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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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What about the heat?  The concussion?  This wasn't a little grenade she fell on.  It was a Nuke! :skull:

Maybe it was just a dream sequence.

You'll all see!  In season 5 all will be revealed!
I still think it's the President and/or Tigh's wife.
First one had those wierd dreams about that cylon guy geing airlock'd.
Second one was always trolling for Tigh to take over power nearly ending up killing everyone.
Crantor said:
What about the heat?  The concussion?  This wasn't a little grenade she fell on.  It was a Nuke! :skull:

It's hollywood...  I guess they were just FAR enough away  ::)
NO NO They werent in Hollywood they were in VANCOUVER  ;D and I say to hell with it... the new Cylon's gonna be Apollo  ::) you ask why? because...I dont know... it just IS  ;D bet you didnt see that one coming  ;)
Trinity said:
It's hollywood...  I guess they were just FAR enough away  ::)

Hollywood?  They were on Caprica weren't they? ;D
MedTech said:
NO NO They werent in Hollywood they were in VANCOUVER  ;D and I say to hell with it... the new Cylon's gonna be Apollo  ::) you ask why? because...I dont know... it just IS  ;D bet you didnt see that one coming  ;)

Hmn, I'm finding hard not to believe you.  A cylon that gets fat...what an ingenious idea.  No one could have guessed that.
OK, here's the deal.  Those "humans" are all really Cylons, and the Cylons are really Borg!
NCC 1701 will come to the rescue.  Kirk, Sulu and don't forget Uhura!  Even Bones and Scotty will be back from the dead to kick some alien butt!
Actually I'm waiting for the cylons to truly reveal themselves by peeling their skin off to show that they are really lizards using humans as food!
So who is going to save Gaeta's proverbial butt once he's up on charges for collaboration?
In the teasers you hear Baltar screaming, "Are you telling me I'm a cylon?" so that tells me he's not one of them as he has the ability to test himself.  

I think the cylon will be Cally. The whole "take her to to executed" scene was a diversion.  Plus, she's already had a baby so the hybrid cylon line continues.  ( I bet they do a fast forward 20 years episode where Hera and Cally's son hook up).      
:eek: REALLY?! they hook up?! DAMNATIONS! I'd bet one day Obi-Wan and Quaigon Jin are gonna swoop down from the Cylon blockade or Caprica tell Cally and Hera's child that they are the new hope for the Republic!! *DRAMATIC STAR WARS THEME* Then the story will be REALLY interesting!!!  ;D Drone Fighters vs Vipers, Battle Stars vs Star Destroyers  not to mention Cylon vs Drones!!!! The JEDIs WILL RULE SUPREME with their army of cloned cylon-human hybrid troopers!!! WOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D :threat: :threat: :threat:
niner domestic said:
So who is going to save Gaeta's proverbial butt once he's up on charges for collaboration?
In the teasers you hear Baltar screaming, "Are you telling me I'm a cylon?" so that tells me he's not one of them as he has the ability to test himself. 

I think the cylon will be Cally. The whole "take her to to executed" scene was a diversion.  Plus, she's already had a baby so the hybrid cylon line continues.  ( I bet they do a fast forward 20 years episode where Hera and Cally's son hook up).     

Thank you.. for pulling the thread back on track...  HOWEVER.. it was an amusing hijack  ;D

1) They put a fat suit on Apollo for the last few episodes..  ok. but what was DEE's excuse...
She looked BIG from a side profile.  Unless she's........ PREGNANT.

2) Apollo - not cylon (though I know you were joking) ... direct blood line to Adama

3) Cally - I think I've stated before..  good possibility but I think not.

Here is what is bothering me.  12 cylons.  We know 6 of them.  They would walk around
new caprica and sit with baltar.  Where are the other 6.  Did they only bring HALF the models
of cylons with them?  You would think other models of cylons would be on the planet ALSO
after the humans were captured??? Or did they tactically HIDE the cylons they knew hadn't been

Infidel-6 said:
Can't be Baltar -- he was in the intial series as the Human that sold Humanity to the Cylons -- He wont be a cylon.
A possibility is that he was killed in the initial attack and they created a new cylon that looked like him.
What if the last few Cylon models followed the 13th tribe to Earth??  Hence the whole one true God concept.  We all bread into the Cylons so that means we're all really Cylons and don't know it!!!  Dun Dun DUN...

Just a thought...

And what was that stuff about "We never talk about them" from Baltar's Ho?

And, wtf is up with the Hybrids?
Hopefully they won;t wreck the show and actually find earth.  For some reason that i can;t understand producers and writters feel the need to end every show with a good feeling and final ending.  Personally i see no need for this.  But the show is far from over and just getting better.
radiohead said:
Hopefully they won;t wreck the show and actually find earth.  For some reason that i can;t understand producers and writters feel the need to end every show with a good feeling and final ending.  Personally i see no need for this.  But the show is far from over and just getting better.

Because... its a Christian based show.  Has to have some happy morals in the end.  ;)

Ok...  TWO things I noticed about the last episode.

1) new cylon???  Was that a new model driving the ship (women in the bath tub)
2) Col Tys wife - did I see her dead on the ground in the infected cylon base ship?  I stopped and
rewound it... i didn't recognize one body as any known model.
Trinity said:
1) new cylon???  Was that a new model driving the ship (women in the bath tub)
2) Col Tys wife - did I see her dead on the ground in the infected cylon base ship?  I stopped and
rewound it... i didn't recognize one body as any known model.
The impression I got was that the woman in the bathtub was one of the final 5.  As for Ty's wife, now you have me wondering.  Luckily I taped it while I was watching so now I will have to go and check that out.
The woman in the tube was a 'Hybrid' and is basically the organic computer/brain running the Base Stars.  Sort of like something out of Dune.