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BGen Ménard relieved of Afganistan Comd & other fall-outs

Reviving necrothread with the latest:
Standing Court Martial proceedings will begin July 21, 2011,for retired Brigadier-General Daniel Ménard in relation to charges of inappropriate conduct. The charges were initially laid in July 2010 following allegations made in May 2010 while he was the Canadian Forces Task Force Commander in Afghanistan.

Retired Brig.-Gen. Ménard will be tried by Standing Court Martial at the Régiment de Maisonneuve, 691 Cathcart Street, Montréal at 9:30 a.m. on July 21. The Presiding Military Judge will be Lieutenant-Colonel Louis-Vincent d'Auteuil.

Retired Brig.-Gen. Ménard has been charged with two counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline contrary to section 129 of the National Defence Act.

The first charge relates to his alleged inappropriate conduct by engaging in an intimate personal relationship with another member of the Task Force at Kandahar Airfield contrary to Theatre Standing Orders. The second charge relates to alleged attempts by the accused to hinder efforts to find out the facts about that relationship.

These charges replace the charges preferred in November 2010, which were consequently withdrawn in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion by the Director of Military Prosecutions ....
Source:  CF news release, 14 Jul 11
It appears that several charges have been dropped (see below).

NFLD Sapper said:
News Room
Brigadier-General Ménard To Face Court Martial
NR-10.137 - November 23, 2010

OTTAWA – Brigadier-General Daniel Ménard will face a Court Martial in relation to charges of inappropriate conduct.  Charges were laid in July 2010 following allegations made in May 2010 while Brig.-Gen. Ménard was the Task Force Commander in Afghanistan.

Following referral to the Canadian Forces Director of Military Prosecutions (DMP), the charges facing Brig.-Gen. Ménard were reviewed and subsequently brought forward or “preferred” to Court Martial.

The charges facing Brig.-Gen. Ménard are:

■two counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, laid in the alternative, contrary to section 129 of the National Defence Act (NDA), related to alleged inappropriate conduct as outlined in the Canadian Forces Personal Relationships and Fraternization directives; and

■four counts of obstructing justice contrary to section 130 of the NDA, pursuant to section 139(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

The Court Martial Administrator will convene the Court Martial at the first available date and at a location to be determined.

I removed my posts for the events that they were misinterpreted, and as i after realized hard to interperate, which is no ones fault but my own. (I am told i do not elaborate enough on some of my opinions/thought)

So I am publically apologizing to everyone who seen the post and took in in the wrong discression, there was no intention on causing any issues.

And no women were not allowed into combat for Frat.

again my apologies

Jimmy_D said:
And no women were not allowed into combat for Frat.

My Pl Comd was female, as were one of my medics. We saw plenty of combat.
Sythen said:
My Pl Comd was female, as were one of my medics. We saw plenty of combat.

You misinterpreted my comment,

women are not in combat for the purpose of fraternization

Sythen said:
My Pl Comd was female, as were one of my medics. We saw plenty of combat.

I believe Jimmy_D's point you quoted was a correction of a previous assertion of his about the reasoning behind acceptance of women into the combat arms.
Jimmy_D said:
I removed my posts for the events that they were misinterpreted, and as i after realized hard to interperate, which is no ones fault but my own. (I am told i do not elaborate enough on some of my opinions/thought)

So I am publically apologizing to everyone who seen the post and took in in the wrong discression, there was no intention on causing any issues.

And no women were not allowed into combat for Frat.

again my apologies


Too little, too late I'm afraid. I don't think anyone misinterpreted what you said.

You've lost your Mentor badge over the deal, because you don't fit what we expect Mentors to be.

At least you apologized.

We'll move on now, put this behind and continue on with the original thread.

Milnet.ca Staff
Hey, did anybody hear about what happened to the TFK CWO earlier this year ??

He was a... an... in The RCR, wasn't he ??

I guess he did pass a few faults !! Strangely, I can't find any comments about this on the forums here. Is he royally retired now ??
Jungle said:
Hey, did anybody hear about what happened to the TFK CWO earlier this year ??

He was a... an... in The RCR, wasn't he ??

I guess he did pass a few faults !! Strangely, I can't find any comments about this on the forums here. Is he royally retired now ??

Who was it? I might have known, but forgot. Interesting.
Jungle said:
Hey, did anybody hear about what happened to the TFK CWO earlier this year ??

He was a... an... in The RCR, wasn't he ??

I guess he did pass a few faults !! Strangely, I can't find any comments about this on the forums here. Is he royally retired now ??

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

A former military commander who was dismissed from his post in Afghanistan after being accused of having an illicit sexual affair with a subordinate has pleaded guilty to two charges.

Retired Brig.-Gen. Daniel Menard entered the pleas while facing court martial this morning in Montreal.

Menard was charged with two counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, in violation of the National Defence Act.

One charge related to an alleged "intimate personal relationship" with a corporal under his command; the second charge was for allegedly trying to impede a military police investigation into the affair ....
Source:  The Canadian Press, 21 Jul 11
Reports are suggesting defence lawyers are recommending a $7000 fine and a reduction in rank to Colonel.

dapaterson said:
Reports are suggesting defence lawyers are recommending a $7000 fine and a reduction in rank to Colonel.

Since he's out, would the bit in yellow affect his pension?
It should not, as the pension is based on his best five/six years of service.
milnews.ca said:
Since he's out, would the bit in yellow affect his pension?

No.  Pension amounts are based on average pay for five years (usually the last 5 years of your career).  I believe a demotion would be largely symbolic, though it would reduce the amount of his severance pay, which is based on the pay on the date of release.  Looking at the Colonel and BGen pay scales, the difference would probably be about $1100/month (depending on his IPC ); news reports say he released after 25 years, or almost half a year; therefore the difference in his severance pay would be roughly $6300.
I have a piece of paper signed by him at his outgoing rank. I assume it will now be a sought-after collector's item and will be placed on EBay forthwith... ::)
In US military service a reduction from BG to Colonel would be around $1100 a month.Over a person's retirement thats a loss of $13,000 a year.
milnews.ca said:
Since he's out, would the bit in yellow affect his pension?

Likely more of an impact to his ego as he will only be able to market himself as "Col (Ret'd)"...back down with the likes of Col (Ret'd) Drapeau, now.  :'( (not)