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Search results

  1. buck13

    WW3 en route?

    well, we made it through april and may. as long as israel doesn't attack iran this month it looks like we're in the clear. i don't see russia or pakistan actually getting involved though, even if there were to be some kind of clash between israel and iran.
  2. buck13

    Quebec Tory Senator: Give murderers rope for their cells

    I am more than ok with this idea. I think that the Canadian prison system has moved away from the three pronged approach prison was originally intended to have. Prison is meant to a) be a bad place to be for the individual, b) keep individuals out of general society and, c) be a place where...
  3. buck13

    seeking advice regarding potential career

    Haha, I like to think he would focus on the positive aspect of the comment.
  4. buck13

    seeking advice regarding potential career

    Being a reservist during university is great. Helps pay for tuition, keeps you in shape, gives you a few weekends where you have to do something other than drink, and I've found both university staff (profs, TAs, etc) as well as my superiors at the regiment have been really helpful in terms of...
  5. buck13

    "What if??" A thread for people who like to speculate

    That is the biggest issue I have with this article. I can't see the USA completely dropping the special relationship they have with Britain or becoming so isolationist in the next six years that they would not intervene, especially in a war of conquest against the UK.
  6. buck13

    Running for...??

    Pretty simple, really. Running is great fitness.
  7. buck13

    seeking advice regarding potential career

    First thing to learn: effective use of the search tool. It is your best friend. There is already a thread about ROTP and RCM going on right now. Most of your questions can be answered there so give it a read through. If you want more specific information, post your questions there. Link below...
  8. buck13

    Decisions, decisions

    I would highly recommend joining the Reserves while in university. It gets you into the system, gets basic out of the way, gives you a taste of what the regular force is like and is very doable in terms of being a full time student and a part time soldier. I in the Reserves right now while at...
  9. buck13

    Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai

    I don't think anyone is expecting him to shower praise and love on the US but to talk about such a ridiculous scenario (war between Pakistan and the States) and then to say he would side with Pakistan is unnecessary and can do nothing but irritate NATO and in particular America. Seems like a...
  10. buck13

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I haven't graduated yet, I'm in my second year. My understanding was that through some summer courses I could still do it. But I might be wrong. Continuing education - the main reason anyone should post or read topics on this site. Also I messed up the original post. Meant to say become an...
  11. buck13

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Anybody doing reserves while at civvy uni and then planning on applying to ROTP once you've graduated? That's my plan right now. Took my CFAT and was told by my file manager that I would had good potential as an officer.
  12. buck13

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Today on the bus I heard a guy explaining that they could build a bridge and, if it wasn't high enough for ships to get under it, all they would have to do is dredge so that the water level dropped and then it would be fine. I had to intervene, I couldn't let those people go on thinking that was...
  13. buck13

    Iran Implicated in Plot to Kill the Saudi Ambassader to the US

    Yea I don't expect any military action, given the way things played out. Had the attack actually been executed, then I think the US would have had to consider at least some kind of military strike or response but, since it was broken up in the planning stages I don't think anything beyond a...
  14. buck13

    You know the army is getting into your brain when...

    I'm not knocking it at all! That's exactly how I learned it too! But years later, knowing it back to front, the fact that I still do it constantly in my head worries me a bit.
  15. buck13

    Word association (just for fun)

  16. buck13

    You know the army is getting into your brain when...

    When you read out license plates, serial numbers, etc, in phonetic alphabet to pass the time.
  17. buck13

    Lady Kicked Out of Theater for Texting

    I think it's totally reasonable because it interferes with the ability of other people to see the screen. Pretty simple harm principle stuff. If you doing something interferes with the rights or abilities of others to do something you can be stopped or punished. Thanks for the tip about the...
  18. buck13

    Have we become a conservative country?

    I think that this the entire article is fairly hyperbolic. In the grand scheme of things Canada is a left of centre country. Even the Conservative Party, which is right wing within our system, is fairly centrist compared to the rest of the world. Can you imagine the Republicans in the United...
  19. buck13

    Really specific enlistment question

    So I am planning on enlisting in the reserves in September with the Royal Montreal Regiment but I will be in Vancouver until late August. Does anyone know a way I can at least start the process so I can hit the ground running when I go back East? I've tried contacting the Seaforth Highlanders...
  20. buck13

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I'm in pretty much the same boat (McGill student who is away for summers) and from what I understand you can "switch" reserves for periods of time. I might be wrong though, I'm joining up this September too.