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CDN/US Covid-related political discussion

Because Ontario is much larger you need to factor that it's more difficult to scale the vaccine rollout.

Because of scalability, the other smaller provinces SHOULD be ahead in percentage administered. It doesn't mean Ontario is doing a bad job. It just means they have a bigger project on their hands. Ontario is doing just fine and still the by far leader in actually administering doses.

If you don't factor scalability, and we use your math that "isn't hard" then assuming the level of competence in every province is the exact same Ontario will loose in your comparison every single time.

It's a lot harder to fill 1000 order than 100 orders. A business that successfully fills 950 out of 1000 order will ALWAYS be a bigger and better business than one that fills 98 out 100 orders because we don't know what would happen to the business that does only 100 orders if they tried to do 1000.

Doing this kind of math isn't going to paint a clear picture because what's happening here is a massive project that will naturally be tougher for Ontario because they need to scale it much larger. If you can't understand that you are not familiar with projects of this level. By the same logic if there was a province of only 10,000 people and all 10,000 were already vaccinated you would like call them the winner even though they had a much smaller challenge ahead of them, so like your comparison it would also be extremely unfair.
Lets put this another way.

5,643,587 vaccines administered in Canada. 3,451,334 outside of Ontario. 7,107,969 vaccines delivered to the provinces. 4,287,474 outside of Ontario.

So using your logic, 3,451,334>2,192,253 and 4,287,474>2,820,495

So running the numbers,

Canada, 3,451,334/4,287,474=80.4 percent.

Ontario, 2,192,253/2,820,485=77.7 percent

Technically, using your logic, distributing 3.45 million vaccines should be a harder task than administering 2.1m, but across Canada those 3.4 outside of Ontario have done that harder job better.

And they are doing it without trying to blame the federal government for lack of supply.

And pray Ontario gets better at this as they go along, as the amount of vaccines Canada gets, and by extension, Ontario gets, is about to get much larger. If they think administering 2.8 million vaccines since december is hard, wait until they are getting a million a week.

skip to 1:25 in, and supply outpaces rates of administration.

Reports that Ontario has 500k vaccines sitting in freezers.

2,820,495 doses delivered​

2,192,253 doses administered​

Now I'm a simple man, but....


Yet certain regions are shutting down vaccination sites, others are trying to scramble to get people to come for open appointments, and others are crying poor.

I remember saying that splitting the vaccination program amongst 34 different health centers would not end well, and I think we are seeing the fruits of this now.

You are not hearing this level of disorganization from any other province other than Ontario. And to date, only the Ontario government (that I'm aware of) is complaining about federal supply.

=View attachment 64806
You love to play with stats when you’re hating on Premier Ford, don’t you Altair?

So which is it then? Relative (%), or Absolute (#s) performance?

If absolute, then Ontario has administered more vaccines (2,282,126) than ALL provinces and territories together (2,111,376) less Quebec.

If relative, then Ontario has administered more doses from delivered proportionately, than eight, or 2/3 of the other provinces and territories.

Given that Ontario would run out of vaccine doses in six (6) days at its daily administration rate without new shipments, how few days to turnaround shipments do you believe the province should reduce its administration too?
You love to play with stats when you’re hating on Premier Ford, don’t you Altair?
Not playing, just stating.
So which is it then? Relative (%), or Absolute (#s) performance?
Relative is best, as absolute numbers mask deficiencies. For example if China vaccinated just 1 percent of their population it would be 14 million people, crushing most countries, but still in relative terms, garbage.
If absolute, then Ontario has administered more vaccines (2,282,126) than ALL provinces and territories together (2,111,376) less Quebec.
Why exclude Quebec?
If relative, then Ontario has administered more doses from delivered proportionately, than eight, or 2/3 of the other provinces and territories.
Correct. Yet you do not have the other provinces complaining about a lack of supply, to date I've noticed one Premier. A Premier who has 600k vaccines undistributed but is complaining they are running out. Yet you have provinces in Alberta and Saskatchewan who are using close to 90 percent of the vaccines they have received with no complaints.

Given that Ontario would run out of vaccine doses in six (6) days at its daily administration rate without new shipments, how few days to turnaround shipments do you believe the province should reduce its administration too?
Lets look at Alberta.Screenshot (126).png

Every time Alberta is close to running out, they get more from the federal government. The only time on the graph where they look to have run out is in mid February when there were supply issues at the plant in Europe.

Lets look at Ontario.

Screenshot (127).png

They are not getting close to running out by the time they get a new shipment. The feds are right, the supply to ontario is outpacing the administration. It looks like it has been since the first week of march. Every time they get a new shipment they have more unused vaccines than the last delivery.

So why pick on Ontario? Because Ontario Premier Doug Ford is lying.
This tracker is great btw, raw numbers, no political spin.

February 17th, the smallest gap of available vaccines to administered vaccines for Ontario. 34,191 unused vaccines.

Feb 25th, 61,295 unused vaccines.

Mar 2nd, 176,264 unused vaccines.

Mar 9th, 143,212 unused vaccines.

Mar 15th, 265,452 unused vaccines.

Mar 17th, 330,001 unused vaccines.

Mar 22nd, 227,095 unused vaccines.

Mar 24th, 570,815 unused vaccines.

Mar 29th, 321,930 unused vaccines.

Yet somehow its a supply issue.

And I will say this again, Ontario had better figure things out quickly. Because in June, they will be getting 950k a week in pfizer alone.
Funny how even the opposition parties think the vaccine rollout is going well in Ontario,....but Altair does not. And no matter what coherent arguments are made, the goalposts just get shifted to Fed-good, Prov- bad.
Funny how even the opposition parties think the vaccine rollout is going well in Ontario,....but Altair does not. And no matter what coherent arguments are made, the goalposts just get shifted to Fed-good, Prov- bad.
I think Alberta is doing well.
Saskatchewan is doing well.
Quebec is doing well.
BC is doing well.

Ontario a mess IMHO. The 34 separate regions doing their own thing is messing things up, IMHO.
York region, closing vaccine centers.

Meanwhile in Toronto...

Yet you have the Provincial government in Ontario saying things like this.

And the Ottawa region saying
I am not hearing this coming out of other provinces. No finger pointing at the federal government, no empty lines in one region and vaccine shut downs in others. And I must say again, they have 600k vaccines not being used.

Meanwhile Ontario is about to be clobbered by a third wave. So ya, I'm not singing Ontarios praises, and I think Premier for is trying to deflect responsibility.
Funny how even the opposition parties think the vaccine rollout is going well in Ontario,....but Altair does not. And no matter what coherent arguments are made, the goalposts just get shifted to Fed-good, Prov- bad.
Or just Ford bad.
Fess up Altair, you are a shill/troll. There is no other way to defend your over the top obeisance to the reality that is unfolding.
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Ontario clearly should have hired you instead of Gen(Ret’d) Hillier...

What have I said that is incorrect?
Yup, cherry pick a date when the latest deliveries happened prior to their administration, and imply that you could have coordinated administration more effectively than the 34 Regional Health Authorities, because, well, you know more than they do...
Yup, cherry pick a date when the latest deliveries happened prior to their administration, and imply that you could have coordinated administration more effectively than the 34 Regional Health Authorities, because, well, you know more than they do...
Why must you lie too?

I picked the date BEFORE the delivery. BEFORE.
Go look at the dates I posted.

February 17th, 34,191 unused vaccines.

Feb 25th, 61,295 unused vaccines.

Mar 2nd, 176,264 unused vaccines.

Mar 9th, 143,212 unused vaccines.

Mar 15th, 265,452 unused vaccines.

Mar 17th, 330,001 unused vaccines.

Mar 22nd, 227,095 unused vaccines.

Mar 24th, 570,815 unused vaccines.

Mar 29th, 321,930 unused vaccines.

Check it out. Either get your facts straight or stop lying, pick one, I don't care which.
So current ‘surplus’ is half of what it was last week, yet you push the 600,000+ figure in your argumentation why Ford is such a failure.

Cherry picking indeed!
So current ‘surplus’ is half of what it was last week, yet you push the 600,000+ figure in your argumentation why Ford is such a failure.

Cherry picking indeed!
The current surplus, in real time, right now is 600k.

The last delivery was march 30th. Again, go check it out, get your facts straight, or stop lying, I don't care which.

...and the gap will be less, then more, then less, then more...

So anything less than complete clearing of deliveries within 24 hours is failure? You're right, you should have been in charge instead of Premier Ford and team.
...and the gap will be less, then more, then less, then more...

So anything less than complete clearing of deliveries within 24 hours is failure? You're right, you should have been in charge instead of Premier Ford and team.
Alberta is doing it.

Bravo Jason Kenney!

Saskatchewan is doing it.

Bravo Scott Moe!

Conservatives they are. So no political axe to grind. I give credit where credit is due.

You may be more accepting of mediocrity than I, but to me, if you are not doing a good enough job clearing the vaccines you already have before you get your next batch, then blaming the person giving it to you isn't going to solve the problem. And that is what Premier Ford is doing. Which I why I'm saying it right here, when he says the problems are supply related, he's lying through his teeth. He has the supply. He hasn't been close to running out of supply for over a month.

As for being in charge, I don't think I could have done a worst job and then try to blame others for my own failures.
Alberta is doing it.

Bravo Jason Kenney!

Saskatchewan is doing it.

Bravo Scott Moe!

Conservatives they are. So no political axe to grind. I give credit where credit is due.

You may be more accepting of mediocrity than I, but to me, if you are not doing a good enough job clearing the vaccines you already have before you get your next batch, then blaming the person giving it to you isn't going to solve the problem. And that is what Premier Ford is doing. Which I why I'm saying it right here, when he says the problems are supply related, he's lying through his teeth. He has the supply. He hasn't been close to running out of supply for over a month.

As for being in charge, I don't think I could have done a worst job and then try to blame others for my own failures.
Based on your posting history, I think that typing praise for Conservatives (above) caused you significant anguish, but allowed you to continue your harangue. There is a slippery slope between fan and fanatic. If you are apolitical in this matter, as you claim, then opinions on this site should not have educed your passive-aggressive attack on legitimate commentary. Or, you can appreciate that others have differing opinions than you do, and consider them. I could care less, but will challenge you on postings that go against my considered opinion.
Based on your posting history, I think that typing praise for Conservatives (above) caused you significant anguish,
It really didn't.
but allowed you to continue your harangue. There is a slippery slope between fan and fanatic. If you are apolitical in this matter, as you claim, then opinions on this site should not have educed your passive-aggressive attack on legitimate commentary. Or, you can appreciate that others have differing opinions than you do, and consider them. I could care less, but will challenge you on postings that go against my considered opinion.
Everyone can have their opinions, but facts are facts.

I deal with facts, I have been posting facts,I have been citing where I am getting these facts, unless someone can dispute these facts in some way that backs their opinions I really don't put much weight behind those opinions.