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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

  • Total voters
MedTech said:
muahahahaha Dee is leading the way on the boards!!! :D

With 3 votes?  big lead.
tess also had 3 votes and he's not even on the show  ::)
;D lol yes well... Tess is a special one  ;D maybe they do exist!... human cylons  :o Tess could be one of them!!! :threat:
Although Baltar is never shown as a Cylon, maybe he is becuase he's the only one with the headgames going on with Six. What a way to go if you're insane??!!
Gaspasser said:
Although Baltar is never shown as a Cylon, maybe he is becuase he's the only one with the headgames going on with Six. What a way to go if you're insane??!!

Yes, but SIX had headgames with Baltar.. that was shown in a previous episode (reverse of what you said).

Original Battlestar Baltar was bad.. but human.
If Baltar WAS a sleeper agent.. they'd have just killed him in the opener this season
and replaced him with another cylon who would follow orders. 
Hmmm, yes, good point.  I stand corrected. So how do you explain the "headgames" going on with Six?  Or did she become his conscience?
Gaspasser said:
Hmmm, yes, good point.  I stand corrected. So how do you explain the "headgames" going on with Six?  Or did she become his conscience?

When six was on Caprica with other cylons, she had visions of Baltar haunt her.. just like Baltar has
visons of six haunt him whereever he went.
Trinity said:
When six was on Caprica with other cylons, she had visions of Baltar haunt her.. just like Baltar has
visons of six haunt him whereever he went.

A Cylon Peer-to-peer connection, maybe ?  ;D
Here's a question. Which popular character is most likely to die this season?

In my opinion, my favourite, Chief is going to die.

I love the series though, haven't missed an episode since I watched the first episode of season 1.
ClaytonD said:
Here's a question. Which popular character is most likely to die this season?

In my opinion, my favourite, Chief is going to die.

I love the series though, haven't missed an episode since I watched the first episode of season 1.
Dunno... see.. they didn't kill the chief but they took his wife (to be killed)

I want to think the chief is a cylon.. but he reproduced!?!? 
BUT.. that's now also possible for human/cylon reproduction as we know
SO... maybe they have a little cylon baby and we don't know it.  Mommy
would have killed it (like she's killed other cylons) but will dad (chief)

He's already fallen in love with one cylon.. why not two!?

How's that for having a bad day!
Looking forward to Saturday.  We have a BSG soiree chez moi on Saturday night for it.  Preable:  DVD version of the original series.  Our geek hats are on tight...  :D

    Can't see Galen (sp.) (the Chief) being a Cylon, there's way too much anger in him.  Plus he's an insurgent.  Kalle was taken only because of him and she was released by one of the NCP cops before the shooting started.  It'll be good to see who survived the graveside massacre. 
    Have the producers and writers been taking notes from Bosnia and Iraq / Afgan?????  Seems the storyline is turning towards the "other" sides point of view of insurgency and war. Seems we have a different opinion of things when the shoe is on the other foot.
    My 0.02 worth
Gaspasser said:
    Can't see Galen (sp.) (the Chief) being a Cylon, there's way too much anger in him.  Plus he's an insurgent.  Kalle was taken only because of him and she was released by one of the NCP cops before the shooting started.  It'll be good to see who survived the graveside massacre. 
    Have the producers and writers been taking notes from Bosnia and Iraq / Afgan?????  Seems the storyline is turning towards the "other" sides point of view of insurgency and war. Seems we have a different opinion of things when the shoe is on the other foot.
    My 0.02 worth

my answer.. no one died

the OTHER resistance people took the robots out from behind...

I think Jammer tipped off someone.. but that doesn't make sense cause he set Callie free.
But somehow.. someone takes out the Cylon bots.
Trinity said:
my answer.. no one died

the OTHER resistance people took the robots out from behind...

I think Jammer tipped off someone.. but that doesn't make sense cause he set Callie free.
But somehow.. someone takes out the Cylon bots.

That would explain the Previews showing Laura being alive.
Hmm, (scrathes head) nice theory.  If so, then Jammer got Kalle out of there just in case the others didn't make it in time? Or, a few caught some bullets, "red shirts" who had nothing to do with the story.  I don't think any of the BSG crew are Cylons because then they could draw in the fighters and the show would be over. The Cys are probably amoung the population and haven't been identified to us (the viewer) yet. Felix can't be a Cy as he is the one from Baltar's office who is tiping off the resistance.

no..  if we have a cylon who's working FOR the resistance..... Sharon!

anything is possible.
I have to honesty tell you that Sharon screws me up.  Like a yo-yo, she's changed her allegience four (?) times and now she'll be leading the resistance against the Cylons.  What'll happen if she's captured and reprogrammed? Or killed and reborn with all the knowledge of the Human's whereabouts and Adama's tactics?
"Oh,the horror"
The good thing is, it'll make for great Sci-fi TV this winter and pump up the ratings.  Luckily I tape it just in case I miss that night or miss something said.
"All hail space!"
I am so looking forward to tonights episode...The plan had Galactica going back and Pegasus staying with the fleet but the previews have Sharon saying 2 Battlestars have jumped in. Way to go Lee!! It didn't make any sense to split such a small force to begin with and if you did to send the older, less capable ship back for the fight.

This show is damned addictive.