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Worst Day Ever =(

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Today, Wed Sept 20, 2006 marks the day I failed push-ups and I am so disappionted of myself.

Here is my story.

The day before the PT test i forgot all about it so i didnt go to sleep until like 4:00 in the morning, the test was at 9:00 and my friend was giving me a drive. I didnt bother to bring a coat since he said that it was warm outside, well that was a complete lie and the only reason he told me not to get it was because he was in a rush. There was alot of traffic so about 2 blocks I had to get out of the car and walk so i wouldnt be late. It was freezing cold, I made it in time and I went straight to the PT test area. I filled in a sheet and then went into my PT test; first test was some step test and it was pretty easy after the officer explained it to me. I got an officer that is a man of few words and I couldnt hear him so he had to repeat himself a couple of times, made me feel embarrassed.

After the step test I went to the hand grip test which i passed easily and then the nightmare... At home I could do about 40 push-ups, perfect form, continuously but I crashed here. When I was doing my push-ups he had his fingers at my upper chest to make sure i was going down all the way. When i was doing the push-ups i stopped like a mm before his fingers and those didnt count what so ever, I got up to 15 push-ups and he said stop, your done. He stopped me after the second warning that my arms werent straight or something, I honestly couldnt hear what he was saying to me. He was nice enough to give me a re-test for push-ups right after the sit-ups but by then I was done, I couldnt do 10.

So I have to pay $30 and wait 2 weeks until I can do my re-test. I had to take the bus home which took about 2 hours and then it started raining like crazy, I was freezing my *** off with no coat thanks to my friend. It took about 30mins to get home and when I got home I tried to do more push-ups but for some reason my arms turned into crap, I couldnt even do 1 proper push-up.

Im just wondering if the cold, hunger and sleepy-ness was the main reason why I failed, anyways it was completely my fault that I failed the PT- Test and now I will know in the future to be always prep'd.

ps. Any advice on push-ups, how i can improve?
ps.s. I believe he was saying to keep my elbows in, touching my body....idunno
mmk said:
Today, Wed Sept 20, 2006 marks the day I failed push-ups and I am so disappionted of myself
Im just wondering if the cold, hunger and sleepy-ness was the main reason why I failed, anyways it was completely my fault that I failed the PT- Test and now I will know in the future to be always prep'd.
ps. Any advice on push-ups, how i can improve?

Treat the test seriously next time and if you are in as good a shape as you claim you are you should have no problem. No sleep, incorrectly dressed, transportation problems, you screwed up.
I think I pulled something In my arm... I get this sharp pain when I try doing push-ups.
Hmmmmmm lets see, you are a whiner and a complainer and you are making excuses. Plus, you couldn't remember that you had a PT test the following morning.......maybe you failing the PT test is a blessing for the Military.
I know you feel like crap, but the post you made is only going to make you feel worse when the posters on this board tear you apart for making excuses.  It is easy to say "it was my fault", it is an entirely different thing to mean it, and I don't get the impression from your post that you mean it.  Other than the obvious of taking responsibility to ensure you are fully prepared, the only other I advice for you based on your tale is:

If you don't understand the instructions ask for more clarity.  Failing to do pushups properly because you didn't understand the instructions given to you and you were embarrassed to ask for a clarification only screws you up but doing the wrong thing while performing a, oh let's say section attack, could get somebody hurt or killed and it might not be you.  Make sure you clearly know what you are supposed to be doing.  The military career is not forgiving to needless mistakes.

Anyway, accept responsibility, vow to yourself to do better next time and learn from your mistake.  If your arm is injured let it heal for 24 to 48 hours.  If it is badly injured, see a doctor.

some advice from an old soldier, don't join the military. You have already started off on the wrong foot. In the military, one never starts off on the wrong foot.

From reading your list of reasons why you think you failed, you left out an important one, YOU.

Forget the military and try, Wal-Mart.
If you screw up then own up ...this won't be your worst day ever not even close. Correct the situation and then carry on.
lessons learned;

Timings, Physical Fitness, memory, dedication, and Knowledge are all a must for the military.

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