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Windsor Supports Terrorism?

I am glad that billboard is gone, and as for the clown above, he should go with it. What an utter and total disgrace!

Enough said, but its dog turds like him which make me want to vomit!

Could someone pay for a billboard that said something like, oh i dont know, "Love it. Or fuck right off" and not get into trouble about it? I would be willing to change it to "Love it or leave" but i really just want to get a message across.

And i'm sure that while my message would offend the majority of people, i'm a self-righteous kind of guy who just cant let go even though i live far better in my new country then ever before with no chance of some dude in a balaclava bursting into my house, killing my family and then firing RPG's at the Israeli's ....
Whoops! Sorry guys, i'm funneling someone else's fundamentalist hatred now! I feel like Harry Potter after he's got into Voldamort's head!
zipperhead_cop said:
Funny, the National left out some key parts of the story that we got:


Billboard disappears

'We don't need that kind of discord,' councillor says
Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star
Published: Monday, August 13, 2007

"What ever we believe, we'll speak about it anytime," said Hussein Dabaja. "We will speak about human rights, about the truth, about Nasrallah. We're going to do it and nobody can stop us. We'll talk about it anywhere, any place we have a chance."

Its not like Nasrallah cares about human rights. Hiding in civilian neighbourhoods and launching rockets against Israeli civilians.

This Mr. Dabaja should leave  :cdn:. Love it or leave it.
zipperhead_cop said:
Dabaja said the company that owns the sign, CBS Outdoors, covered the billboard because the Lebanese community members only paid to have it up over the weekend.

Some how I am finding that hard to believe. I call

Can you really do that for a weekend? That wouldn't make sense, I think.

Heh.... Plenty of muck to go around.

+1  CSA105

Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Israel, Palestine and the USA (+ Russia ?) have all contributed to making Southern Lebanon what it is today.  The UN mission were sitting ducks and they continue to be sitting ducks - cause the problems in the region have not and are not being addressed.