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Advice needed - Best Winter Gloves?

Seeing how the original question has been answered.....

In the spirit of Christmas.... SHUT UP!

We have fellow troops out there sleeping on the line, getting their Christmas dinner on the back ramps of LAVs while wearing full armour and toting loaded weapons...worrying if they'll see tomorrow, let alone home in a few months.

Your problems at recruit school are not unique, nor insurmountable.

Now go quiet.
In the spirit of the last post....I'll grant your Christmas wish....


I'm going up ''north'' with the reserves for a week shortly, I've been told to that it will be around -40ish. On the practice weekend I used my mortar gloves and while good I noticed if they get wet at all they freeze and are ''useless'' I'm looking for a similiar pair to have for a back up. I've asked around my unit and the general consenus is to go to MEC and buy a pair a gloves. I'm looking for something thin, warm and durable... Does anyone any suggestions of what to buy or what not to buy?

I searched and found this, but it was fairly dated and locked.


Join the arcteryx LEAF program and you can get a pair of  $289.00 Cold WX Glove SV's  for $231.20

they have some other lighter gloves which are more dexterious too like the Cold WX contact or Cold WX glove AR.  $73.00/$58.40 and $229.00/$183.20 respectively.
Jarnhamar said:
Join the arcteryx LEAF program and you can get a pair of  $289.00 Cold WX Glove SV's  for $231.20

they have some other lighter gloves which are more dexterious too like the Cold WX contact or Cold WX glove AR.  $73.00/$58.40 and $229.00/$183.20 respectively.

$231 for a pair of gloves for field use?????????? ::) Go MEC, Sport Chek or any outdoor store and buy something just as good for half the price.
MEC isn't known for being very military friendly.  On the other hand they have some nice heated gloves for $350 +  ;D
Jarnhamar said:
Join the arcteryx LEAF program and you can get a pair of  $289.00 Cold WX Glove SV's  for $231.20

they have some other lighter gloves which are more dexterious too like the Cold WX contact or Cold WX glove AR.  $73.00/$58.40 and $229.00/$183.20 respectively.

I appreciate the detail in your post.

The $200 gloves are a bit out of my price range for the amount of time I'll use them.

I'm going to look into the cheaper WX gloves, if anyone has any other suggestions let me know.
Jarnhamar said:
MEC isn't known for being very military friendly.  On the other hand they have some nice heated gloves for $350 +  ;D

MEC may draw heavily on the hipster crowd when sourcing its employees, but that being said they have a 15% military discount, and I have never had any issues with anyone being less than friendly in there.

runormal said:
I'm going up ''north'' with the reserves for a week shortly, I've been told to that it will be around -40ish. On the practice weekend I used my mortar gloves and while good I noticed if they get wet at all they freeze and are ''useless'' I'm looking for a similiar pair to have for a back up. I've asked around my unit and the general consenus is to go to MEC and buy a pair a gloves. I'm looking for something thin, warm and durable... Does anyone any suggestions of what to buy or what not to buy?

Here's what I think you need to consider:

- At -40C your gloves will not be getting wet that often.  Everything is frozen solid, so there isn't as much moisture around to make them wet.

- That said, they will eventually get wet, and the only way to deal with that is to have spares, just like you have spare socks

- What you're looking for is a pair of anti-contact gloves to wear while working, to complement the arctic mitts which you're going to use to actually keep your hands warm.  Look for something lightweight, fast drying, and which fits your hand well so that you can work while wearing it.  Also look for something cheap.  These gloves are going to get destroyed.

A quick look at the MEC website shows several types at less than $30/pr that might fit the bill.  I myself wear Mechanix gloves and I get them at crappy tire.

If you're talking about a glove to replace the arctic mitt or CWW glove then that's a different conversation.  But since you seem to be talking about anti-contact gloves, buy cheap, buy lots, carry spares.
Willy said:
If you're talking about a glove to replace the arctic mitt or CWW glove then that's a different conversation.  But since you seem to be talking about anti-contact gloves, buy cheap, buy lots, carry spares.

Quite possibly the best post in here. 
MJP said:
Quite possibly the best post in here.

Agreed. Our arctic mitt is probably the best in the world for 20 below on down. Find a good liner glove, thin wool is the best if you can get them, and carry spares.
Something like these, to go inside the arctic mitts that are issued?

http://www.mec.ca/product/5008-394/auclair-polypro-liner-gloves-unisex/?Ns=p_min_sale_price&h=10+50089+50020+52436+50111&f=10+50089+50111  [ I have had these, they are decent ]


Thin enough to wear inside the mitt complete, some protection to your hands when you have to doff the mitt for something in this colder temps.  Cheap enough to buy 2-3 pair.

If you are looking for a pair of additional gloves, reasonably priced, warm and 'convervative' enough to wear with issued kit...my wife got me a pair of these for the winter I had to spend in Winnipeg (6 years ago).  Still going strong, warm gloves.  I used them with the snowblower and never get frozen fingers.  Only wish, they were more of a gauntlet type design but...awesome awesome gloves for the price.

Thanks for everyone's posts it was really helpful.

Just to confirm, I am looking for anti contact so it looks like I'll buy a few cheap pairs.

@EYE thanks for the $30 Marks gloves I think I'll pick up a pair for civy side as well  ;D

@Willy - Thanks for the detail in that post it was really helpful. I do see a lot of guys wearing the mechanics gloves in the field.
Figured I'd update this thread in the event that someone searches for it later.

I ended spending a bunch of money at MEC before I went, and to be honest it was some of the best money I spent. The 15% discount isn't bad either.

I bought these


They were surprisingly warm and held up fairly well, got a bit beat up on the finger ripping out a frozen tent peg, I bought two pairs of these and some other smaller liner gloves but never ended up trying them because these worked very well. I would highly recommend these gloves to anyone who wants a decent, cheap, warm, contact glove.

I also bought a pair of these, but never bothered to test them because the others worked so well. 


Thanks to everyone who posted advice, it was extremely helpful.