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Aircrew Medical?

They are talking about the full workup you will do if you pass aircrew selection at DRDC toronto. THis will do all those tests again and others for you to earn you A1 medical status, what you are talking about is the medical forms you handed into the recruiter which they sent off to ottawa for ottawa to decide if they even should bother sending you to aircrew selection.
Will an expired Aircrew Medical preclude me from attending BMOQ? Am I considered medically unfit with an expired medical or only for Aircrew related training?

I made the appointment for my medical a couple months ago and now my final exam schedule has been released at school. I have a conflict between an exam and the medical and the medical cannot be rescheduled until June. My exam can be rearranged, but deferred exams are being written during my expected BMOQ dates. My options at this point are trying to contact other bases in Southern Ontario and see if they can fit me in for a medical in April, defer the medical until after BMOQ, or skip the exam.

Boom King said:
Hey guys, I am just looking for some clarification on this process.  I just did my aircrew medical recently which involved bloodwork, an ECG, and an appointment with the optometrist.  I called DRDC Toronto and they said that everything was received and that my file has been sent to Ottawa for a decision.  Based on this and according to CDN Aviator's quote, I assumed that my medical paperwork was all reviewed and approved.  I called my local recruitment office a week after just to double check and they said that everything was received but that the medical has not been reviewed or approved by the doctor yet.  I was always under the understanding and just like it has been quoted here before, that aircrew medicals are approved by Toronto.  After this is done, they send your file to Ottawa for nomination to Aircrew selection.  Perhaps my recruitment office has out of date information or I am wondering if the medical goes to Ottawa for final approval before they nominate you for aircrew selection?

I can only speak from my own experience, but mine also went to Ottawa when I was going in for Pilot and they were the ones that sent it back to recruiting to tell me if I was medically fit for pilot. Recruiting also needed to physically receive my file back before they would tell me if I was ok for it.
Hey guys,

I've been perusing the site and would like a nice solid answer on this since I've been reading conflicting information:

Am I right in assuming, that with Air Crew Medical, the information gets sent to Ottawa with the regular Medical, after approval in Ottawa the Air Crew Medical gets sent to Toronto for approval, then back to Ottawa for awarding of the Factor? And I read somewhere this takes about 2-3 weeks?

That's the jest of what I understood about the whole thing, if I'm brutally wrong, please correct me.
Mudshuvel said:
Hey guys,

I've been perusing the site and would like a nice solid answer on this since I've been reading conflicting information:

Am I right in assuming, that with Air Crew Medical, the information gets sent to Ottawa with the regular Medical, after approval in Ottawa the Air Crew Medical gets sent to Toronto for approval, then back to Ottawa for awarding of the Factor? And I read somewhere this takes about 2-3 weeks?

That's the jest of what I understood about the whole thing, if I'm brutally wrong, please correct me.

Again I can only speak to my own, but mine went to Toronto first, and then to Ottawa for review and my factor at the same time. No back and forth. It did take about 2.5 weeks though for it to be returned.
I'm not 100% sure when it would've been sent to Toronto, should I call in for an update or should I wait to be contacted. I know the RC's are nuts in April and I don't want to add to their workload if I don't have to, and understandably, I also know that due to the increased number of applications, my file could be easily overlooked since I live in a city with only one RC with low staff.
I did my aircrew medical for AEC.  For me, I visited the CFRC-Toronto medical office to speak with a medical officer where  I was given few documentations to be filled-in by my family physician, and be submitted directly to the medical office.  I was also required to extract few blood samples in lifelabs (private laboratory service whom I believe is responsible for analyzing blood samples for the army), took few x-rays, and did pulmonary function tests.  After completion all my medical documents, the CFRC medical office sent my data to Ottawa, where they examined my medical status and decided whether I am a suitable candidate for my trade or not.  I subitted all my medical documents around Nov 2010, and received a call, with regard to the approval for my trade by my Captain, in the middle of March; however, waiting time for you to hear any response from your recruiter officer may vary.
Again, all initial aircrew medicals must be reviewed by the environmental medicine folks at DRDC Toronto.

After 6 years of military flying, its not like i'm making this stuff up.

Stacked said:
It's a trade. Not a trait.  I had a few friends who kept calling it a trait too.. I'm not sure why this seems to be so common..

Thank you, I just fixed it.  Biochemistry major, just got mixed up with trait, which involve genes XD
Stacked said:
It's a trade. Not a trait.  I had a few friends who kept calling it a trait too.. I'm not sure why this seems to be so common..

Much like people who don't know there is a difference between then and than, their and they're and there, etc ad nauseum.
