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A certain bar in Ottawa


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Alright, so I am sorry to the moderators if I have posted this in the wrong section of the forum, however I really as a Canadian Soldier and more importantly a Canadian citizen despise the way we as a public treat our men and women in arms.  Today on Canada day, myself and 3 of my brothers were downtown Ottawa to celebrate the freedom we as members as the CF fight for everyday.  After celebrating with our extended family's at a concert we decided to go out and celebrate some more.  Now I know you think as guys in the military we got too rowdy or too loud, however we never made it in.  We got in the line up, as we were talking to one of the bouncers waiting to get in he told us positively told us just because we were military it was unlikely we would be getting in.  After turning us away, one of the bouncers who could tell we were in the forces called us "fagots" to our backs as we walked away.  Now I don't know if he had a bad night our he was not supportive of the CF, but on a day we celebrate our heritage, our community's and the people who protect our country, it made us wonder if those we protect really understood why our other brothers have given their lives overseas.  Suffice to say, we felt extremely alone while celebrating our country's birthday. 

In my day, granted it was 20 years ago, that bouncer would have had 3 Patricias on him like a bad smell. If you were in uniform, you made the right call. If you were in civvies, That f$*%&er should have been sent to the hospital.
While you understandably feel offended and unappreciated by that specific bouncer, I can assure you that the freedom you impart to our nation through your constant vigil is not unappreciated.

Even the bouncers rejecting you are appreciating it without knowing it.  Funny how even while he's turning you away, he it utilizing a freedom given to him by the very people he is denying access.  A bit ironic, don't you think?
I'm not denying that at all.
That's a  shame , I  had a great time  here in Ottawa  yesterday.  It was  amazing . One  bouncer DOES not  speak  for  everyone. 
I can remember the days when the bouncers were respectful to us even if the management didn't allow us into their establishments.  I have been turned away from a few places but with an apology not an insult (mind you they also knew what happened if they insulted us)
Just one dinosaurs vent.
he probably had a few run ins with soldiers who can't handle their drinks. Maybe he's got a grudge against soldiers for that reason.  I don't know. I do know that when a man gets a little power ( even if it just deciding who gets in), they tend get a "god complex". All the sudden they are always right and those who disagree get the boot.

Jumping the guy would have been pointless. It wouldn't have accomplished much, since the other bouncers would join in. Then the cops would get there and join in too. A night in the drunk tank probably would not have been the best thing. Pick your battles.
Jumping the bouncer.  Now there's some good strategic thinking.  Get your jollies, then the *@& kicked out of you by the other bouncers, and screw the next group of soldiers who are trying to get in. 

Not to mention the headline in the Citizen about crazy drunk soldiers.  Thanks for showing the discipline that it takes to turn your back on em. 

Different story mind you if he lays hands on you outside the establishment.
In cases like this, I like the following quote:
"When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend, because she knows she's dating a p***y."
-Attributed to General Tommy Franks

Well, looks like that bouncer knew his place in the food chain... and he is jealous, which is the reason for his power-trip.
Good on you for walking away. We don't need the bad press, and it proves you and your friends are mature.
Perhaps it wasn't club policy, only the bouncer. Write a letter to the managerment, stating only the facts, and see what type of response you get.
I've had it happen before. I have a plastic sleeve that i keep ID in, Drivers licence on one side, Army ID on the other. Bouncer checking saw my Army ID as i pulled out my drivers, looked at me and said I couldnt come in. He didnt make a big deal of it, just said that they werent letting any more guys in for the night. My 3 mates and i started walking off and lo and behold, bunch of 4 guys rock up after us and were straight in.
I reckon theres a perception among some bouncers that Army guys are dangerous drunks. Or maybe he's pissed off because he couldnt get in so he's stuck working a door. Either way, you know who the dickhead is in that situation and the finger is definitely not pointing at you.
Meh, just an arsehole with "little man syndrome" piping up behind your back to make himself look like the tough man he isn't.

I had no problems at all yesterday....even got some freebies and access to some decent places.

Whodathunk that after the bullshyte in the mid- 90's it's not taboo to be in the CF anymore....

Next time, just blow him a big kiss and a nice theatrical wink... drives those 'roid monkeys nuts!
The phrase, "Bend over and i'll prove it to you" usually gets me out of trouble...or is that into trouble? ??? ;D

I happen to know a lot of the bouncers and bar managers in Ottawa, mostly through Rugby.

I'd be curious in knowing which bar, through PM if you like, just to see if I know the locale and the staff.

I like the idea of sending a letter to the bar management. You ever see the look on the face of a business owner when he's threatened with being boycotted?
Yes times are a changing. 20- 30 years ago out goes the bouncer, in goes the troops. Now the troops these days write letters, must be the higher education level.  ;) But on reflection maybe the guy is a jerk, management knows this and some nice gift certs will be the response to a well thought out literary reply.

that place on Douglas in Victoria that used to photocopy our IDs and post them by the door under "life time ban list". Twenty years later and they are still stapled to the wall.  ;D
3rd Herd said:
Yes times are a changing. 20- 30 years ago out goes the bouncer, in goes the troops. Now the troops these days write letters, must be the higher education level.  ;) But on reflection maybe the guy is a jerk, management knows this and some nice gift certs will be the response to a well thought out literary reply.

that place on Douglas in Victoria that used to photocopy our IDs and post them by the door under "life time ban list". Twenty years later and they are still stapled to the wall.  ;D

Don't get me wrong Herd, my initial reaction, especially that night, would have been "Let's give this Nancy a proper kicking", but that boat as passed.
3rd Herd said:
that place on Douglas in Victoria that used to photocopy our IDs and post them by the door under "life time ban list". Twenty years later and they are still stapled to the wall.  ;D

Really?  I'll have to go by and see who I recognize...  ;D