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An American journalist's views on our contribution (and others)

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Thanks CWilson. Most of us had it figured that this guy was a bottom feeder but it's nice to have it verified. Unfortunately the world we live in gives people like him way too much air time and the real hard working journalists have to wear the tar too. God bless  :cdn:
Thanks CWilson...Best laugh I've had in weeks!  "Rod Majors"... :rofl:

It's pretty obvious he isn't deserving of anyone's time or attention.
My first, second, and third reaction last spring was to laugh my *** off. But then I looked a little deeper into this and saw that he's actually climbing the ladder within the U.S. right-wing infrastructure. He's got collaborators at Wikipedia, and sponsors at some pretty significant places, like The National Review and The Weekly Standard. It's crazy, and at one level I can hardly believe I'm spending any time on it myself, but someone's got to make sure the truth gets out there and stays out there. Might as well be me, I guess. When the going gets sticky, the tough ... oh forget it! 8)

Plus I'm not real happy to see him insulting Canada, given that I'd be just as happy if the northern half of the U.S. would secede and join up. :) Not only that, but Canada contributed the stage name "Pierre LaBranche" to his repertoire. Get this: He's actually irritated that no one has been mentioning the favorite porno flim of his, Montreal Men. He thinks it's significant because, when he didn't have (ahem) anything else in his mouth, he spoke his lines in French. Some gratitute toward the neighbor to the north that helped put him in the map, huh? ;D
I actually sourced Canadian newspapers to write my comments about the current malaise with Canadian troops.  My comments about Chretien are a matter of record and, in my opinion and pretty much anyone else who considers these matters, Canada has the ultimate justification for a weak military--the United States is right next door.

For a country that can't decide if it's a country or a collection of provinces (that many Canadians can't even enumerate), Canada is one of the few places I can safely say is even less worldly than the United States.  Most Canadians can't tell you what they are, only what they are not.  "We're not American."

Regardless of what your state-owned press tells you, I in ALL my travels have never met an American who pretended to be Canadian for security purposes.  Maybe beheading is preferable to the indecision of writing "neighbor" or "neighbour".

Même si mes commentaires ont été dirigé aux francophones et votre pacifism avoué, il est très charmant que les anglophones ont répondu. 

Matt Sanchez
Sadr City, Baghdad
Mattsanchez said:
I actually sourced Canadian newspapers to write my comments about the current malaise with Canadian troops. 

Mattsanchez said:
Regardless of what your state-owned press tells you,

..and I said "Pardon?"
You can find the links at my website and the Canadian newspapers I used to show the wanning commitment Canada has for its own mission in Afghanistan.  You can whine all you want about Canadian valor, I'm sure someone might care. 


Wait, let me see if I got this right, as I haven't even read this thread yet.

You don't think we should believe our "state-owned press" but yet they are good enough for you to make editorials about us??

Get stuffed!

EDIT: just read this thread and I reiterate my above statement.
Here's a fun fact to know and tell about Matt Sanchez. He enlisted in the USMC reserve -- the reserves during wartime, what bravery! -- in the spring of 2003. He enlistment was for eight years, but he told the Marine Corps Times that he was transferred to inactive status only two years later, on account of a "medical problem". When he became a media star in 2006 on Fox News, he never mentioned his medical inactivation, even when announcers praised him for his military service.

I've asked Mr. Sanchez any number of times to disclose the nature of the "medical problem" that got him inactivated. It has occurred to me that it might be related to his career as a prostitute, which last for at least four years and likely much longer. Oddly enough, he has never said what that condition is. Imagine that!

Marine Corps Times article:http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2007/03/mcsanchez070314/
It's insulting. Canadians are fighting and dying in one of Afgahnistans deadliest provinces and this g**** ex-pogue badmouths us.

It's actually the Canadian public that bad mouths you. 
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Wait, let me see if I got this right, as I haven't even read this thread yet.

You don't think we should believe our "state-owned press" but yet they are good enough for you to make editorials about us??

Get stuffed!

EDIT: just read this thread and I reiterate my above statement.

I sourced Ledevoir, Montreal Gazette and several non-governmental sources, although in Canada it's hard to tell where the private meets the public, your bureaucratic load is so heavy. 
Mattsanchez said:
You can find the links at my website and the Canadian newspapers I used to show the wanning commitment Canada has for its own mission in Afghanistan.  You can whine all you want about Canadian valor, I'm sure someone might care. 


Your links don't make sense. the one "white flag therapy" goes to an article talking about Vancouver displaying yellow ribbons on their police vehicles....what does that have to do with surrendering? The one on french canadians "surrender tactics" is a dead link. You mistake being a smartass with being an intelligent journalist.You should do your research on the history of the R22nd Regiment (the Vandoos). They are hardly surrender monkeys. Public opinion in this country is just as split as it is in yours. You seem to have missed the fact that we are in the process of re-equipping our Forces to specifically participate in these kinds of operations....but then facts are not your long suit are they?
Your links don't make sense. the one "white flag therapy" goes to an article talking about Vancouver displaying yellow ribbons on their police vehicles....what does that have to do with surrendering? The one on french canadians "surrender tactics" is a dead link. You mistake being a smartass with being an intelligent journalist.You should do your research on the history of the R22nd Regiment (the Vandoos). They are hardly surrender monkeys. Public opinion in this country is just as split as it is in yours. You seem to have missed the fact that we are in the process of re-equipping our Forces to specifically participate in these kinds of operations....but then facts are not your long suit are they?

The yellow ribbon drama shows the lack of support from the Canadian public.  The support for the Afghanistan mission was reported to be in the low 20 percentile. 

Who knew Canadians were such whiners?

Mattsanchez said:
Même si mes commentaires ont été dirigés aux francophones et votre pacifisme avoué, il est très charmant que les anglophones ont répondu. 
Matt Sanchez
Sadr City, Baghdad

Pacifisme avoué?  Pardon?
Je regrette de vous dire que vous ne savez pas de quoi vous parlez.
Les francophones qui sont membre des FC sont tous dédiés à leur patrie et à leur tâche.
Les Francophones ainsi que les Anglophones qui sont au combat sont tous des volontaires et nous n'avons pas besoin de vos commentaires - exprimés en ignorance de cause.

WOW,this thread is getting a little over the top.The reaction to this
somewhat poorly written, and ill researched article is just a little too
hysterical and paranoid.What exactly did he say,that the NATO op.
is full of countries that are very risk adverse and are not pulling
their weight,have I not read that in other threads on this site?,also
that Quebec does not support our militaries efforts in A-stan.nothing
new there,Quebec has never supported any of Canadas wars the
R22 R notwithstanding.And he criticized our political leadership,how
dare he, we would never say anything bad about his President now
would we.His comments about our small contingent of troops were
uninformed and unwarranted, clearly he was on a trog fishing trip
and boy did he get a reaction.IMO we should chill out and not give
this clown the satisfaction of having his inaccurate and inflammatory
article a significance it does not deserve.
PS I find the dirt digging and personal insults somewhat off-
-putting and beneath our dignity.
Mattsanchez said:
Même si mes commentaires ont été dirigé aux francophones et votre pacifism avoué, il est très charmant que les anglophones ont répondu. 

Qui appelez-vous anglophones? Même si nos réponses sont en anglais, ne faites pas l'erreur de supposez que nous sommes tous des anglophones. La plupart d'entre nous peut communiquer aussi bien en Anglais qu'en Français. You however don't seem to communicate as much as preach falsehoods. In either language.
Mattsanchez said:
For a country that can't decide if it's a country or a collection of provinces (that many Canadians can't even enumerate), Canada is one of the few places I can safely say is even less worldly than the United States.  Most Canadians can't tell you what they are, only what they are not.  "We're not American."

Maybe beheading is preferable to the indecision of writing "neighbor" or "neighbour".

Mattsanchez said:
You can whine all you want about Canadian valor, I'm sure someone might care. 

Mattsanchez said:
Who knew Canadians were such whiners?

If you're here to debate, fine. The above looks like trolling to me as it adds nothing to your argument and only serves to inflame the members here.

Your links don't make sense. the one "white flag therapy" goes to an article talking about Vancouver displaying yellow ribbons on their police vehicles....what does that have to do with surrendering? The one on french canadians "surrender tactics" is a dead link.

And instead of correcting the links you keep arguing. So, here it is, provide proper and actual links to back up what you are saying or I shall just consider you a troll and start you into the Army.ca Warning System.

You mistake being a smartass with being an intelligent journalist.You should do your research on the history of the R22nd Regiment (the Vandoos). They are hardly surrender monkeys. Public opinion in this country is just as split as it is in yours. You seem to have missed the fact that we are in the process of re-equipping our Forces to specifically participate in these kinds of operations....but then facts are not your long suit are they?

Nail hit, on head.

Army.ca Staff

I find it hard to believe that we are wasting this much time on someone who spent more time holding and storing other people' s penises, than he did his rifle, or serving in uniform.

Your all just feeding his ego and building his stature, which is exactly what he wants, hence his jibes and trolling. This oxygen thief is a waste of skin and not worth the intelligent discourse this site is known for.
I'd like to know how a Refrigeration Technician becomes such a Political pundit and Military History and Tactical 'expert'.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Sanchez  (I know - not one of the world's most reliable sources.)  
Joins US Marines
In 2003, he joined the Marine Corps Reserve under an eight-year enlistment, and was trained as a refrigeration mechanic.[2][1]  

I am sure we can all use his logical stream of deductions and condemn the US Forces in a similar manner for their failures at Pearl Harbour, the Little Big Horn, the Alamo, etc.  Ridiculous.  I guess us unworldly Canadians should pay him more heed and seek out the reality of the current world situation ......... starting to sound like the world according to Carp....

Please amuse us some more.  It is Monday after all and we could use some cheering up.
George Wallace said:
I'd like to know how a Refrigeration Technician becomes such a Political pundit and Military History and Tactical 'expert'.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Sanchez  (I know - not one of the world's most reliable sources.)  
I am sure we can all use his logical stream of deductions and condemn the US Forces in a similar manner for their failures at Pearl Harbour, the Little Big Horn, the Alamo, etc.  Ridiculous.  I guess us unworldly Canadians should pay him more heed and seek out the reality of the current world situation ......... starting to sound like the world according to Carp....
Please amuse us some more.  It is Monday after all and we could use some cheering up.
You forgot the sacking of Washington in 1812,
Mattsanchez said:
The yellow ribbon drama shows the lack of support from the Canadian public.  The support for the Afghanistan mission was reported to be in the low 20 percentile. 

Who knew Canadians were such whiners?


Before you go shooting yourself in the foot, you need to take a hard look in the mirror and look at your own countries confused state of support for the war in Iraq.  Don't take one up the butt over there buds, and stay safe.  ::)
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