15 or 20 (whatever 'standard' mag capacity is). With all that being said, there would be nothing stopping a retired Swiss vet to put his personal automatic weapon with a mag capacity of say 20 rounds, into the trunk of his car and drive with it from Bern all the way down to his summer house in Cap Antibes and put it into his closet while he summer and swims in the Med for the whole month of August and then put it back into the trunk of his car on 31 Aug and drive it all the way back to Bern and home. No Swiss or French authority would be any wiser and no one in the French public would be aware that this occurred.