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Am I still eligible to serve once I turn 18

Here is something for you to think about.......

If you were to actually be made an offer of employment with the CF, you will have to attend Recruit "School".  After that and based on your occupation choices, you would proably have to do a BMQ-Land, somewhere which means going back to "school".  Then if you are a Combat Engineer, that means you now have to go to the CF "School" of Military Engineering" but if you are an Infantryman, then it would be your DP1 at Battle "School".

So within your first year in the CF, you will be required to attend many different "schools" and expected to be successful.

Now........what do you think your realistic chances are of actually getting an offer of employment with the CF, when you weren't succesful in finishing High "School"?

Food for thought......
Definitely finish your highschool, I know how you feel, I was toying with putting in a CT and preparing to drop out of univeristy when/if I got in. I thought about it for a bit and at the time I had 2 years left. I looked at how credits would transfer etc. But it'd be a pain in the ass, most places would take at most 50%. So I decided to stick it out, here I have 1.75 years of school left to go  ;D.

But seriously, finish you hs. Do you really want to be the guy doing night school while your friends are out drinking/w/e? No you don't.

Plus if you move provinces I'm going to speculate that will cause further issues, even if it doesn't you'll have to contact two schools for transcripts. It just isn't worth it. When/if you get out of the CAF and you don't have highschool your application won't even be read.

Edit: Forgot to mention I was referring to univeristy.
Anybody who comments about your plan to drop out of high school will tell you the same thing: don't.

And, if by any slight chance that some numpty says "go ahead", I will strip him/her of every single Milpoint in their account.

As for your chances of a tour, they are pretty remote for the foreseeable future. The "foreseeable future", in this line of work, however, can change almost instantly. If you are in a unit that is in high-readiness mode at that time, you may well go somewhere. If not, you'll wait your turn until your unit becomes the next high-readiness unit.
BBrace said:
Oh and just out of curiosity, would me deciding to leave my final semester of high school and finish my final three credits after I have been in infantry for a while lessen my odds of being sent over seas to the front lines. I am eager to travel and assist where help is needed most.

Finish. School.

I guarantee you, you'll regret leaving.
Keep your eagerness aside, school is more important than spending 9 months in a desert.

Do whatever you want after you finish school. But in the meantime, stay in, stay out of trouble, don't do drugs, etc... The stuff that the police officers say when they visit the school, back in 4th grade.

Don't ruin your present by pursuing a future that relies on your past.
The application process takes a long while anyways. You don't sign up on Friday and jump in a truck on Sunday.

One step at a time
Stay in school.

And don't worry, you may not have a drinking problem now; but you will  ;D