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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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Hi everyone,

I was in this trade a while ago back in 2012 but I had to leave due to family issues and I didn't even finish BMQ. Now I'm looking at reapplying and I want to make sure I know enough for my interview. Now I read this post:

ACISS Core - radio operators, set up antennas, and radios plus drive CP/RRB vehicles, can do some IT stuff - this is what Sig Ops are now called
ACISS IST - help desk stuff, and do ACISS Core stuff as required. - stuff Sig Ops and some LCIS Techs did
ACISS CST - broken kit comes to them, they will either fix it, or have it sent off for repairs, make coax cables, inspections, etc - this is what LCIS Techs are now called
ACISS LST - run phone lines, climb polls, do inspections and set up various services in garrison - this is what Linemen are now called

I love the idea of ACISS Core, this is what I want out of this trade. I currently work at a help desk and could do IST but It's not my first choice (I realize in the end we don't have a choice and we need to do what our unit needs). Generally I would like to stay as a ACISS Core but I doubt that will ever happen as my potential unit would need me to specialize into one of the three specialization. I would also think that with Specializing would also come a pay increase that I would miss if I even could stay as a ACISS Core.

So I guess what I'm trying to ask is: Is it even possible to stay as an ACISS core and if so are you penalized for not specializing? However I say this now and my natural progression through the trade I will probably want to specialize by the time it is available to me. However at this moment ACISS Core seems the most appealing to me by far.

Thank you for reading my post I look forward to your answer
If you want Core, you'll probably get it.

No one knows whether you're penalized for not specializing, as we've been waiting 2 years on a spec pay decision. Core is "supposed" to be promoted faster, but I feel the only reason that's happening now is its so far undermanned while IST/LST are at or over manning capacity, slowing promotions.
If you want Core, you'll probably get it.

No one knows whether you're penalized for not specializing, as we've been waiting 2 years on a spec pay decision. Core is "supposed" to be promoted faster, but I feel the only reason that's happening now is its so far undermanned while IST/LST are at or over manning capacity, slowing promotions.

That's exactly the information I wanted,

Thank you very much for your quick response
Dukereuchre said:
That's exactly the information I wanted,

Thank you very much for your quick response

There's a few ACISS floating around the boards, and also a very large thread with a lot of information. Read through there, and if you have more questions that arent covered don't hesitate to ask. I'd rather someone join the trade with eyes-wide-open, than seeing maybe only a fraction of what we do from a recruiting pamphlet.
aahenry said:
I fully understand what you are saying but there has to be a point where as an individual you draw the line. Since I have been in the Military, it has been a "make it work" attitude and when you complain about lake of resources weather it is man power or resources you get the "don't like it , get out" People need to feel valued instead of being taken for granted all the time. Pay raises and promotions is a why of valuing a persons work and abilities. I am being paid as spec Cpl maxed out a lvl 4. I have been promoted to MCpl but my pay is frozen. If they decided to stop spec pay, I will not see a pay raise until I reach the rank of WO. Do you think that is fair, that I take on the extra responsibility without a pay raise. There is no other business that I could think of where the work force would accept that. I feel the reason that people have the attitude of "its not my job" in the ACISS trade is because they are in the same position as I am and feel screwed over. If TB decides not to give us spec pay, it would be based on our job description and AOR. I would really like to know how my AOR has changed from LCIS to ACISS that would deny me spec. I guarantee that I will still be expected to do all the things I did as an LCIS tech regardless of what they call me now.

I am kind of in the same boat, currently a MCpl with Cpl 2 Spec 1 pay with more then a few Cpl 4 spec 1s working for me. I know its frustrating, pretty much all the techs from my old unit promoted and posted out, into new units where they have a few Cpl 4 lifers, and its ok they want to stay that way, its not their fault they make more, the system is out of wack, and from where I sit, I am not hearing any updates at all. I check this thread every few weeks because if I dont, I wont hear anything about the trade or what is going on. To me that is more frustrating then actually having pay frozen. Its one thing to freeze a persons pay because paperwork has to be done, however to freeze that pay, and just a) avoid the question at Sigs town halls, b) "we dont know yet, minute we do you will" or my favorite c) "Spec pay will not be discussed at this time"

The last update I recieved was in April or so, I posted it here, saying that the TB was looking at it that month, Apr or May, its now end of Oct, and I have not heard of any update.

Was there anything said at the Sigs Birthday week in Kingston?

and Beadwindow, the minute you see the ppwk that actually says what each of our respective AORS are for this amalg, I would be interested to see it. If anything, I have easily started doing all three within a month long period, going from pulling cable one day, fixing radios/routers/switches and network management a week later.  Agreed, yeah if ya can fix something, do it, have a look at least to point that person/member looking for help in the right direction. aahenry is right from another point of view, whats the point of having three trades, three types of "specialists" if they arent being utilized properly with regards to their training.
upandatom said:
...I am not hearing any updates at all. I check this thread every few weeks because if I dont, I wont hear anything about the trade or what is going on. To me that is more frustrating then actually having pay frozen. Its one thing to freeze a persons pay because paperwork has to be done, however to freeze that pay, and just a) avoid the question at Sigs town halls, b) "we dont know yet, minute we do you will" or my favorite c) "Spec pay will not be discussed at this time"

The last update I recieved was in April or so, I posted it here, saying that the TB was looking at it that month, Apr or May, its now end of Oct, and I have not heard of any update...

No one is keeping anything from anyone.

Spec pay for the occupations is in review.  It is still at DPPD subject to TB and CDS approval.  That is all the info we have.  The Branch has no more power to affect the decisions or timelines of the review then you or I do (they just don't know).

Until such time as a recommendation is made to TB and the CDS approves we will be in the dark.  It's frustrating to wait when you're in a hurry but we'll just have to have patience.  Unfortunately the Gov't moves at a glacial pace (but at least they are conducting a comprehensive review) and the Branch is all over the issue.  Anything you'll need to know will be pushed down by the CoC and will be immediately smeared all over this board I'm sure.
In my case it's hard to miss what you never had, but I feel for the folks that took a pay deduction (yes I did say deduction) with promotion due to the freeze.
Something I've noticed in the last two years are more people switching to IST within the brigade (or at least attempting to) because 1.1's were readily available and because they looked at some of the things going on with the mod monkeys and on the LRC side of things and went, "Fuck that."  The same has definitely happened on the Line side of the house as well.  It isn't too hard to be put in an OJT position for a job you want because of ACISS so a lot of guys who went in as strictly sig ops or core are seeing things they don't like and are swapping over to any of the other options available.

I disagree with the sentiment because I like what I do (HCLOS and TSS) but it seems like a small trend to me.

I did take the IST 1.1 because I wanted a better understanding of what happened behind the scenes with the kit I use but I was pretty disappointed in the end because the course didn't really go outside anything you could learn networking wise on a TSS course.
I haven't seen too much of that myself, however I do know personally that if you were in a position that was tied to IT; anyone with anything to do with career management and/or ACISS implementation was blathering on that you'd be a fool not to go IST because IST was going to be the high speed low drag trade that was going places and would definitely rolling in the spec pay.

I started out saying no thanks, I'll stay core.

But after the 10th WO-CWO or Major told me I was a fool, I figured, well I'm just a MCpl they ought to know better than me, they are supposed to be mentoring me right?

So I bought the BS that I could go back to Core any time I wanted if IST didn't work out.

I'm now 5 MOIs with no promotion, while my peers that stayed core are going to be on their 2nd PER as a Sgt. DPPD still hasn't submitted the spec pay request to higher yet, and probably never will.

So I'm kicking myself now for not trusting my own intuition, I'd be very surprised to hear that others are transferring to this purgatory as well at this late date.

Yeah yeah, I know, I'm responsible for my own career, but I feel I should still be allowed to be a bit bitter about the horrible advice given to me by a whole hell of a lot of people that should have known better.

Oh, and the Career managers couldn't spare the TD budget to visit Atlantic Canada again this year, so the local Sigs Sqn CO offered to pay for it out of his budget, then just a little while ago they cancelled, not rescheduled, cancelled because of some other conference.

Way to show the troops you give a shit about their welfare.
With very few exceptions, career managers aren't travelling anywhere this year.  Visits will be done by VTC, with the CMs in their cubicles in Ottawa.  That will become the new normal, as a way to reduce TD expenditures.

Note that the change is for everyone, not only ACISS.
dapaterson said:
With very few exceptions, career managers aren't travelling anywhere this year.  Visits will be done by VTC, with the CMs in their cubicles in Ottawa.  That will become the new normal, as a way to reduce TD expenditures.

Note that the change is for everyone, not only ACISS.

for the most part that is supposed to only be OUTCANS.
I have always believed you should have that facetime with the person that can send you where ever they can. Either by taking a CFR to Valcartier like the EO Techs are doing this year, could of easily been done for a day anywhere else.

My bad, I misread the CANFORGEN, I still think it should be Facetime when it affects family, (within cost effective reasons) Send the CM to the respective AO, have them centered and bring people to them, when possible.

ie. NCR, can handle Ottawa, Montreal, Pet, Kingston,
upandatom said:
ie. NCR, can handle Ottawa, Montreal, Pet, Kingston,

How many staff cars to bring every Sigs guy that wants an interview to Ottawa from Kingston, Pet and Montreal? I think VTC is a lot cheaper than that ball of wax. Not to mention meal claims...
upandatom said:
for the most part that is supposed to only be OUTCANS.

My bad, I misread the CANFORGEN, I still think it should be Facetime when it affects family, (within cost effective reasons) Send the CM to the respective AO, have them centered and bring people to them, when possible.

ie. NCR, can handle Ottawa, Montreal, Pet, Kingston,

CMs very rarely make moves in isolation.  CoC especially CSMs & RSMs (or equivalents in other units) are very much part of the whole process and have a good grasp on where the posting plot effects their soldiers.  They are very actively involved in the whole process and it makes sense.  The career shop isn't that big and they just know what they need to staff and the skillsets they need in those positions.  Individual CoC know their soldiers and what they need for career progression and what they are capable of doing.    They are the ones that in many cases make suggestions for postings and should be the face of their soldier's career and be the one that tell people where they are for the most part.  The career manager interview is usually a confirmation of information and a look to the future.  Do one offs and surprise postings happen; yup they do but they are in my experience the exception not the norm. 

PuckChaser said:
How many staff cars to bring every Sigs guy that wants an interview to Ottawa from Kingston, Pet and Montreal? I think VTC is a lot cheaper than that ball of wax. Not to mention meal claims...

So fiscally irresponsible....buses man buses.
dapaterson said:
With very few exceptions, career managers aren't travelling anywhere this year.  Visits will be done by VTC, with the CMs in their cubicles in Ottawa.  That will become the new normal, as a way to reduce TD expenditures.

Note that the change is for everyone, not only ACISS.

Fair enough, except that it was being paid for by the local Sig Sqn CO's budget, not their budget.

The cancellation rather than rescheduling, imo, is a reflection of the fact they don't want to take a free trip to do face to face. I don't believe it's a matter of available time slots, since it's going to take just as long if not longer to arrange the VTC time assuming no connection/hardware issues, otherwise it's going to take longer.
These folks are busy.  There are 3 of them for approx 4K pers.  The forcasts have been terrible in the last 2 years (read 0 promos) only to have 6 or more CWOs release (SURPRISE!!) and a mad scramble to find enough people to fill holes (and MES has been like a hole making machine) and everybody has an excuse as to why they can't move.  Filling holes.  At the end of the day that is all they do (it should be thier motto), so don't take it personally if not everyone of your postings can be Club Med.

At the end of the day, start watching your EMAA the first week of Dec (around the time the General signs off the merit list) and plan accordingly.  If something is bugging you and you want to discuss your career then set up an appointment; face to face, VTC, telephone or frigging snail mail.  If you don't have a plan, or you have not bothered to articulate that plan to the Career Managers do not expect them to know what you want or need (other than as MJP said; "through your CoC").
I assume you aren't replying to my last.

as for "Make sure the CM knows your plan"

That's a little difficult to do outside of the comments box in EMMA's My Career section. The CoC has the CF's interests to look after, and the CM seems to change yearly so good luck on continuity that your 15 minutes of face time from last year's meeting.

As you say, there are 3 of them for 4k pers, exactly how and when are they going to be able to familiarize themselves with each and every file at their disposal, especially considering the high turn over as of late?

Also, I may have missed it, but no one seems to be worried about where they are being posted in the last several posts. It's all questions how we are going to be managed and expressing frustration in regards to the new realities of MES and the lack of clear direction.

Your post is one of the problems I see in the CF. Legitimate feed back on a system that appears to be broken is met with reply that boils down to:

fuck off they're busy stop asking for special consideration (that no one asked for) you entitled pricks!
c_canuk said:
That's a little difficult to do outside of the comments box in EMMA's My Career section. The CoC has the CF's interests to look after, and the CM seems to change yearly so good luck on continuity that your 15 minutes of face time from last year's meeting.

As you say, there are 3 of them for 4k pers, exactly how and when are they going to be able to familiarize themselves with each and every file at their disposal, especially considering the high turn over as of late?

They can put notes on your file, mine did last year and even wrote them on there while I watched in the interview.
c_canuk said:
I assume you aren't replying to my last.

Nope.  Just commenting in general.

c_canuk said:
as for "Make sure the CM knows your plan"

That's a little difficult to do outside of the comments box in EMMA's My Career section. The CoC has the CF's interests to look after, and the CM seems to change yearly so good luck on continuity that your 15 minutes of face time from last year's meeting.

As you say, there are 3 of them for 4k pers, exactly how and when are they going to be able to familiarize themselves with each and every file at their disposal, especially considering the high turn over as of late?

You can talk to your CM anytime you want, anytime of year.  You just need to ask and your supervisor will set up a teleconv.  They also have these magical devices called pencils i.e. they can write sh*t down.

c_canuk said:
I may have missed it, but no one seems to be worried about where they are being posted in the last several posts. It's all questions how we are going to be managed and expressing frustration in regards to the new realities of MES and the lack of clear direction.

Kind of goes hand in hand with a conversation on CM's don't you think?

c_canuk said:
Your post is one of the problems I see in the CF. Legitimate feed back on a system that appears to be broken is met with reply that boils down to:

fuck off they're busy stop asking for special consideration (that no one asked for) you entitled pricks!

Legitimate feedback happens via a legitimate system like let's say...ummmm...what was it now...oh ya...speaking with your CM.  Not by bitching on an anonymous forum....and seriously wow, you really read a lot into what I was saying which really only "boils down to" be patient and communicate.  If good advice is a "problem" than what is your solution?  Beat them with hammers?

Let us dwell a bit on the "communicate" part of my advice for a minute.  If you don't have a real plan (wanting to stay a Cpl for life and remain in Shilo for example, is not a plan although I know many who think it is) and you fail at having any meaningful discourse with your CoC or CM then it is YOU who are failing yourself; it's not the system failing you.

As for "patience" and they are "busy".  They are busy.  The boards only finished Friday, now they have to finish up the posting plot and deal with all the weird Harolds that come with APS.  At the end of the day if you don't articulate your issues and hide in the corner sulking then you may get run over by thier primary purpose which is to (let's say it together) FILL HOLES.
I had a long winded rant in response to this, but I'll keep it short

You posted a rant about people bitching about not getting the posting they wanted and it's your fault if you didn't communicate a plan to the career manager.

I pointed out that this has absolutely nothing to do with current conversation and is similar to the responses we get from higher when pointing out issues with the trade or requesting clarification: rebukes about demands no one made and instruction to be patient and some unrelated issue will solve itself.

I would like to pose a question to you, however:

You stress patience. I will concede that patience can be a virtue, however...

Do you have a time frame in mind for which it is acceptable to be unimpressed with what the patience has bought us, or is patience a Zen state that is open ended?