I have to disagree.
Montreal is Canada's original company town. It was founded at the pinch point of La Chine and the confluences of the Ottawa, the St-Laurent and the Richelieu.
York Factory was founded by a couple of French Huguenots who got fed up paying the Montreal tariffs on their furs. They didn't like the taxes the French King was charging on their work so Radisson and Groseilliers went to fellow French Huguenots taking refuge in London and convinced them to finance a new venture under the protection of the King of Scots and England.
York Factory, and the other HBC forts were built expressly to bypass Montreal and deny France the tax revenues on the fur trade. The French objected.
1763 the French lost and a new entity entered the picture. A bunch of greedy Scots allied with the French and established the Northwest Company operating out of Montreal, giving birth to the Golden Square Mile, home of the Trudeaus and McGills among others. That colony prospered and raised the Canadian banks, railways and shipping lines.
1867 and John A MacDonald knits the country together with a railway financed out of Montreal. When he "bought" Ruperts Land he directed the flow of trade through Montreal, to the benefit of the Golden Square Mile and the St Lawrence Valley. That was his National Policy.
The HBC ports competed with that flow. And were allowed to atrophy.
This was to the detriment of the Western Provinces. In the absence of alternative markets they remain what they were intended to be: colonies of Montreal. They would be the hewers of wood and drawers of water, supplying food and raw materials for the smiths and mechanics of the St Lawrence.
The HBC ports are perfectly viable ports, given cargoes of appropriate values. They were viable for the best part of 300 years. They can be viable again. Especially with the advances in technology currently available.
I wouldn't put down the hewers of wood and drawers of water. They pay a lot of your bills. And they can make you a lot of profits in the future which you can invest in other fields of endeavour. And fund a decent security service to protect our assets.