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Air Force Forage Cap

$$$ for the service dress cap (a.k.a. forage cap to those out of diapers  ;) ) was meant in relation to "free with points."

Resurrecting a necro-thread here.  It appears you can't even buy a forage cap on Logistik Unicorp anymore.  Boo. 
Go figure.  Yet another move to bury the once proud forage cap.  It's really a travesty.  Luckily I "bought" one on points when I still could, although I've never had a chance to wear it with DEU's yet.
Can Supply (specifically, 8 Wing)  restitch a new brim onto my cap with the required braiding or will I need a whole new cap? I'd like to not do the whole aftermarket thing, as I already have a perfectly good cap, and am hoping the black brim with gold braid will be available, as it should be the same as for Navy personnel.
I seriously doubt that the base tailor will stitch on the braid.  In all reality you won't ever be in a position to wear that cap in the AF.  All parades specifically call for Wedge.
Zoomie said:
In all reality you won't ever be in a position to wear that cap in the AF.  All parades specifically call for Wedge.

Perhaps when attending a parade on your own, as a spectator.
N. McKay said:
Perhaps when attending a parade on your own, as a spectator.

That's kind of what I was thinking as well. I understand that formed groups will probably never again wear it, but I like it so might ask around at Supply about a new brim.
N. McKay said:
Perhaps when attending a parade on your own, as a spectator.

Most parades will also dictate the dress of any CF spectators.
benny88 said:
but I like it so might ask around at Supply about a new brim.

If you are very lucky, you might get a whole new hat, if there are any around at all.

There were never any new peaks (not "brims") available in the supply system of old, only complete hats.

I just saw a bunch of brand-new never-issued Service Caps in KW Surplus in Stratford, Ontario this past weekend. I'd guess that whatever stocks still existed have been recently dumped.
Zoomie said:
Most parades will also dictate the dress of any CF spectators.

Yes, but not necessarily to that level of detail.  (cf. naval pers who, in most orders of dress, have a choice between cap and beret.  If the rig is shown only as "3B", for example, you may see some of each in the crowd.)

As an example, I know of a major who has a forage cap and wears when attending functions as an individual -- but not at air element parades, where he conforms to the mainstream dress and wears his wedge.

(He's also an aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant Governor, so finds himself the only air force member present at a greater-than-average number of ceremonial functions and presumably gets a lot of use out of it in those circumstances.)
Zoomie said:
Most parades will also dictate the dress of any CF spectators.

Such a party pooper, Zoomie!  While absolutely correct in that you will probably never see the Service Cap in any parade order ever (tragic), there are definitely still occasions where you can wear said cap.  ie on an individual basis.  I for one wear it when the opportunity presents itself.  That said, I typically wear my DEU's once a year (RD) when it's mandated, so it's not all that often.  THAT said, I attended a ceremony this past year over in North Vancouver (my unit parades in Sidney), where I wore the Service Cap in all it's glorious panache and brawn.
if you do wear it, I hope you take the plastic ring out of it and scrunch down the sides, a real crusher cap.
Glad to hear some people are "fighting the man" and wearing the cap whenever they are able.  What I don't fully understand is what the reasoning is behind the near-Stalinist movement to try and officially bury all traces of the once proud cap.  It seems like at every turn everything short of writing the cap out of the orders is being done to dissuade it's use.

So, anyone know what the evil reasoning behind it's death is?

(yes, I know this post is a little melodramatic, but hey, might as well make the post interesting).
hauger said:
So, anyone know what the evil reasoning behind it's death is?

I suppose it's because the wedge is easier to pack and store (including, e.g., in closets where there's often not room for hats).
The wedge cap was actually a 19th Century army invention, often made in regimental/corps colours.  To this day, it is an optional item for many corps of the British Army adn still quite colourful.  The Air Force (which has strong army roots in the RFC) picked it up during a lull in its use by the Army.  It was largely adopted as a piece of operational headgear to be worn with flying clothing because it was easily folded and stuffed in a pocket.  The forage cap remained the proper dress headgear for officers and warrant officers for other occasions.  There is plenty of photographic evidence of this.

The wedge really came to the fore during the green era of the Canadian Air Force.  It was an optional item sold at Canex and enabled air force personnel to wear something that was uniquely air force (similar to the Navy's S7 rig of white shirt and trousers with green shoulder boards and forage cap).  Thus it rose in popularity.  This popularity carried over into the DEU.  The CAS actually issued a letter a few years ago on the subject and he pointed out that the demise of the forage cap was part of an evolutionary process and that it was removed simply because that is where we are now.  Although I don't really agree with the premise, the letter actually put forth a pretty good argument.  At least some aspects of the wedge were realized to be silly and the Air Force stopped wearing wedges with combat clothing (that looked really stupid)!  However, I also feel that the Air Force's use of the beret has gone too far.  It should be restricted to operational clothing only.  I feel a beret has no place in service dress for anyone other than the Army  :2c: (although I do wish some soldiers would keep a separate one for dress occasions instead of simply wearing the faded and stained one for everything).

Don't get me started on berets with naval service dress.  That is an absolute abomination!!!
Pusser said:
Don't get me started on berets with naval service dress.  That is an absolute abomination!!!

Agreed, but, interestingly enough, it was worn on naval air stations at one time -- so it too has an air force connection in so far as the Canadian air force now encompasses the navy's air power.  However, that is a bit of a stretch.
Pusser said:
Don't get me started on berets with naval service dress.  That is an absolute abomination!!!

You got that right.
Pusser said:
...The wedge really came to the fore during the green era of the Canadian Air Force....The CAS actually issued a letter a few years ago on the subject and he pointed out that the demise of the forage cap was part of an evolutionary process and that it was removed simply because that is where we are now.  Although I don't really agree with the premise, the letter actually put forth a pretty good argument.  At least some aspects of the wedge were realized to be silly and the Air Force stopped wearing wedges with combat clothing (that looked really stupid)!

Sad, really...the forage cap is pretty sharp when WORN CORRECTLY.

Pusser said:
However, I also feel that the pure Air Force's use of the beret has gone too far.  It should be restricted to operational clothing only.  I feel a beret has no place in Air Force service dress for anyone other than Army Aviation  :2c: (although I do wish some soldiers would keep a separate one for dress occasions instead of simply wearing the faded and stained one for everything).

There Pusser, I fixed that for you.  ;)

Agreed G2G the "Air Force" hat in your photo was great.
Unfortunately it became the forge cap of today.
Even the wedge is hard to keep on your head.
My preference, even as Air Force, has always been the beret. Practical and easy to fold.

Good2Golf said:
Sad, really...the forage cap is pretty sharp when WORN CORRECTLY.

That picture is gold, not only b/c of the cap but the general "Why the F are you bothering me" look.  I'm taking it and sending it to my supply/admin/office buddies.