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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Nice! I keep double checking my suitcase making sure I didn't forget anything.. I should be good. And I stocked up on toiletries to last the course ;) gotta love Walmart sales
Lol! I wish there was a Walmart in my middle of nowhere town, would of made shopping so much easier.

Just going for my last workout before I leave now, hard to believe I used to weigh 260lbs lost 30 of them in 5 months.
I hope so. I hate when I over estimate things :p I just can't wait for our first shot at the obstacle course. Oh and the whole field portion :D
Lol yeah same here, gonna be hard for me, coming from being as out of shape as I was, but if it wasn't a challenge then there is nothing To be gained from it :)
Exactly. As long as you remember what it's all for. If we make it last week 5 I think the rest will be a breeze
its all gonna be hard, just because we MAY get to stalk the streets of Montreal after week five, doesn't mean we're gonna have a easy time of it, but we'll be more accustomed to what they want us to do, as well as hopefully having more of a team mentality by that time.
Did the obstacle course yesterday, by far the most fun I've had on he course so far. Good luck guys I'll be near you in the massive mess lines on Saturday.
I heard the instructors warm up to the recruits after a while, that's more what I was meaning. But we may just get a hell platoon...Only time will tell! And see you then Moore, if I'm there for dinner time!
Well I'll have made myself comfortable by then, so ill see you when you arrive! Travel safe everyone and see you tomorrow!

Just looking to find others who are starting on March 30. I'm swearing in on March 13th in Edmonton. I've started a facebook group too, so let me know if you'd like to join and I'll add you.
I start March 30th also. I have my swear in in Chicoutimi, Qc March 10th. Let me know what the facebook page is called and i'll join :))

Looking forward to meet everyone
Do the applicants get paid for BMQ? If Yes, how much per month? Because I am worried that I wont have enough to financially support myself, Thank you?