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A war-time mobilization role for the CIC?`

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that's exactly the problem...you can't have a policy affecting the CIC as a whole as each and every individual brings different skill sets to the table...

just because one is capable of leading a section, doesn't mean an other is...

And I personally, as a Sig, would have problems in a Sig environment, knowing that my leader, was not a qualified Sig O
Sig_Des said:
that's exactly the problem...you can't have a policy affecting the CIC as a whole as each and every individual brings different skill sets to the table...

Did you read the first three pages of this thread, where this point about assessing individual backgrounds and skills was repeatedly brought forward, starting with the first reply?
yes I did. probably shows that this thread has reached the end of the circle and has nowhere else to go, don't it?
Sig_Des said:
Just to throw another bone into the fray, How would any NCM's here feel about having a CIC officer in charge of their troop/platoon/ company, etc?
This is truly a good point, what makes a CIC officer think that by virtue of a commission he has accuired the training required to lead in combat?  I think the answer to this question can be summed up by requiring CIC officers to complete the same training as their counterparts assuming that they are fit to fight in the first place meaning that they would no longer be a CIC officer.  As for a role within the new structure? correct me if I'm wrong but are CIC officers not tasked with the training of Cadets? where is that experience benificial say to an infantry platoon in combat? what is it that they bring to the table that I or any other NCO doesn't know? Maybe the question you should ask yourself if you want to be apart of the restructuring is what are you doing working with the Cadets?
Who said anything about putting them in command of combat infantry platoons. That argument is a red herring.
Unknown Factor said:
 I think the answer to this question can be summed up by requiring CIC officers to complete the same training as their counterparts assuming that they are fit to fight in the first place meaning that they would no longer be a CIC officer.

If they had to go through the same training as a reg or res officer we would have damn fewer cadet/CIC officers in the CF!

Truth to tell, despite what all the CIC guys are saying here I don't think that the majority of them would enjoy leading an infantry platoon in combat...I don't know if any of you realize it buts its just a bit harder than it looks on TV.

Stop dreaming. If yu want to be infantry then sign on the line. CIC is a cadet posn...period.
During this time I led a Sigs section (I was at the time an LT) and no one but the officer I worked for knew I was CIC until we got back into garrison andthey actually saw me in my beret (was in helemet or WBCH the rest of the time).  

Well, this show's that they do look at leading an actual section or unit of something other than cadets....Does this habitually happen? a CIC leading a group of soldiers,likely trade-specific, where they are not likely trained to that level of command?
Sig_Des said:
Well, this show's that they do look at leading an actual section or unit of something other than cadets....Does this habitually happen? a CIC leading a group of soldiers,likely trade-specific, where they are not likely trained to that level of command?


There is nothing usefull coming out of this thread and now DS are having to babysit it to make usre the foolishness doesn't spread.

PM me or Mike O'leary if you have a challenge with this


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