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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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ObedientiaZelum said:
Are they talking about giving these guys spec pay or taking it away?

Just making a decision on who gets it, is there justification for it.

What it means is, Will the CST (for the most part LCIS), LST and the IST (some LCIS and mostly Sig Ops) get it, from last brief I had is that they were requesting it all across the board. We shall see though, I think that is going to be a bit difficult when comparing the trades to the civilian equivalent and the civilian college/degree etc.

Beadwindow 7 said:
the new Computer Weiner sub-trade (IST) 

That's Computer Wiener to you  ;). Do you need an IST to show you the spell check function? We're here to help after all. ;D
rmc_wannabe said:
That's Computer Wiener to you  ;). Do you need an IST to show you the spell check function? We're here to help after all. ;D

And there's the difference. The message got across. Now back to your 1's and 0's cave.
I hate to be a pessimist but that message seems like an official way of saying, "BACK BURNER"...

I don't think we'll here about spec pay anytime soon to be honest and I expect that's the plan. They won't officially say 'No' because it would crush morale for some pers and cause a further mass exodus. Especially of IST. I say further because it's already started if some of you didn't know!!!

Reading between the lines I say it's all Back burner now...
"The pay review for ACISS has not started yet and no decision has been made with regards to pay group allocation.  A decision is not expected until July 2012.  The result of the ACISS pay review will be promulgated as soon as it is available through official channels."

Remember this????

All I can say is that I know of a good number of people (former LCIS) that are tired of this, and want to OT or just want out when their contract is up. Seeing that ACISS is in the yellow, it's probably going to be real tough to OT to those lovely Air Force tech trades with the numbers probably not in our favor. As a result you are left with a lot of regrettably bitter people.

Kind of hard to plan for the "future of your career" in your trade when you don't know what to expect in that trade.

A shame, as most of the people I talked to before I joined used to consider LCIS to be a great trade...
The really shameful thing about this is a lot of the higher ups that pushed and supported this are out now and are not going to see the full effects of Pandora's box.
Daywalker said:
All I can say is that I know of a good number of people (former LCIS) that are tired of this, and want to OT or just want out when their contract is up. Seeing that ACISS is in the yellow, it's probably going to be real tough to OT to those lovely Air Force tech trades with the numbers probably not in our favor. As a result you are left with a lot of regrettably bitter people.

Kind of hard to plan for the "future of your career" in your trade when you don't know what to expect in that trade.

A shame, as most of the people I talked to before I joined used to consider LCIS to be a great trade...

I enjoyed it, I am still kind of curious as to what will be the backlash if they say "No spec Pay." I know that is a huge deciding factor for alot of people. Just about that ten year mark, get kind of a pension.
When you force people to make a decision without giving them "the IST does this, CST this, LST this, Core this." You have to expect people will be pissed off, frustrated, disgruntled. From my position, I have ISTs and CSTs swinging around doing eachothers jobs due to their courses they recieved. The only thing I remember from who does what is a picture, with some kit, and "pretty sure this is how its going to work"

I am curious, maybe they should start a poll on here asking
With the almagamation, if no spec pay is given what will you choose,
1. Stay
2. OT
3. Release
4. Bitch and moan for years and years.

This whole thing has kinda donkey kicked morale for alot of Sigs out there, people are confused, the new ACISS people are hearing about ten different explanations for each job, dont know what way they should go, and its all just short of 110 years too.
Okay so this thread hasn't been touched in a little while but I just want to double check what i think I am seeing. ACISS CORE guys are pretty much the "radio operators" that deploy with the infantry, engineers and so forth? I understand that there will be other guys going out to the field to set up all the other coms equipment. If this is way out to lunch let me know, just trying to get all the info I can!

Thanks in advance,
Patrick S.
There are ACISS Core, IST, LST, and CST in Combat Arms units and they can all go overseas/deploy.

Using a Infantry Battalion as an example,  ACISS Core, IST, LST and CST can be found in the Signals Platoon.  Core and IST pers can be within a Rifle Company Head Quarters(usually it will 1 Sig, but on tour it can go to 3).  Infantrymen will be the Platoon Signallers, etc.
Pat.Sim said:
Okay so this thread hasn't been touched in a little while but I just want to double check what i think I am seeing. ACISS CORE guys are pretty much the "radio operators" that deploy with the infantry, engineers and so forth? I understand that there will be other guys going out to the field to set up all the other coms equipment. If this is way out to lunch let me know, just trying to get all the info I can!

Thanks in advance,
Patrick S.

Traditional tactical radio work is done by ACISS (Core) yes, however you'll find that a lot of combat arms units have their own members train as Signallers as our trade will never have the manning to fill every sigs role the Army has.
Okay thanks! Would you be able to give me a breakdown on those? I understand IST=Information System Tech, LST=Line System Tech, and CST=Communication System Tech. Apart from that I can't really find any specific info.

[Edit] I'm pretty sure LST's are the one that run all the lines? (obviously)

Thanks PuckChaser, that helped!

Thanks in advance,
Patrick S
Pat.Sim said:
Okay thanks! Would you be able to give me a breakdown on those? I understand IST=Information System Tech, LST=Line System Tech, and CST=Communication System Tech. Apart from that I can't really find any specific info.

Here is a very basic run down of what each one does. Again, this is very basic and is missing a lot.

ACISS Core - radio operators, set up antennas, and radios plus drive CP/RRB vehicles, can do some IT stuff - this is what Sig Ops are now called
ACISS IST - help desk stuff, and do ACISS Core stuff as required. - stuff Sig Ops and some LCIS Techs did
ACISS CST - broken kit comes to them, they will either fix it, or have it sent off for repairs, make coax cables, inspections, etc - this is what LCIS Techs are now called
ACISS LST - run phone lines, climb polls, do inspections and set up various services in garrison - this is what Linemen are now called

I'm sure if you look in the other ACISS threads you can get a more detailed break down.

Your posting will also determine what you will do in each role, as it really can vary depending on the unit you are in.
That is actually exactly what i was looking for! Thanks! As far as postings, I read somewhere that "1 place can go to the field all the time whereas the building across the road works 9-4 mon-fri with no ex's" (this is not an exact quote but a mere generalization of what had been said)

Patrick S.
Pat.Sim said:
That is actually exactly what i was looking for! Thanks! As far as postings, I read somewhere that "1 place can go to the field all the time whereas the building across the road works 9-4 mon-fri with no ex's" (this is not an exact quote but a mere generalization of what had been said)

That can be absolutely true, because ACISS is so diverse someone in a field unit working directly across the street at a Base Sig Sqn will have completely different hours.
And that is what makes me kind of nervous about this trade.. I don't want to be stuck "inside" all day never going to the field. Nonetheless the experience itself i'm sure would be worth it.
You'll be going to a HQ and Sig Sqn immediately before and after your DP1 (first trade course). Trust me, you'll get your fair share of field time. Core is where you'll typically stay in field units.
I knew about going before the DP1 but I didn't know about after but i guess it would make sense. I guess as long as I get a the "sub-trade" I want then it would all be okay.