I’m no expert, but hopefully these ideas help a little.
1. I memorized these numbers below (chart)
2. I rarely divided by 60 minutes, but instead I tried to think in fractions.
3. For the examples I used 'easy' numbers to keep this simple. if you get a decimal I would round and estimate.
4. hopefully my math is correct and I haven't embarrassed myself
5. Guess and check is important for deciding what fraction to use
Minute(s) Occurrences per hour
1 60
2 30
3 20
4 15
5 12
6 10
10 6
12 5
15 4
30 2
60 1
For the fraction system to work you are looking for a common denominator.
Simple example
Say the AC is travelling at 200mph for 90 min. How far did it go?
90 min = 1 ½ hours. 1 hour = 200 miles. 30 min = 100 miles. 200 + 100 = 300 miles in 90 min.
example 2:
AC travels at 156mph for 75 minutes. How far did it travel?
75 min = 15 minutes x 5
15 minutes happens 4 times per hour, so
156/4= 39miles
This means that every 15 minutes the AC travels 39 miles.
15 min happens 5 times in 75min. So 39 x 5 = distance.
To make this easier, do 40 x 5 = 200, but subtract 5 (because 40 – 39 = 1 x 5 = 5)
and you get 195 miles.
example 3:
AC travels 250miles in 40 min. What is its speed?
Divide each by 10.
250 miles/10 = 25 miles. 40 min / 10 = 4 min
Therefore every 4 minutes the AC travels 25 miles.
4 minutes occurs 15 per hour, so multiple 25 x 15.
For mental math, instead of 25x15, try (25x10 = 250) + (25x5 = 125) = 375mph
** I didn't think of this. I stole the idea from a MARS officer

***** Edited several times because I'm bad at proof reading.