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Basic Training Question

Stacked said:
Thanks for this post BulletMagnet. I'll keep what you said here in mind, and remember NOT to bring any lady speed stick :rofl: .

My uncle actually uses Secret and has for years.  He forgot his own deodorant on a trip once, and used his wife's.  He found it worked better than anything he'd ever tried before.  When traveling with his best friend after making the change to Secret, his friend obviously made fun of him upon discovering the women's deodorant in his travel bag.  My Uncle swore it was the best deodorant he'd ever used, convinced his friend to just try it, and his friend is now too a convert. 

Moral of the story is don't knock ladies deodorant boys.
How about a duplicate toothbrush but in a new package? Obviously I can't use it unless its open.

Not just toothbrush but overall any hygiene or whichever items that are in a package, is still is that allowed? Or does it always have to be one item of each?


BulletMagnet said:
As an Instructor at CFLRS I can say that what is in your personal box is up to you. If you want an electric toothbrush then have but I can and will go through your personal box at will on inspection to ensure that no contraband is in it. If you have duplicate kit for hygiene and it is in your personal box I WILL lose my mind as you are told that all the hygiene that is in your locker layout will be used by you.

I currently have a candidate who is now using lady speed stick for deodorant as his little smart a** joke backfired. And yes I check to ensure he is using it.

*EDIT* If you can manage to hide the duplicate kit ensure you occasionally use what is in your locker, we are not stupid and we do check little things like say toothpaste level etc etc ;)
This has got to be the stupidest thread I've ever seen.

Advice - GET used to a manual toothbrush!! You can't plug the f&&&in thing in out in the boonies.

BulletMagnet is correct...we've seen almost all kinds of tricks....so don't try to hide  it.

And if you don't know the answer, don't post. Having said that I will attempt to follow my own advice.
Just buy one Manual toothbrush. It's not hard to keep it clean, and it rarely gets checked anyway. Having duplicate kit is not even worth it. it takes no time at all to keep your stuff clean. Plus you save space and don't disobey a direct order about ghost kits. Just remember to take the piece of paper towel out of the shaving cream before inspection.

The direction you are given is one of each item has to be in your locker, used as per usual, and clean for inspection. Don't make things harder then they really are.

My opinion....
cnobbs84 said:
I have not gotten my job offer yet. However I guarantee the CFRC would provide a list of things needed at basic. They are specific in their lists so if it says tooth brush bring a normal tooth brush. If you don't think that they would sell an electric toothbrush in the canex it is a safe bet your not supposed to have one.
Granted this is only my logical educated guess.

LOL Thats the same as saying that if the army wanted you to have a family they would have issued you one.

Listen man, youre not going to fail basic training for having an electric tooth brush, and if they gie you shit over it, so be it. Basic is just a game, you go through the 14 weeks and not fail a test or piss off your staff you pass, have a nice day.