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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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Infantry Soldiers are responsible for closing with and destroying the enemy.

They don't teach that in college.
At least they teach you to use your noddle  ;) otherwise one could say what's the point of going to college and i'll just go against the odds of trying to get in to somewhere where competition is high because of the selection pool being say in the thousands and only a few get hired ..versus applying to a company where 12 canditates is the pool. And your one of them....why not make yourself look good compared to those that have an education and took the advice of the recruiter to exceed in the pool selection. Especially when they all passed the CFAT, the PT and the interview, but have that little more of an edge.  And that is fair competition..that's the reality of it.  Suck it up.
I only respond because i'm trying to help man.  Heed it. That's all I'm saying.  Have a good one.

You see when I try an explain that concept to others they just burst out in laughter.

I dunno maybe you view school as a big jungle where you go looking for charlie.

But since it even says on the website that there is nothing else like infantry what your saying makes about as much sense as calling an auto mechanic to fix the plumbing in your house.
Ghost said:
You see when I try an explain that concept to others they just burst out in laughter.

I dunno maybe you view school as a big jungle where you go looking for charlie.

But since it even says on the website that there is nothing else like infantry what your saying makes about as much sense as calling an auto mechanic to fix the plumbing in your house.

Your posts are a perfect example of why more schooling is required.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, thanks for proving the point.


You seem to be content with meeting the bare minimum requirements and somehow feel then that you have done your bit.

I'd be curious to hear what others in the Infantry might have to say, but if all you are prepared to do is the bare minimum, you might want to consider another vocation.
Good point guys.. how can you be happy with the minimum required? You make me feel like you got a big lack of ambition...

By the way, you NEED to be competitive to be selected. It's your job so to be!

Good luck!
Your posts are a perfect example of why more schooling is required.   If you don't know what I'm talking about, thanks for proving the point.

I'd say your a perfect example for........ Edited by Moderator....Ghost PM incoming.......
Ghost said:
I'd say your a perfect example ... edited for content.....

And, click report to Mods.   One of those examples that should have gone to PM, wouldn't you say?

...and, since this isn't your first time for talking smack, consider yourself on the next step to "outta here".  Perhaps a muzzle for a couple of weeks will help you out - try looking into college while enjoying the downtime....
I seem to remember a while back someone having the generals braid as an avatar...hmm...Ghost..I was un aware that you could become a general by meeting the minimums.
I dont mean to hijack your thread but I figured I would post in here instead of making a new thread. Is the speed at which your processed or accepted dependant on your level of education? Say if I have a two year diploma for Tool & Die, and joeblow has his grade 12, will I be processed as a higher priority then joeblow? Or is everyone just as equal in thier bad luck with the applications?

I am told by the recruiting center that the more info/schooling you have, the more appealing you are to that specific trade.  For example I am trying to get into the ATIS trade.  I have several certifications which they have photocopies of.  My teacher at a previous school, now instructs POET here in Kingston and I have taken probably part of the POET training already from him previously so he is currently writing my course outline from the previous school that I went to along with my marks.  I am redoing my resume to include more information on my workouts (RC's suggestion) as I am a competitive bodybuilder to show that I am in shape.  Also the WO who is the ATIS Troop commander is friends with my dad and took me around the training center and introduced me to several instructors and showed me different aspects of the trade is going to write a cover letter stating that he recommends me for this trade.  So every little bit helps.  Now none of this will help if I can't pass the apptitude/medical/physical but I don't really see any of those things being a problem.  But all in all it does make you more appealing for the trade you are looking at entering. 
Thats nice to know. I think I need to talk to a recruiter before I start making posts here in army.ca as I'm not really sure which trade I would apply for. Being a Tool & Die maker (2nd year apprentice not Journeyman) I have alot of experience on mills and lathes, alot of fabrication and some welding experience so I'd have to find out what field my skills could be best used in.

Thanks for answering my question LittlePammy.
Taylor187 said:
I dont mean to hijack your thread but I figured I would post in here instead of making a new thread. Is the speed at which your processed or accepted dependant on your level of education? Say if I have a two year diploma for Tool & Die, and joeblow has his grade 12, will I be processed as a higher priority then joeblow? Or is everyone just as equal in thier bad luck with the applications?


With a higher level of education that is applicable to the occupation they are applying for, an applicant may be processed faster than one with lower education.
Ghost In this business the bare minimum just doesn't cut it! I have found that the troops with that attitude usually end up leaving first.
kincanucks said:
With a higher level of education that is applicable to the occupation they are applying for, an applicant may be processed faster than one with lower education.

Quite ironically because I have an applicable certificate for the trade I am applying for it will actually take longer for me to get a job offer as they have to check which courses I don't have to take in my MOC training. They said around a month or two but could not give me an exact time. Currently I am merit listed but I guess I can wait a little longer, also don't let this deter you from joining just thought I'd point it out.
Copper_ said:
Quite ironically because I have an applicable certificate for the trade I am applying for it will actually take longer for me to get a job offer as they have to check which courses I don't have to take in my MOC training. They said around a month or two but could not give me an exact time. Currently I am merit listed but I guess I can wait a little longer, also don't let this deter you from joining just thought I'd point it out.

What is MOC training? Thanks for the heads up about a wait time. I am going to brace myself for a longer wait then that. The course I did at college was sort of a trail course, first of its kind. It used to be a one year intro to the trades then from there you go out and get an apprenticeship and return for more training, but my course turned into a two year program which stuffed the intro course, plus the second and third year apprentice courses. Die and Tooling theories, advanced prints, basic electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic classes and a basic Rigging and Hoisting class. Unfortionally because it was a test run it will probably be time consuming with lots of run around when someone is checking up on the courses I've taken. I ended up loosing a job oppertunity at Messier-Dowty because the college didnt even know they had a two year Tool & Die program at the time.  :-\

Would having a complete course discription with contact info for department heads at the college speed up this process? If a person just calls the college and asks for information about the course they will end up hearing about a newer version of program that might not have the welding, or tool theory or even the same math anymore. Like I said the program I did was the guinnie pig program so it has all changed.
Taylor187 said:
What is MOC training?

MOC = Military Occupation Code

I had trouble with all the abbreviations and acronyms at first too but just use this http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23931.0.html and you'll be fine.
I am from the Thunder Bay area and recruiting into local units seem to go very quickly here. When i joined about a year and a half ago it took only a few months from start to finish. I also havea friend who just signed up in late febuary and he is already parading with our unit and is schedualed for his bmq/sq this summer.