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2025 Federal Election - 28 Apr 25

I can appreciate her, DS, wanting to put Albertans first, but she is submarining the prospective PM who would help do that.

DS's problem though is she acts like a O&G lobbiest more than anything, and her policies cater more to rural albertans. Current scandal nit withstanding, she has her own problems with the urban, rural divide as the cities all are swinging to the NDP. At current rate she will likely lose the 2027 election. Pushing attacks on ottawa is just a distraction for her, and for Pierre it's an annoyance that could mess with his campaign.
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To the surprise of absolutely no one, tripling down. It's almost like she's trying to annihilate any chance the CPC might have.
What makes you say that?

It is better for the United States to have actual solid allies running in Canada than to have some of the schmucks that have been running Canada over the past few years.”

Would it be better for Canada if we remained hostile to the US?
I'll bet the assets included various Canadian pension funds. Those appear to be the investment capital Brookfield prefers, is pension funds.

There are probably a ton of investments, put together by Carney, that will run for many years. He cannot extradite himself from those deals as they will be providing him dividends until the projects are complete.
Brookfield Asset Management is been a holding in my RSP for years - because of its diversification, its well paying, consistent, growing dividend and because its very well run. I look forward to many, many years of above average returns on my investments in the years to come.
Would it be better for Canada if we remained hostile to the US?
When the US is openly saying that they would like to annex Canada and in both words and actions they are using "economic force" to destroy the Canadian economy by eliminating any trade links between our countries by repatriating all cross-border industry to the United States then who is it that is being hostile?

Looking at those numbers 51% of the largest cohort in the poll support the LPC.

That cohort of voters is female over age 55. Interestingly enough that over 51% of female over 55 provides the same amount of votes to the LPC as all other female age classes combined.

Male support is more evenly distributed across ages for the LPC possibly due to the almost complete lack of NDP support. Even so the over 55 demographic at 45% support generates almost 100 more votes in this poll than the 18-34 bracket at 40%.

Interestingly enough as well this poll presented as evidence of support for “dealing with Trump” likely conflates that concept with that of “best PM”.
Those polls asking about election priorities all seem to have something in the high 40 percent of the over 55 cohort ranking “dealing with Trump” as their number 1 priority.
The other age cohorts rank that concern only in the mid to high 20s.

And as always you can make stats say what ever you want them to say.😂
When the US is openly saying that they would like to annex Canada and in both words and actions they are using "economic force" to destroy the Canadian economy by eliminating any trade links between our countries by repatriating all cross-border industry to the United States then who is it that is being hostile?
The US. Would it be better for Canadians to keep that hostility going or try to dial it back where possible?

Edit...what Fabius said.


Regarding the 18 - 34 "cohort" about "young people" support for Team Blue.

Male = 34% Female = 18%

I don't see it myself, but perhaps others do. 🤷‍♂️

The 'gold standard' in pensions is the defined benefit.
Depends on how the pension is structured. Ask employees of failed companies whose pension funds were not "at arm's length".
The defined contribution is definitely a 'tier 2' pension.
Not necessarily. A DB plan without unlimited government liability (backing) can still fail, particularly if it isn't actuarially sound. If it's actuarially sound, then the same contributions to a DC plan (or other investments) could likely achieve a similar outcome, with the added benefit that an employee who loses his "bet" that he's going to live long enough to collect it all can still pass it along in his estate. If a DC plan overperforms, the employee benefits. If a DB plan overperforms, the plan retains the extra earnings unless there is some sort of provision for bonus payments (which would be a risk most plans would steer away from). If a DC plan underperforms, the employee loses. If a DB plan underperforms, the employee may or may not lose depend on whether there is some backer with unlimited liability. Saying a DC plan is "tier 2" is like saying private investments are "tier 2".
Well this is somewhat awkward.

Alt: https://archive.ph/8KURJ

Awkward Moment Weirdo GIF by Peacock
Waiting for Carney to try and duck the two national debates due to the Trump emergency.

Pulling back from campaigning to counter trump?

Is he going to campaign from the basement a la biden? Perhaps butts and telford are getting uncomfortable with his constant gaffes and untruths. Best keep him off the trail and behind a firewall, where they can control the message with sanitized releases and no reporters to ask him questions about his finances and policy.
Or maybe they're keeping him at training camp, building sets that mirror those to be used in the debate. Drilling him on his canned answers and practicing his french. Like the dems did with harris?