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  1. Happydiver

    21 years later & I get my shot at Pilot

    Just got back from my enrollment ceremony today in Vancouver and I'm officially back in!!!  I start Basic in St Jean on the 16th and one step closer to those magic wings.  ;D
  2. Happydiver

    New Coast Guard Ships

    In regards to Mark from Ottawa's quote about arming the Coast Guard, it ain't going to happen anytime soon due mostly to budgetary constraints in regards to the prohibitive cost of training.  We had a visit about a year ago from the Commissioner of the CG, John Adams and he went through why the...
  3. Happydiver

    Just Got the Offer!

    I just got my flight itinerary yesterday and it sounds like the Vancouver Island folks are doing a bit of a milk run picking up people all across the country before we hit Montreal.  I'm up bright and squirrelly to catch an oh dark early flight out of Comox on the 14th with stops in Vancouver...
  4. Happydiver

    New Coast Guard Ships

    STONEY's info is right on the nose.  The way things work in the CCG is when you add something to one side, you take away from the other so that your budget always balances out.  To the public you look like you're moving ahead and modernizing but in reality you're taking services away elsewhere. ...
  5. Happydiver

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Everything I could find points to no more SLT for most new Anglo officers coming off IAP/BOTP but does anyone have hard Intel/messages on whether or not SLT is being canned for new courses just starting up in St Jean?  I spoke with my recruiting center in Vancouver today and they couldn't give...
  6. Happydiver

    CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

    Thank you for the link.  Obviously this lady is very articulate, charismatic and cares deeply about her family, her country and other people's well being.  Though she is admirable for these qualities, she reminds me of a multitude of very nice people I know who are quite naive as to how large...
  7. Happydiver

    BC Cadet Honour Band 2007 Concert Tour

    Bravo, Bravo, Bravo to the participants selected to form the 2007 BC Cadet Honour Band.  Their inaugural performance in Nanaimo was absolutely fantastic and it's a shame they are only on tour for one week.  This group of fifty two fabulously talented tri-service cadets brought the house down and...
  8. Happydiver

    CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

    I won't go deeply into the relative merits of the Cadet program.  Pound for pound, I do feel that compared to other kid's programs in Canada, it's the best one we've got going.  I base this on personal experiences with 4-H, Cubs/Scouts, Boys & Girls clubs, Brownies/Girl Scouts, dance...
  9. Happydiver

    Cpl Kevin Megeney NSH - 06 March 2007

    Canadians owe these 'part-timers' a lot more gratitude then they're receiving.  If anything good can come from Cpl Megeney's death perhaps the Reserve personnel will eventually receive the proper thanks for their sacrifices for this country. Condolences to those he leaves behind.
  10. Happydiver

    Anyone on the April BOTC??

    I'm flying out of Comox 14 Apr for the mid April course.  There's another wannabe pilot friend of mine out of Edmonton that will be there too, (CasperTr11).  Cya there!
  11. Happydiver

    Any offers for pilot from jan 12 selection board?

    Just to throw in my situation, I too was resigned to waiting until at least April to see if some more spots were going to open up for Pilot.  I had actually been scheduled to attend Navy boards/MARS familiarization (whatever it is called) in Esquimalt for Mar 5-9.  The idea was I would keep my...
  12. Happydiver

    21 years later & I get my shot at Pilot

    Just a quick update on my continuing saga, the RC said last week that they would get back to me in 3 to 8 weeks with an enrollment date and joining instructions.  Well, they lied to me and only took one week to get back to me..... :D  My enrollment date is set for Mar 29 and I'm slated to attend...
  13. Happydiver

    21 years later & I get my shot at Pilot

    I'm writing this narrative in the hope that my story gives someone the strength to hang on to their dreams.  Back in the mists of time, when I was around 10, I formed the idea that I would become a pilot.  Dutifully, at the age of 19, I applied for ROTP and with my 20/15 vision was bundled off...
  14. Happydiver

    waiting patiently.......

    I might actually have the record for waiting patiently for that call for pilot training.  I've wanted to fly since I was 10 and when I was 19 went through the process to be told that due to a medical condition, I couldn't be a pilot but was acceptable as an air navigator.  I spent some time in...