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Am I still eligible to serve once I turn 18


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For as long as I can remember I have wanted to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces, but because of recent events im not sure I am still eligible to do so. I am 17 years old turning 18 in March, recently I did something very stupid that I think could potently jeopardize my chances of living my dream and being able to serve. A couple weeks ago I was at a house party and I had way to much to drink, my friends threw me in a cab and took me back to my parents house. My mother thought something was wrong with me so she decided to call an ambulance. I was later administered into the hospital and stayed over night because of alcohol poisoning. I am worried  that me being registered into the system for drinking under age and alcohol abuse will become trouble when I try to enlist next month. This is the first time this has happened to me and i have almost no past with alcohol. But that's not it, my friend decided to take a picture of me puking and put it onto face book(there is no alcohol to be seen within the picture). Recently I have built up a lot of anxiety over this and is I am denied the ability to serve once I try to enlist I will be beyond devastated. Thank you for your time any answers submitted will be greatly appreciated.
Thats nothing man - I have a Criminal record - spent 22 days in jail and still have my application processed.
Although they will ask you about past drug use (Booze being one of them) just be truthful.

But between me and you - delete those pictures or un tag yourself as its more then likely not one of your biggest moments. WE all do stupid shit growing up.
It may limit your enrollment options.  If you can't handle your alcohol you may have no choice but to go Airforce.

Journeyman said:
It may limit your enrollment options.  If you can't handle your alcohol you may have no choice but to go Airforce.


The Navy definitely wouldn't want you puking on their decks.

And the Army; well you know what they say about bears in the woods.

Yup!  Air Force may be your only option.
Journeyman said:
It may limit your enrollment options.  If you can't handle your alcohol you may have no choice but to go Airforce.


RCN is out for sure.
I can assure you that you are not the first person to join the CF who has drank underage.
:rofl: My CFAT proctor actually told us not to list withdrawal symptoms like blackouts, puking, headaches or otherwise when filling out the "substance use and abuse" form if it was alcohol related. None of us were of age so I think you'll be fine. ;)

Edit to add: I am in no way implying or suggesting one should be anything but 100% honest about the substance history.
Journeyman said:
It may limit your enrollment options.  If you can't handle your alcohol you may have no choice but to go Airforce.


THAT was fuckin' funny.
thanks for all of the great replies guys, hopefully everything works out so that I can enlist next month. Id like to be a combat engineer or just standard infantry. Oh and one more question  how do the determine who is sent over seas? Id like to know so that in the case that everything goes as planned I can increase my chances of being on the front lines.
Goose15 said:
:rofl: Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Goose you can believe what you like. I am huge on eating healthy and fitness, and alcohol would not benefit  my fitness goals
BBrace said:
Goose you can believe what you like. I am huge on eating healthy and fitness, and alcohol would not benefit  my fitness goals

No need to be offended ;D I was making the point that no one was implying or even considering that you had a problem.
Oh and just out of curiosity, would me deciding to leave my final semester of high school and finish my final three credits after I have been in infantry for a while lessen my odds of being sent over seas to the front lines. I am eager to travel and assist where help is needed most.
Goose15 said:
No need to be offended ;D I was making the point that no one was implying or even considering that you had a problem.
sorry for going off the rails on you Goose
Goose15 said:
:rofl: My CFAT proctor actually told us not to list withdrawal symptoms like blackouts, puking, headaches or otherwise when filling out the "substance use and abuse" form if it was alcohol related. None of us were of age so I think you'll be fine. ;)

Having blackouts isn't a symptom of withdrawal - it's a symptom of at best, drinking too much one night, at worst, a serious drinking problem.  Whoever told you that is a wanker, as they basically counselled you to commit an offence under the NDA...and if they're subject to the NDA, they committed one as well.  On a serious note, don't do that here.

To the OP, medical records in a hospital of any kind are confidential and can only be released by your and the hospital's authorization.  Unless a police report was filed, I have my doubts you have much to worry about in that regard...but be honest and up front.


BBrace said:
Oh and just out of curiosity, would me deciding to leave my final semester of high school and finish my final three credits after I have been in infantry for a while lessen my odds of being sent over seas to the front lines. I am eager to travel and assist where help is needed most.

Finish your high school. The Army will be here in another semester.
medicineman said:
Having blackouts isn't a symptom of withdrawal - it's a symptom of at best, drinking too much one night, at worst, a serious drinking problem.  Whoever told you that is a wanker, as they basically counselled you to commit an offence under the NDA...and if they're subject to the NDA, they committed one as well.  On a serious note, don't do that here.

Duly noted. I in no way meant to  imply that one should do that or it is okay. Apologies for that.

I actually still wrote down what was applicable to myself as I felt more comfortable doing that and have them not see it as a big deal than not write it and lie.

Edit to add: I edited the post to clarify that I was not suggesting or implying one should be anything but 100% truthful.
BBrace said:
Oh and just out of curiosity, would me deciding to leave my final semester of high school and finish my final three credits after I have been in infantry for a while lessen my odds of being sent over seas to the front lines. I am eager to travel and assist where help is needed most.

Finish your high school. Don't even consider attempting to leave high school before finishing, or assume that your application will be processed fast enough to get in before finishing high school. I'd hope a recruiter wouldn't even consider a kid who quit high school 3 credits from graduating. You don't want to be that guy.

Also, there is no "front lines" to speak of right now....