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  1. JBC

    National Interests

          No one is disputing that this is the stance every soldier should take on the job but consider this: General Hillier is a soldier, and based on the advise which he gives to the MND and PM it is quite likely that as an expert, his opinion will influence certain areas of policy whether...
  2. JBC

    Command Career Progression

    Mark C, Thank you for your post, it was very encouraging. In addition to what you have wrote, I was looking for the actual job progression that some of the infantry leaders in these forums have undergone. Eg Pl comd to ops O? to coy 2IC? to Adj etc... From talking to other inf officers I...
  3. JBC

    Basic the way it should be

    The new and improved CAP brought to you by the Infantry School integrates many interesting and highly useful objectives to training. 1. Convoy and force protection 2. OBUA (limited) 3. Detainee handling 4. 30 plus random "throw on you at anytime" scenarios which can be handed out for the poor...
  4. JBC

    Canadian soldiers return to Kandahar

    Godspeed fellas  :cdn: :salute:
  5. JBC

    Command Career Progression

    Career progression: A little early to worry about, but not to earlier to think about. Looking for observations on the career progressions of inf pl comds. 1. Basic career progression if you do your job well and don't piss off your OC too much 2. More detailed histories of some pl comds on...
  6. JBC

    National Interests

    Er...forgot to say what I wanted to say. So doing what we are doing right now, is something that every Canadian should be doing too at the very least in their own mind. Then that is what they base their WELL INFORMED vote on, as to whether a candidate will support their concept of national...
  7. JBC

    National Interests

    Young KH, I agree putting the present and future first are the priority while being mindful of the past. With regards to your last comment I agree further agree so this open a short aside from main thread. So open for general discussion, what are the things that Canadians are ashamed of, and...
  8. JBC

    National Interests

    Exporting our diplomatic skills and the Canadian contribution (at least militarily) to modern peace keeping is something to be proud of. However in a summary of his novel Who Killed the Canadian Military?  Dr. Jack Granatstein states: I insert this to emphasis the difference between a...
  9. JBC

    National Interests

    Young KH, I like it. Does this apply to "sheep from away" as well? In other words as a democratic nation would it be a national interest to spread democracy abroad if for no other reason than what General Hillier commented on? Or are these domestic sheep only? :)
  10. JBC

    National Interests

    Consider this quote from General Hillier last Thursday:  Our government's interest in Afghanistan in the context of the quote is intended as being a preventative measure against terrorism. I am sure all CF members readily support this. Therefore, I classify it as being a very current interest...
  11. JBC

    Why do we do it?

    Why did I join? Well clearly...we'll need a new CDS at some point... :) 1. No other profession is in greater need for good people who will do a damn good job at what they do, plus I like being an infanteer 2. Personal development, life experience 3. I think about the yet to be written...
  12. JBC

    National Interests

    I suspect CH1 was attempting a witty poke at me for expressing my "new age" desire to have independent thought and discussion, contrary to how we would "normally" conduct ourselves around our subordinates.  IMHO "new age" doesn't exist...troops (NCO and Officer) have always been intelligent...
  13. JBC

    A culture of non-communication

    Couldn't agree more...it is far too easy for one to become complacent in just clicking the button without bothering to A) follow up with pers concern face to face or B) request a reply to confirm that the message was received. On the flip side, one doesn't want to continually repeat a message by...
  14. JBC

    Issues with Enforcement and Maintenance of Discipline

    If drug usage is as serious a problem with the CF as one may be led to believe, I suggest a one week force wide period of grace to turn oneself into ones chain of command so that treatment can begin and recovery to becoming an effective...drug free... member again, without fear of release...
  15. JBC

    WOW ...is it just me or did this happen all too quick??

    I don't mean to brag but...here's my story. I Walked into CFRC on a Tuesday (February something?) 3 days before 2004 ROTP deadline (non air crew MOC) and 2 days later had my app back in their laps, Friday. Following Thursday had an interview, and med, Friday did another up 2,3 down 2,3, up 2,3...
  16. JBC

    Keen...but green

    Rats...here you got my hopes up thinking someday I'd get to be a JAFO, sounded important ;)
  17. JBC

    A culture of non-communication

              I think wider spread access to Internet assets would help the problem. I realise this would a nightmare for IT folks, and fiscal nightmare for...some general....trying to pay for the hook up the DIN at 60,000 more locations. Besides that who really wants to bring the office home...
  18. JBC

    Keen...but green

    Can't wait to pass...er, is it fail? that PO!  ;D
  19. JBC

    Keen...but green

    Now then, while I'd like to think there was never an infantry officer that could be tooooo keen <<ahem>> one may sprout up here and there. What are your funny (or maybe even pathetically sad) stories about new subbies coming into battalion who had to be reeled in. I think of this as education...
  20. JBC

    National Interests

    Nobody has anything to say?  :-[ <<sigh>> okay...feel free to shut this one down mods.