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Windsor Supports Terrorism?


Army.ca Veteran
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So I'm on my way to work last night, and almost get in an accident when I see this:


Sorry for the poor picture quality.  All I had was my crappy cell phone camera.
The caption in English reads:
"Lebanese and Arab Communities in Windsor city congratulate the Lebanese People for their steadfastness and endurance to establish peace in Lebanon" (possibly off a touch, but that is the drift)
On the south west corner of Wyandotte and Marion. 
I'm not up to speed enough with all of the people in the ad to know who they are, but it is pretty easy to spot Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah.  And given his prominant position within the picture, the message is clear that he is being credited for whatever "peace" they think they currently have.  Clearly, this billboard is in support of Hezbollah.

Unbelievable.  If this had a picture of Osama Bin Laden or Adolph Hitler, people would be going nuts.  But somehow this is okay?  Thus far, we have been given no official direction with regards to it.  However, I don't think that it is a coincidence that it was put up on a Saturday. 

It's coming, folks.  Decide what you want your Canada to look like and do something about it.  :cdn:
Hmmmm.  I'd give it another day or so before the Canadian Jewish Congress or some similar organization  gets into gear.

Hearkening back to our debate on these pages a while ago on free expression, I wonder what the defenders of "no holds barred" might have to say about this?

This piece of graffiti is located in an area of the city that has a very large population of recent immigrants from the Middle East.  It is located 2 blocks from a Lebanese Catholic Church.  My biggest concern is that they've started the hateful bullcrap that caused them to leave their homeland(s) for here.  Friggin keep it out or go back!
I also see this as a message to embolden their cause here.  It says "see, we can operate freely and are powerful.  You should know we can't be touched anywhere".  And that is going to drum up terrorist support here in town for them.  Just like you would expect any advertising. 
Dissident said:
Who owns the bill board?


1785 Walker Road
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 3P2 (519) 253-6560 (519) 258-9359

Thats one channel I will not be watching anymore. Letter writting time.

CBS outdoor
1785 Walker Road
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 3P2

(519) 253-6560
There has to be a reason they put this, I really dont think Windsor supports terrorism. There has to be a bigger picture to this.
Windsor dosn't support terrorism, rather clever terrorists take advantage of lazy or uninformed people to spread their message.

This is a powerful Psyops appeal to the Lebanese Canadian population, one implicit message is "Canada can send troops to Afghanistan and offer support to Israel, but we are already right here! Watch your back and watch who you associate with because we can see you."

this isn't too different from the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) having then Finance Minister Paul Martin come to a fund raiser in 2000. how discouraging for the Tamil population in Canada to flee the LTTE and the violence they spread in Siri Lanka, only to have the "Tigers" able to publicly demonstrate they have co-opted powerful Canadian politicians. Makes you think twice the next time a "Snow Tiger" knocks on the door for "Tax collection".

A thoughtful letter to the billboard owner, thoughtful responses to the local media and most important, a response by the local Lebanese Canadian community will coounter this piece of Hezbollah Psyops, but that will not be the end of it. Be alert.......
Thanks Zipperhead for bringing this disgusting spectacle to our attention.

I have Lebanese Canadian friends who would be outraged at this. :rage:

We DO NOT want media attention to add value to this stunt.

CBS outdoor WILL get some terse email today.

This propaganda is clearly NOT consistent with Canadian or democratic values.

Didn't Hitler get his start hanging posters too ?
          I must fine this pretty intresting. Now how will the average Canadian look at this? Well more the ones in Windsor area. I sure would like to hear some folks reactions on it. As for the Canadian Jewish Congress or some similar organization pipping up. I am sure someone will kick a stink about it. I know I am.

          As for CBS Outdoor, I am sure they were only looking at dollar signs only. Didn't matter what the message was, just the money. Remember, money talks. Or even maybe there is be a pro Hezbollah worker at CBS Outdoor?

        Now here comes the fun part.

Refer http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/#garantie

Fundamental Freedoms, Canadian charter of rights and freedoms Part 1 Para 2 (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

How will this play out now? I guess we just have to watch and shoot.
I thought this was multiculturalism at it best. Isn't this what are we surposed to believe from our liberal heritage minister of days past??? Something is WRONG here BIG TIME!!!!

Now for the Anti Terrorism Act

Refer http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Parl=37&Ses=1&Mode=1&Pub=Bill&Doc=C-36_3&File=60

Anti Terrorism Act. Section 83.18
(1) Every one who knowingly participates in or contributes to, directly or indirectly, any activity of a terrorist group for the purpose of enhancing the ability of any terrorist group to facilitate or carry out a terrorist activity is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.​

Also another good refer

So would a terrorist activity be related to some sort of PSYOPS? May be our charter of rights and freedoms should be chagned a bit to suit the ATA?


edit to add something.

The billboard is subtle enough that it probably doesn't violate any laws in any obvious way.  They are probably hoping that people will get the media involved, take it to court and get all kinds of free exposure.  Our enemy has taken our measure.  Wonder how we rated?
It would be such a shame if there was a "billboard on fire" call tonight.    :P
Yes, the enemy within our borders, free to do anything they want shy of violence.

Their power base is building throughout the west, and thats scary! Truly, in the built up larger cities of Canada, the faces of the community are changing.

I find that billboard quite threatening!


Dissident said:
Thats one channel I will not be watching anymore. Letter writting time.

+1 also thank you for making these photo's known ZC. Letter soon on it's way from me also. I found it to be quite disturbing as well.

Looks like it made its way into the Star for todays print:

Sign splits Lebanese, riles Jews

Hezbollah leader depicted
Dalson Chen, Windsor Star
Published: Saturday, August 11, 2007
Members of the Jewish and Lebanese Christian communities in Windsor are outraged by the appearance of a billboard that appears to promote Hezbollah -- an organization the Canadian government considers terrorist.

"That organization is banned in Canada," said Harvey Kessler, executive director of the Windsor Jewish Community Centre. "How can that billboard be up in Windsor when it represents a terrorist organization which is banned under the laws of Canada?"

Located at the southwest corner of Marion Avenue and Wyandotte Street East, the billboard does not mention Hezbollah by name, but features a central image of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the controversial political and military group that represents Lebanese Shia Muslims and has clashed with Israeli troops for more than 20 years.

Kessler said he feels Nasrallah represents "the opposite of peace."

"It should be offensive to all people living in Windsor. It should be offensive not only to the Jewish community, but to any Canadian."

Emile Nabbout, president of the Windsor branch of the Lebanese Christian political group Kataeb, said he also thinks Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, and he feels the billboard creates a misconception of the views of Windsor's Lebanese community.

"We really are not in support or in favour of that billboard and it should be removed ASAP," Nabbout said.

The image of Nasrallah is flanked by four other Lebanese political figures. "All those individuals in that picture... they are in opposition to the Lebanese government right now," Nabbout said.

"By just analyzing the picture, there is no doubt in my mind this is a Hezbollah activity," he added.

Printed in English on the left side of the billboard are the words: "Lebanese and Arab communities in Windsor city congratulate the Lebanese people for their steadfastness and endeavor to establish peace in Lebanon."

But Nabbout said that Arabic writing which appears on the right side of the billboard does not match the English translation. According to Nabbout, the Arabic writing makes a reference to fighting.

"What they mean by 'fight' is basically 'guerrilla' -- using arms and weapons," Nabbout said. "Basically, there is a very specific word... That is a definite difference between the Arabic and the English."

Contacted on Friday night, Mayor Eddie Francis said he was made aware of the billboard earlier in the day. Asked if he is concerned about its presence, Francis said: "The politics of Lebanon belong in Lebanon, not on the streets of Windsor."

Francis said he has no idea who was responsible for the billboard, but the city is now looking into whether its content violates any rules.

Kessler said he has talked to Chief Glenn Stannard of Windsor police about the billboard, as well as the mayor. He said he has made calls to councillors, the city's race and ethnocultural relations committee, RCMP and CSIS.

"I understand that everyone is looking at strategies under the Canadian law to get it down. Because it is not appropriate," Kessler said.

Nabbout said members of the Lebanese Christian community have made calls to local MPs Joe Comartin and Brian Masse about the issue.

But Sam Ali, a 39-year-old Lebanese-born Windsor resident, said he supports the billboard's message, and he believes many in the city's Lebanese population feel the same way.

According to Ali, the accusations that Hezbollah is terrorist are untrue. "Hezbollah is freedom fighting. Whoever calls them terrorist is a liar," he said.

Ali, a Muslim, said Nasrallah has done good things, helping people with hospitals and medicine. "When Nasrallah speaks in Lebanon, a million and a half or two million people go into the street to listen."

Fellow Lebanese native and Muslim Ghina Maawie said she doesn't understand why anyone would be offended by the billboard. "When I saw it, I felt so happy and so proud of it," she said. "In Canada, we have freedom of speech."

Maawie also dismissed the criticisms of Hezbollah. "For anyone to defend Lebanon, they call them terrorist. All we did is defend our country."

And of course, the contrary view gets the last word, and the basic clod is given as much print time as the leaders who spoke out against it. 
At least our mayor, who is Lebanese himself, is speaking out against it.  But I'm afraid that the message has been sent, and the call to arms has been heard by those who would hear it. 

I think the corporation has a duty of care in terms of the community at large.

By this I mean - if it looks like incitement, it should never have been
erected.  CBS is NOT a very good corporate citizen in my book.
No way could this be construed as serving the greater good.

Personally, I hope CSIS is standing on the front step (or neck) of the client.
I hope Revenue Canada is standing on CBSs neck.

Well see..........

Excellent work ZC! :salute: