koko_00 said:Hey i'll be there too for Officer Training. Looking forward to seeing you guys there.
It will be nice to start something new but since i have 2 years reserve infantry training it will be LOTS of boring old skills i already know expecially stupid drill.
Im going Sig O by the way and if you want some tips or have questions (for those new to the military) drop me a line on msn
**********@*** I made mine about 10 years ago too lol
Man with that attitude you are gonna REEK of "OH OH PLEASE SORT ME OUT STAFF, I HAVE ATTITUDE!".
2 WHOLE years of Reserve Infantry time? :

Weapons, nav, teamwork, leadership etc are "boring old skills" that you did for (cough cough) 2 whole years....
Hope that isn't in your 500-word biography ya hand in...just a hint.

I'd be hopin', if I were you, that none of your Crse Staff reads that post...