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An American journalist's views on our contribution (and others)

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geo said:
Heh.... sigdes,

That Vandoo soldier you've pictured happens to be the one who, upon retiring from the CF, acted in a couple of porno films..... (but he did "it" with women).

Well aware of his actions that led to him leaving the military, and his *ahem* social activities after, but that's doesn't moot how he acted during the Oka crisis.

Also, WRT the Victoria Crosses, I should point out that the R22R is not / was not the only francophone unit in the Canadian corp (ww1) or the Canadian army (WW2).... haven't bothered to look but I am certain there are others.
certainly some mixed up Quebec "franglais" hybrids :)

Absolutely not, and I agree...just the tip of the iceberg, but the tip that I could remember off hand and have quick access to  ;)
Red 6 said:
The only thing he's good for is duty at the bottom of one of your burn-out shitters. I apologize in advance if that was too graphic. :cdn:

A little bit of diesel...... little bit of this... little bit of that... and ta-da! Flamming poop. Now a stir stick.  ;D
geo said:
I should point out that the R22R is not / was not the only francophone unit in the Canadian corp (ww1) or the Canadian army (WW2).... haven't bothered to look but I am certain there are others.
Allow me
This garbage didn't end up being printed anywhere by anyone did it? I really hope that one of  the small, independent media companies in the US (or Canada for that matter) weren't in so much of a need for a story/article paperfiller that they published this garbage.

Now a stir stick

..Why? He's got hands doesn't he?  >:D
Of course people in this forum find this article horrible. However we would only be lying to ourselves if we are to say that the likes of Jack Layton and others are not effecting the mission in Afghanistan. While I support Stephen Harper it would be fair to say that he is no Sir Winston Churchill. I'm sure that people in his office are very aware of the polls in Quebec that are EXTREMELY negative.... Just my view*********************************************.

Tow Tripod

Edit by recceguy for guidline contravention
Neither "dubya", Blair or Brown are anywhere near Churchill's stature..... moot point

Polls in Quebec.... are conducted by the media.... and, by skillful use of loaded & leading questions, can make you think and say what they want 9 times out of 10.
No thinking rationale person would give this moron any creedance. He's even worse than a tabloid journalist.
A moot point is that the polls conducted by the media are effecting the outcome of the mission. I don't think it matters much that the press are asking at all. Do you really think an actual pollster would ask any easier questions of civilians in Quebec ? Actually does anybody out in Internet land have an example of any questions that have been asked by the media to the citizens of Quebec???? I think Iam a rational guy and I personally don't give ant credence to the author of this article however the ugly face of Canadian politics is showing up right in front of every CF members face.Dudes just my thoughts.........
To Quote a bumper sticker

If you can't stand behind our troops try standing in front of them

Sounds like a case of I wanted to be a real Soilder but I couldn't hack it......

There will always be loud mouths that spew deification from there pie holes, with out backing of facts the majority of people ignore them......

Of course I am sure he could use a good sound thrashing  >:D
This morons anti-Canadian stance is no different from the countless anti-American "journalists" and bloggers one finds here in Canada. But in Canada, a substantial number of Canadians support the anti-American stance as a sign of "Canadianness" ??? I'll get as upset with this moron as I will with our own home grown morons, which isn't going to amount to much as I consider both to be not worthy of actually giving a sh*t!
Just remember that the only people who count (friends,families and other warriors) know what we are capable of and what we do. As for the rest, F___ em. They don't count.
Feet :cdn:
The Sad part is people like my Great Uncle, my uncle and my father layed there life's down during WWII. Family in Korea and now me in today's armyin both the American and Canadian Forces. They put their life on the line to defend there freedom.

Now why I say it is sad is the reason they can go on-line and openly bad mouth us,it is people like us currently serving and our family's in the past have spilled blood so they are safe to do so.

Now they have the right to speak their minds , I would just like them to get their facts correct.
DirtyDog said:
Apparently we're 'crying uncle'....

Feel free to bombard this ignorant eh-hole's sight with hate mail (or well written retorts ;)).

Dirty Dog. COuld you provide a link to the actual article in Mr. Sanchez's website. I checked out Sanchez's website and apart from the first couple of paragraph's is in shape or form near what you have posted. Here is the actual link that I found in Mr. Sanchez's website:


  He was awarded the
Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom

This tells us 2 things about the prize:

(1) It has  exceptionally low standards and criteria,
(2) sometimes there is such a thing as too much tolerance.

Or maybe his mommy was on the award committee.
If you look up Jeane Kirkpatrick, you'll find that she's fairly unsavoury, as political characters go.  For example, she supported the Argies in the Falkland Islands invasion, notwithstanding that the UK was the US' principal NATO ally.  She was also one of those who supported any sort of regime, provided it was anti-communist, even dictatorships - see the Kirkpatrick Doctrine (yes she wasn't alone, but none of the other real-politikers have a doctrine named after them).  Getting a prize named after her is hardly an endorsement of any sort.  Sort of like getting the Jean Chrétien Prize for Ethics in Politics.
I just got home and looked through this thread and read what that moron wrote on his stupid-blog. As an American, I'm ashamed at what he wrote about the Canadian Forces. I just want you to know that I am humbled and grateful for the sacrifice and professional soldiering that Canadians have contributed in Afghanistan. No moron idiot like this guy is even in the same league to even HAVE an opinion about the Canadians who are at the sharp end of the spear. The only thing he's good for is duty at the bottom of one of your burn-out shitters. I apologize in advance if that was too graphic.

Thank You Brother and back at ya :salute:

No apology required.
I am the creator of http://www.cplsanchez.info, a website that tells the whole truth about this "journalist," Matt Sanchez. I am also an American, but unlike Mr. Sanchez I had a long career as an actual journalist. When he achieved a certain amount of notoreity last spring, first I laughed. Then when I saw that Wikipedia, a very popular encyclopedia website, was essentially allowing him to edit out the embarrassing details of his biography, I said "Enough is enough," and created the site.

Today, I was looking through the web traffic reports on my site and saw that I got a bunch of traffic from a Canadian military website. You can imagine my surprise about that, so one click led to another and I figured I'd better post something over there.

Mr. Sanchez is a real piece of work. In normal times, he'd be ignored as a sad and unfortunate soul projecting his own tortured personal conflicts onto others. But these aren't normal times in the United States. We are split in many ways, and the structure of the news media is changing. The ground is fertile for misfits to be manipulated and showcased as worthy experts and commentators. Matt Sanchez is, if not Exhibit A, certainly a vivid example. As much as I'd rather let this sleeping dog lie, I think he's got to be exposed for who and what he is.

He is no more a "journalist" than I am a space alien arrived last Thursday from Pluto, but he's adept at striking the pose. It's something that his past careers trained him to do. Among other things, if you look through the cplsanchez.info site you'll see that, aside from his time as a porno actor and years as a prostitute, he enlisted as a Marine Corps reservist. He stayed in that billet for two years before being eased out on account of an unspecified medical deferment. And now he's an intrepid journalist and patriot. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm afraid that Mr. Sanchez has been a fraud from start to finish; from what I understand, even his porn "reviews" advised him to find a different line of work.

So, there you have it about Matt Sanchez. Don't imagine that he's representative of the dominant American view of Canada, or that he's representative of the U.S. military, or that he's representative of those Americans who happen to be pointed toward the same sex rather than the opposite sex. Think of him as a raindrop that found its way through the leak in the ceiling and splashed on a muddy floor, and you'll have a more accurate picture.

Anyway, I figured I ought to leave a message and have a say. If you look at the section of the site called "About This Site (Why?!)" you'll see some words, and then a link, that talk about a U.S. Marine who I consider to be a hero for what he did in battle. There are other heroes, and I have no doubt that the list includes some Canadians. Even though I have my deepest doubts about the war, I have nothing but admiration for those who are putting themselves in harm's way. Thank you for your service.
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