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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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NINJA said:
You might get into a situation, like myself and a few other Pte's in the sqn, who hold their QL5's and POM's yet don't recieve spec pay. While there are new remustered cpl's coming in from Borden who do get spec. We are more qualified and trained, yet recieve alot less pay.  :-X

Only Cpl's receive spec pay...period.  You aren't in the CF long enough to get your Cpls, the CF doesn't see a reason you deserve spec pay. 

These Cpls who are remusters have already been Cpls before...you don't think they should get more pay than you, being they already earned their rank and you didn't?  Shake your head.  They also don't get spec pay until they get their 5s, just like everyone else.
Eye In The Sky said:
Only Cpl's receive spec pay...period.  You aren't in the CF long enough to get your Cpls, the CF doesn't see a reason you deserve spec pay. 

I'm not saying pte's should recieve spec.

These Cpls who are remusters have already been Cpls before...you don't think they should get more pay than you, being they already earned their rank and you didn't?  Shake your head.  They also don't get spec pay until they get their 5s, just like everyone else.

I don't see how cpl's who earned their rank and 5's in another, non-spec, trade get their spec as soon as they remuster to AVN or AVS.
NINJA said:
I don't see how cpl's who earned their rank and 5's in another, non-spec, trade get their spec as soon as they remuster to AVN or AVS.

They don't.
Eye In The Sky said:
Don't dislike me for being honest.  I don't have much respect for people who use the CF, as I have dedicated my life to it and all that its about, just like my father did for 28 years. 

Thank you for being honest.  And I agree with you 100%

pfl, you must understand that there is a difference between you and someone who dedicates their life not only to a job, but to a CAUSE.  Your motivation is different, not necessarily wrong, but insulting to those who have more altruistic reasons for joining the CF.  If you do join with your current plan, I would suggest you keep mum about your plan to "hit and run".  You will find most members dislike that idea.
As I said earlier in this very same thread, I love this country as much as everyone else here. If you come to Montreal and pass by my house you'll probably see the only Canadian flag in all of Quebec flying proudly outside. I want to get into the CF for nationalistic reasons as well as to challenge and advance myself. Does a person have to devote their entire adult life, 25, 30 years before you will stand by them on a battlefield?

If I was some 18 year old single guy I wouldnt have the same type of questions or goals with my life, but if you read the title of this thread you would see that its quite different from that. Should I make a 12 year commitement and then have my family destroyed because they cant handle military life? So far I've gotten as much info as humanly possible regarding the military lifestyle, and my wife is as excited about this new time in our lives as I am, shes even down with moving to Cold Lake lol. I'm no idiot though, lets see where we stand after 5 years eh?
Don't worry about your motivation for joining.... there are plenty of folks walking around in uniform who joined on a whim and picked their trade on the next whim.  I have no idea what motivated my peers to join, and I don't care. 

Your performance at work will tell us all that we need to know about you as a member of the CF.  People don't walk around on the flight line talking about saving the world.  We're here to generate serviceable aircraft and components; to support flight operations.  Your point of view and beliefs will determine who you socialize with outside of work...  your work ethic and ability to safely perform your job will build your reputation with your peers and supervisors.

Good luck and enjoy your time in uniform, no matter how long it lasts.

Oh man I'm so psyched to get signed up its sick  :threat:

I plan to hold off until January, even though I know it may take up to 12 months to get in, I also know it could be as soon as a month and I would like to spend the holidays w/ my family. The wait is killing me
Ok Mr. Negativity, I can sympathize w/ their families, and am well aware of the sacrifices made throughout a CF career by all parties involved. Since you seem to be such an ass, I'll put it to you bluntly, for the next 5 years minimum I may not have this luxury, and even if I do I may be stationed somewhere off in the Arctic, so I'll take advantage of my current situation while I still can. Don't hate, makes you seem petty. Did you not have a good home life or something growing up? :'(
pfl said:
Ok Mr. Negativity, I can sympathize w/ their families, and am well aware of the sacrifices made throughout a CF career by all parties involved. Since you seem to be such an ***, I'll put it to you bluntly, for the next 5 years minimum I may not have this luxury, and even if I do I may be stationed somewhere off in the Arctic, so I'll take advantage of my current situation while I still can. Don't hate, makes you seem petty. Did you not have a good home life or something growing up? :'(

All I said was so would the troop deployed this year, last year, etc...and from that, you got your knickers in a knot?  I say it like it is, you don't seem to be able to handle that and call me names and ask me about my home life?  To answer your question, I can be an ***, just like anyone else, and my home life was that of a kid who grew up with a father who was aircrew on an ASW platform during the Cold War and was away alot.  I joined when I was 18, 6 years after he got out after 29 years of service.  Answer your question?

You might want to consider that lots of people on this forum have been deployed, missed ALL kinds of family events, etc.

So far, your posts here come off as "its all about me" and I'm calling you on it.  Get used to it, I guess is my advice.  You are supposed to be joining a group of people who serve Canada, yet so far it seems like you want Canada to serve you.

If all you can do is the playground name-calling replies to my posts, please take it to PMs, and I will be glad to reply.
pfl said:
I plan to hold off until January, even though I know it may take up to 12 months to get in, I also know it could be as soon as a month and I would like to spend the holidays w/ my family. The wait is killing me

Just sign up already!  Even if you sign up now you will still have the Holidays with your family!  You don't go from BMQ straight to KAF.....  Some might think the military is run like a prison, but you do get breaks over the holidays, especially if you are at a training establishment.

pfl said:
I'll put it to you bluntly, for the next 5 years minimum I may not have this luxury, and even if I do I may be stationed somewhere off in the Arctic, so I'll take advantage of my current situation while I still can.

Stationed somewhere off in the Arctic?  Did I miss something?  Other than Alert what stationing are you talking about?  Last time I heard families were permitted in Yellowknife!

Dolphin_Hunter said:
You don't go from BMQ straight to KAF..... 

Stationed somewhere off in the Arctic?  Did I miss something?  Other than Alert what stationing are you talking about?   Last time I heard families were permitted in Yellowknife!
From what I've been told by different people the bus departs straight from St. Jean to Borden, no?

As for the Arctic I was talking about Cold Lake, kind of a joke there ;D
Eye In The Sky said:
I say it like it is, you don't seem to be able to handle that and call me names and ask me about my home life?  To answer your question, I can be an ***, just like anyone else, and my home life was that of a kid who grew up with a father who was aircrew on an ASW platform during the Cold War and was away alot.  I joined when I was 18, 6 years after he got out after 29 years of service.  Answer your question?

You might want to consider that lots of people on this forum have been deployed, missed ALL kinds of family events, etc.

So far, your posts here come off as "its all about me" and I'm calling you on it.  Get used to it, I guess is my advice.  You are supposed to be joining a group of people who serve Canada, yet so far it seems like you want Canada to serve you.

If all you can do is the playground name-calling replies to my posts, please take it to PMs, and I will be glad to reply.
As for you, kind sir, every post of yours that I see on these boeards is you dumping on some noob. So I'm not yet a true blue CF member. Because you have a family history with this, do you feel you're any better than your fellow CF members?

"Its all about me" at this stage of the game, it kind of is, no? Its a different story when I get in, if hope to g-d I get accepted, but until then, why would I even be on these boards if I was to just blindly rush into this? Why, in another thread on milnet one guy was complaining how he had recieved a pay-cut when he had signed documentation guaranteeing him higher wages, therefor he was able to restore his pay eventually to its previous status. Would you tell him hes a scumbag for holding on to that documentation? C'mon bro, you know the answer to that. :salute:
pfl said:
From From what I've been told by different people the bus departs straight from St. Jean to Borden, no? 

You still get time off during the hollidays. Or did you just decide to ignore that part of the man's post ?

Even if the bus does leave right away, what's the big deal?  You live in Montreal so most likely you will be driving yourself to Borden (if you want your car there), and as it has been posted your family can follow you. 

So while you are away on Basic you will get to see your family on weekends (after week 4 or whatever the freedom week is now), then your family can join you in Borden, they will also follow you on your next posting.

You are in a much better position than most personnel who join the forces.  Your family is going to be close to you for most of your training time.

Believe me, I am well aware that I will be extremely lucky in that, after week 4, I will be able to see my wife and son on weekends (as long as everythings moving smoothly w/training). What of the young mother or father from BC who can hope for no more than a webcam or something, right? I can appreciate that and am thankful.

As for my family joining me on my first posting after Borden, would that even make sense? Isn't when I would go off to a training squadron for only something like 1 month?
      I am not quite sure what you refer to as a training squadron. All your training as an AVN tech will be done in Borden. People leaving St. Jean will likely be boarding a bus the day after their grad. Some have left the same day. If you are taking your car to Borden, you will likely have a few days to get there and report. I am not too familiar with the procedure of getting yourself a PMQ since St. Jean (BMQ) to Borden is a non-IRP move as far as I know, however most people I knew during my stay at CFSATE applied for one after they got there and had their families and effects arrive later on. Until they arrive you will be put into the shacks with sep expense and free R and Q. You will have a bit of a wait for your course that could be weeks or months and being on PAT platoon you will have a fair bit of time to get your families living situation arranged. They will give you some relocation leave to get settled as well.
      As far as spending time at a training squadron, not so much in the last while. Perhaps you are thinking of out of town taskings that they often give to people with the longer wait times for course. They are generally a good go. I spent four months in Cold Lake doing WASF duties while awaiting my POET training. If you are not so keen on that, there were generally more single people volunteering so they could get a change in scenery. (Spend long enough in PAT platoon you will understand what I mean) That said, if they select you to go "I have a wife and kids here" will generally not be a valid reason to get out of it. There were a few OJT positions for PATS at some bases out of town and some at 400 Squadron in Borden, but they were few and far between. Most taskings out of town were not trade related.
      So to sum it up, yes it would make sense to have your family join you. You are probably looking at spending a year in Borden MINIMUM.
I spent four months in Cold Lake doing WASF duties while awaiting my POET training.

4 months?? I wanted to shoot myself after one rotation.

pfl, you should just join already, from the Air Force perspective it's generally a good go. I couldn't imagin doing anything else right now or being stuck in some crappy civy office cubicle. If you end up in an operational squadron you get to travel alot, although some places are better than others.  :D You get a steady paycheck, an above average salary and all the sunshine that a Cold Lake winter can offer. Also, I would like to point out that I'd take a posting to Yellowknife in a second.
Ya Ninja I get where you are coming from. We were actually doing Maple Flag gate duty in 06 when Flag was actually a "big" event. The 5 days off after each shift schedule generally spent on Whyte Ave in Edmonton made it easy to cope.
    On a positive note, it introduced me to the place that would become my new home two years later. After four months, I quite like it here. And no I don't have a quad nor do I hunt/fish. With my place backing on to the woods and quad trail, I hear and see quads so much that they annoy me much more than the jets ever could. After spending time in Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg last week I was quite happy to return to a place where people do not drive like idiots. Maybe it is the so-called Cold Lake curse but I cannot see myself being able to move back to a large city. It is what you make of it and not that bad. But that is just my opinion!

    Sunshine. Cold Lake Winter. Do those words go together or is that sarcasm at its best?  I heard it gets very dark ;D
pfl said:
As for you, kind sir, every post of yours that I see on these boeards is you dumping on some noob.

Kind of shooting yourself in the foot there, aren't you?

Because you have a family history with this, do you feel you're any better than your fellow CF members?
