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Britain's Conservatives planning to bring back compulsory national service.

Agreed, the Royals generally set a decent example with regards to military service.

Meanwhile in Norway.


Interesting discussion. From my civilian employment perspective, I could support this idea. I see so many directionless, ill prepared and ill equipped young people every day. I swear, if breathing weren't autonomic some of them would suffocate.
Right now there are probably about 400,000 people turning 18 each year. I doubt enough positions can be found for all of them, and some would be "excused duty" for reasons not necessarily related to severe disability. So some people would get a pass, and some would be f*cked. It wouldn't matter how the latter were chosen; the imposition on them would be deeply illiberal.

Look, I like to pile "f*ck yous" on the upcoming generations as much as the next guy so that they don't get lazy and complacent and fat standing on the shoulders of the Greatest, Silent, and Boomer generations, but we need them to be as productively employed as possible to ensure the federal government can keep me in the style to which I am accustomed as I age.
Well, there would be the medically unfit, those with criminal records, and those who never pass grade ten, among other issues. I wonder if we might start seeing a few more people stop going to class in grade 10 if this were the case. I'm assuming we may have positions picking up garbage along the side of the highway for those with criminal records and/or lack a grade 10 education.
I'm assuming we may have positions picking up garbage along the side of the highway for those with criminal records and/or lack a grade 10 education.
We could use them as ceremonial troops, but you’d probably have to issue deactivated drill purpose rifles, to get around the firearms bans in their probation orders.

Are bayonets and swords controlled ITAR items?
To be fair, it is the historical path for most Royals to spend time in the Armed Forces after Uni.

This is done to not only to give an appearance of having a credible "real job" prior to working for the "Firm" full time, but also to solidify (at least for the line of succession) some air of legitimacy when taking over as Commander-in-Chief.

If the Wales children were to get called up, all the better. Her Late Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh did their bit when they were in their youth, same with most of their children and grand children to varying degrees.

In Canada, should the Bugle sound and we send our children to the fray; I would imagine Xavier Trudeau would be shuffled into some oversight position at faceless armaments factory. One that is "critical to the war effort".

You know, I don't think highly of the royals or the monarchy, in fact I think Canada should ditch them. But you are spot on in this post, credit where credit is due.
Eight months hence:

{Breathless Trudeau speech ON} "A Poliviere led Conservative government will follow in Britain's footsteps and send your children to war. And, and. let me be clear, those who um can't fight and those who stand up for True Canadian values and won't fight in Trump's oil wars or to support the resurgence of British Colonial expansion will be in unpaid work gangs across the country!" [breathless Trudeau speech OFF}.
Eight months hence:

{Breathless Trudeau speech ON} "A Poliviere led Conservative government will follow in Britain's footsteps and send your children to war. And, and. let me be clear, those who um can't fight and those who stand up for True Canadian values and won't fight in Trump's oil wars or to support the resurgence of British Colonial expansion will be in unpaid work gangs across the country!" [breathless Trudeau speech OFF}.
Since current polling in the UK shows Labour leading by between 18-22%, national service has nearly nil chance of coming to pass in the UK. Though I don't doubt Trudeau will try to paint our Tories with this irrespective of the fact that Labour is in power in Westminster.
Interesting discussion. From my civilian employment perspective, I could support this idea. I see so many directionless, ill prepared and ill equipped young people every day. I swear, if breathing weren't autonomic some of them would suffocate.

If you want to see 'directionless and ill prepared', wait until you see a conscript Army in action (or inaction) ;)

There's also the specter of abuse, which is rife in conscript armies.
Well, there would be the medically unfit, those with criminal records, and those who never pass grade ten, among other issues. I wonder if we might start seeing a few more people stop going to class in grade 10 if this were the case. I'm assuming we may have positions picking up garbage along the side of the highway for those with criminal records and/or lack a grade 10 education.
I'd rather see them earning much higher wages (supporting themselves and paying taxes) as roofing crews and tradesmen (for examples of the former and latter).
Interesting discussion. From my civilian employment perspective, I could support this idea. I see so many directionless, ill prepared and ill equipped young people every day. I swear, if breathing weren't autonomic some of them would suffocate.
That problem has to be fixed in the schools. Pointless to try and change habits after they're formed. Canada and its provinces have to get out - and stay out - of the habit of treating symptoms of problems as if they could solve the problems.
That problem has to be fixed in the schools. Pointless to try and change habits after they're formed. Canada and its provinces have to get out - and stay out - of the habit of treating symptoms of problems as if they could solve the problems.
Compulsory Cadet training........

One of my parents grew up in Bulgaria, she learned to strip an AK in school and to march in their parades.
I am dead set against any form of conscription. I have hated where I was and volunteered for it, I can’t imagine how miserable it is when your forced to be there.

I am a big proponent of a carrot method however. Easiest one is stop subsidizing post-secondary unless you join the reserves or regs (or maybe some alternate ‘national service’). Maybe even make it free for those that do so. Otherwise pay your dues and have the same tuition as international students.

The government has no obligation to ensure you get more than high school, if you want support for it, provide something back to the government.