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Aplication process. Just wondering how things go from here?


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Hi, I've just recently completed my CFAT, Interview and medical. In my interview I was told I had competitive numbers. Was anyone
else told they had competitive numbers? or does this mean anything what so ever?
After that I was told to go and get an eye exam. So that evening I had my exam done and brought the results in the following
morning. I was told that the trade I am trying to get into is currently in need of tradesmen.
Now I wait it hasn't been long or anything i'm just curious on what information you could help out with.
I hope to use any info to make things work better/faster/more smooth. Here's some of the questions im looking for to be answerd
1.How long will it take to hear anything?
2.What happens when I do hear something?
Anyways, any incite would be great thanks!  :)

    :cdn: KCIN-C-E-KYRB :cdn:

I believe everyone's situation will be different as far as the basic application process goes. But I too would be interested to know if there are things that can determine the likelihood of someone waiting 6-10 months+ to be offered a position after being merit listed versus 2-3 months. For instance I read somewhere on one of these threads (and I have no idea as to the veracity) that certain trade boards sit at certain times in the new fiscal year. It was all a little confusing and I never did happen upon an actual subject thread with regards to it (if there is one, I would appreciate a shove in the right direction). Is there a pattern or methodology to the way in which applications are selected? For instance, I believe it was in a thread where two people who had applied for Combat Engineer had mentioned something about that particular "board" determining their choices in the next 3-4 weeks or so. If this is indeed the way things work, if those two people are not selected at that time to have a position offered to them, is it likely they will then wait until the next year? Or are there random selections throughout the year depending on the trade demand? That area is a little fuzzy for me. I know wait times for job offere are dependent on trade demand (and supply) but in the case of the two people I mentioned - I see that they are accepting applications for that trade (CE) - so my question is assuming the trade is hiring.

Thanks in advance for any information.
No one can answer these questions.

Call your RC and find out if you have been merit listed.
After that, all you can do it wait.

You can do stuff to improve your application, such as take classes, do (more) charity work, play sports/work out.

Hopefully the next phone call  you get will be to inform you that you have received a job offer, but no one can tell you if that will happen and or how long that will take.

Look through this thread:

That will give you an idea on how long everyone else has been waiting and what their process has been like.

You may receive an offer in a few weeks, a few months or a few years, no one knows.

Good luck.

EDIT: typos
Perfect. It's good to know there's no real rhyme or reason to the "when", besides supply and demand I mean. Thanks for the reply.
Gatsby said:
Perfect. It's good to know there's no real rhyme or reason to the "when", besides supply and demand I mean. Thanks for the reply.

Go post your application process in the thread I linked you to.