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American wishlist for us.


Geographic Representation. During the past several years, the percentage of new recruits from the Northeast region has decreased with a corresponding increase in the percentage of recruits from the West region. The geographic distribution of enlisted active accessions for FY 2002 shows that the South, and in particular the West South Central and South Atlantic Divisions of this region, continued to have the greatest representation. More than 40 percent of NPS accessions hailed from the South. In fact, this was the only region to be slightly overrepresented among enlisted accessions compared to its proportion of 18-24 year-olds. The representation ratio (percentage of accessions divided by percentage of 18-24 year-olds from the region) for NPS active accessions from the South was 1.2, compared to 0.8 for the Northeast and 0.9 for the North Central and West.
You can't really go from "Of the four regions in the US, the south provides the most members to the armed forces."  to "Most soldiers come from the southern states." The second by leaving out the basis for comparison hints that southern soldiers outnumber all others combined and thats not the case.
Kurhaus said:
The US may be our friend but they still have a "Manifest Destiny" to occupy the entire North American continent. However, in regard to Canada, instead of expending resources invading, they are content to assimilate our culture quietly through their state controlled media, business mergers and US products.  

This wishlist is just another "Borg implant to assimilate us into their collective."(sorry non-Trekkie's, but the analogy fits fits like a glove).   I agree that on the surface it is political maneuvering towards better cross border relations, but keep in mind that politics is a chess game, every move is strategic.    

And if you study history there is one common denominator,

Empires expand and then eventually Fall.   It may take centuries, but the US will be no different.

The Borg? "Empires expand then eventually fall", are you referring to the evil Terran Empire (Mirror universe)? Remember the Borg (US in your case)assimilate for  the benefit of the collective "We will add your distinctiveness to our own.".  Resistance is futile. Live long and prosper.
daniel h. said:
I understand exactly what you mean, which is maybe what some people want in the government, who knows.

I think it is unfair to call Canadians "anti-American" for disagreeing or rejecting America, as in a democracy disagreeing shouldn't make us anti anything.
I didn't make that statement: please examine what I wrote. What I stated was my belief that there is a large wellspring of latent anti-Americanism in this country (I think that is not an outrageuos assertion) Further, I suggested that this same anti-Americanism might be deployed or utilized by those opposed to increased defence spending in this country.

I see nothing wrong with disagreeing with the US, provided our disagreement is intelligently based on a logical argument as opposed to visceral knee-jerk anti-Americanism, which IMHO only serves to cloud the issue at hand and make us look as stupid as some of the right-wing xenophobes who surface in the US political culture from time to time, but who do not represent the US mainstream.
