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Awaiting the "offer"


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Call me anxious but.....I'm just curious about this stage of the game. I believe I am in the stage where my file is in a sort of "green light" position, that is, the medical, interviewing, record checks...the whole shooting match is good to go. There are a unknown number of positions open in my trade (as of Friday, Dec 8) and as far as I can tell I am just waiting for a phone call. Anybody care to elaborate on this stage? Who is doing what with my file at this point in time?
were you told that you've been officially "merit listed"? I actually got a call from the recruiting center telling me this...now I"m waiting for the positions I applied for to open up in April...but I'm pretty sure you need to be merit listed in the national database of eligible applicants before any job offer can come through. Good luck though!
If you are curious, then phone the recruiting centre to get a status update.  In my case, I never got "the call" because I beat them to it by about 45 minutes!  File manager was working on my file and about to phone me.  :D
It took me approximately a month between my interview and receiving my job offer. Hang in there, it's totally worth it!

I'm reporting to base for BMQ on Saturday!
Thanks folks....Alex, you must be excited, the countdown is on brother! Hmmm, yeah there is that "merit list" I keep hearing about, I'm now thinking that this is the stage I'm at, waiting to be merit listed, makes sense. I did get the medical back from RMO a few weeks back, it was all confirmed last Monday (Dec 4) by my MCC. He told me I should hear something in the next couple weeks. Patience is a virtue, guess I will have to get some, lol

Another thing I wondered and has been covered to some extent, BMQ must be loaded according to the subsequent trade course scheduling too. I mean how often do these trade courses run? Mine, for example, takes 6 months. Will my start date for BMQ be determined by the starting date of the trade course?  Hmmmmm.
So wait, you guys have got absolutely every part of the application process out of the way, and now you're just waiting for April when they get their numbers in for how many they can hire for each position?

I'm wondering because I'm currently waiting for April as well, to get into infantry, which is convenient anyway since my semester ends in April.

Now I'm wondering if I should be applying now, or waiting for April...I was told by my recruiting office to wait, but now I'm not so sure.

Hi Apollo55

Your situation is different.

We applied when they had open positions back in November, for my and forumdood007, there are still open positions. Forumdood007 is done all the steps ( Aptitude test, medical, interview, backcheck etc)  just waiting for his offer and I am in the middle of my application process.

If a trade is full, most of the time, they will not start processing your application, and that's the case with infantry.
Apollo55 not all trades are closed, only the combat arms that I'm aware of, so other trades are still receiving job offers. You may be waiting for a while longer as people have been lining up to get into infantry for a few months now. They may open the trade come April, but given that a large number of people are already merit listed and waiting it will be very competitive. If it's something you are set on you may as well apply now and get in line. Even if the trade is full I believe they will still take your application, it's just that applications for open trades will take priority over yours.

As for when they send you to BMQ I believe you are sent fairly soon after the application process is wrapped up, even if your trades training doesn't line up after BMQ as you can get put on PAT (Personnel Awaiting Training) platoon until the next course runs. Depending on what trade you're in and how often they run the Ql3's for it you could be on PAT platoon for a couple of months.

I'm no recruiter but that's what I've picked up browsing the threads around here.
How long would one usually be on a merit list for a priority trade before being made an enrolment offer...
i finished everything, finally, in mid december and got the call last friday for an job offering, signals operator. so about a month, although it may have taken long because of the holidays.

either way, BMQ on the 1rst of march, heck ya!
So two months from offer to BMQ...Were you offered a signing bonus for sig op...
Apollo55 - I'd suggest, based on what I was told by the recruiting center, to apply and go through the whole process as soon as you can for the simple fact that when positions open up in April, individuals who are merit listed and have the highest scores are selected first - it's not about how long you've been waiting to get into the trade - it's all about the military potential score you get based on your aptitude test, interview etc. They move from the top down when choosing applicants - so it can't hurt to get the ball rolling now...on the other hand if you feel confident that you'll score well on everything and be among the top applicants then waiting another month or two could be an option - but given that problems/issues with medical clearance, security clearance and background checks can occur it seems like common sense to me to start now...I know for myself things were delayed by a month because I had to undergo additional allergy testing before my medical was cleared...I've heard other people who had to sort out credit check issues...this is all just based on my own experience, so take it with a  grain of salt, but the early bird usually gets the worm, or at least a better shot at it.

the signing bonus was not discussed, i'm going to assume this is covered when i actually sign the contract in a months time.
tsokman said:
So two months from offer to BMQ...Were you offered a signing bonus for sig op...

I swore in on 6 January, 2010 and signed my contract - 4 years, NCM Signals Operator - there was never a mention of any sort of bonus at any point in time during the application or enrollment process nor on the job offer/contract.
I am currently unfamiliar with the situation with the Sig Op Trade, but I can mention a couple of facts:

1.  Is there even an current offer of a "Signing Bonus" for Sig Op?

2.  To qualify for such a "Signing Bonus" you will have to be already qualified as a Sig Op by:
      a.    Previous Service as a Sig Op; or
      b.    be a currently Serving Sig Op Reservist doing a CT.

3.  Someone joining the CF, right off the street, is not likely to meet the criteria of being "Skilled" in this Trade.
George Wallace said:
I am currently unfamiliar with the situation with the Sig Op Trade, but I can mention a couple of facts:

1.  Is there even an current offer of a "Signing Bonus" for Sig Op?

2.  To qualify for such a "Signing Bonus" you will have to be already qualified as a Sig Op by:
      a.    Previous Service as a Sig Op; or
      b.    be a currently Serving Sig Op Reservist doing a CT.

3.  Someone joining the CF, right off the street, is not likely to meet the criteria of being "Skilled" in this Trade.

I'm uncertain if there are any current signing bonuses for Sig Ops as well, as I said, I never heard mention of any, but my exposure is minimal. Anecdotally, it seems that recruiting for Sig Ops is going pretty well, so they may not/no longer have a need for signing bonuses. Your description of eligibility makes a whole lot of sense though, will just have to inquire further down the line in due time.
I thought I read somewhere that sig ops were offered a bonus of $20 000 which may have changed.  Is there such a thing for LCIS Techs...
tsokman said:
I thought I read somewhere that sig ops were offered a bonus of $20 000 which may have changed.  Is there such a thing for LCIS Techs...

It's called a "recruiting incentive", and the list of trades eligible changes frequently.  Call the Recruiting Centre and ask if LCIS Tech currently qualifies for a recruiting incentive.  Be aware you require a community college diploma in electronics technology as a minimum, IF the trade is offering recruiting incentives.  You may not get $20K - you might only get $10K as there are criteria that have to be met to be eligible for the full $20K.