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Why does Canada need an army?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beatty1
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Originally posted by Beatty1:
[qb] Hello everyone, I would like to know why a country such as Canada needs an army. I'm certain that one of the most obvious point, is to protect ourselves. And yes I know this seams like a juvenile question, but I'm hoping to see some in depth, and interesting comments. [/qb]
I‘m a Canadian, former reservist, now living in the States. Let me let you in on a little secret. 90% of Americans don‘t know the first thing about Canada and would only be only supportive of it to the extent that it‘s useful to the US.

Having something of an armed forces allows Canada to engage in things outside the control of the US - say UN peacekeeping in places taht are of no interest to the states like most of Africa. Being good at a few things also makes the Canadian military appealling to certain US missions, which gives Canada some bargaining leverage.

I don‘t think Canada needs a huge army but a small, good, professional one gives Canada a greater degree of autonomy. And for goodness sakes, try to get out of bed with the American military in so many situations if you can. Trust me, you don‘t want to know how simplistically some Americans view the ‘War on Terror‘ and how little they care about what happens to others.
Originally posted by ArmyAl:
[qb] Did your house burn down last night?
No you say, (I hope!)
Well, then you don‘t need a fire department, or do you?
:cdn: [/qb]
totally agree. CF can protect Canada, not only RCMP. You don‘t know that what is going to happen in the future. There is no problem to have an army. 1. defend 2. help to decrease the unemployment. However, everyone may think to spend money on CF, why don‘t spend money on Medical and education?! They feel that medical care and education are most important for themself.
Originally posted by Raincoast:
Originally posted by Beatty1:
[qb] Hello everyone, I would like to know why a country such as Canada needs an army. I'm certain that one of the most obvious point, is to protect ourselves. And yes I know this seams like a juvenile question, but I'm hoping to see some in depth, and interesting comments. [/qb]
I‘m a Canadian, former reservist, now living in the States. Let me let you in on a little secret. 90% of Americans don‘t know the first thing about Canada and would only be only supportive of it to the extent that it‘s useful to the US.

Having something of an armed forces allows Canada to engage in things outside the control of the US - say UN peacekeeping in places taht are of no interest to the states like most of Africa. Being good at a few things also makes the Canadian military appealling to certain US missions, which gives Canada some bargaining leverage.

I don‘t think Canada needs a huge army but a small, good, professional one gives Canada a greater degree of autonomy. And for goodness sakes, try to get out of bed with the American military in so many situations if you can. Trust me, you don‘t want to know how simplistically some Americans view the ‘War on Terror‘ and how little they care about what happens to others. [/qb]
Rain Coast you inform your local‘s that we also supply over 30% of thier energy every day!
I‘d love to shut the tap off just to see what would happen to the GREAT U.S. of A.

I for one am getting tired of being bullied! :mad:
Michael OLeary hit it right on the head. Well said, sir. Well said. My opinion is a standing army is needed to defend its citizens and way of life from unimaginable threats. Domestic and International. Period. If you value your country, value the sacrifices those before you have made in shaping your country then you will raise an army to defend those values because if you do not you will be taken advantage of from other nations seeking their agenda. Simply look at history for the answer. Man will find some way to kill another man for whatever reason. Religion, resources, power or just because you speak a different language or look different. Are you willing to be the nation that just sits back and smiles or forgives or offers hugs for love when your own citizens are slaughtered like pigs simply because they worship a different god than you do? An army and a strong one at that is needed to counter this ever-existing threat.
Some seriously good Speakers in this forum..Michael OLeary... well said!
Every country in the world has some sort of military organization on it‘s soil. Whether it‘s their own is the real question. A military is meant to defend the country‘s freedoms and preserve it‘s way of life. The military is in place so civies can sleep at night in their beds and have the right to question whether Canada needs defence. kinda ironic eh?
I think some people miss a main point here. Yes traditionally an army is there to defend your country but were living in an age where you can‘t just close up your borders and mind your own buisness. You need an army to defend your countries interests abroad AND to defend our allies. Canada needs a military so we can contribute to world peace. obviously no one is going to attack canada or the states en masse. (well most likely not) But if we sit by and let our allied countries get taken over by hostile governments were not going to have anyone to trade (import/export) with and our economy will suffer thus lowering our quality of life.
You‘d see how quickly an anti war activist changes their song if they have to live in a building with no running water, no electricity and no gas for their smashed to **** vehicles.
This argument shouldn‘t even be happening, it has to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever seen. Beatty, you‘re an idiot. Ignorant thinking such as yours is the same kind that got our army in the situation it is in today.
OK Gerry Can....she‘s posted a legit question and you‘re calling her "ignorant". So enlighten her and the rest of us of how her thinking has ruined the CF. :rolleyes:

I think GerryCan what you need to realize is that people just don‘t "get it" about the military until they‘ve gotten through their BMQ and seen what it‘s all about. Even then new people don‘t truely know but they get a good understanding of it.
I think there‘s been some incredible posts that have made ME proud to be Canadian and I thought I was already as proud as I could get. When it comes down to it everyone in the forces takes care of the guy standing in the trench, or seat or on the deck with him and that‘s a perspective that no one really will feel or understand until they are part of it.

Maybe some of these posts have enlightened her and perhaps some of them should be published to let OTHER CIVILIANS see that we are more than just a group of people taking money away from health care or CPP.

As a whole though civilians ARE ignorant of what the military does and in some ways that means that democracy works because the only countries that really know and see their militaries usually have leaders with posters hanging from all the buildings and are in power for life (or until the next guy gets a knife in first).

Ultimately lashing out at a naive question after she‘s acknowledged the thoughtfulness of the posts made afterwards is kinda just being mean. Besides if anything perhaps she‘ll be one more person who sides with budget increases and goes to Rememberence day parades .. and she‘ll tell friends and hopefully with time everyone will see the light but don‘t bash those that want information and to see what we do, or want to do.
I am hoping Gerrycan‘s attack though has not turned Beatty against the military like it would most people.
dominas...good point in your last paragraph.

Beatty1...don‘t worry about Gerrycan. He‘s just venting. Although I can‘t understand why.
He‘s a newbie...FNG...three years in and you‘re making statements like that? Come on!

Thankfully we all know that crunchies often speak BEFORE they think :D

Why do we need an Army?

Well first off who is going to kick the teeth out of all those hippie protesters. Annoying unwashed bums.....

Seriously though, if you don‘t have a Military doing it‘s part in overseas missions then you get the Boot from Nato. There are a lot of other countries that have a Military and they haven‘t been attacked in 100s of years. If ever. UN or Nato peackeeping missions are actually important and Canada seems to get the most respect and results. You going over there to sort that out for us? No, we give up half a year of our lives and go away from our families to do it.

I was at the Winnipeg flood and I don‘t think any of the home owners we saved ever asked us why we have a military. We provide a civil aid like that all the time.

Maybe you remeber the Ice storm that put millions of people in the dark, without heat for quite a while. No offence but you did nothing for anyone then. We did.
Ummm...Slacker...did you read the entire thread?

BTW..good point on NATO.

Message board ettiquette dude.. :) Lurking and reading is always good, esp when there‘s 3 pages of posts already there.
First of all he, not she.

But I‘ve been away from this thread for a while (Finals)
And no Gerrycan didn‘t deture me from the military. And to debate his comment, "Ignorant thinking such as yours is the same kind that got our army in the situation it is in today."
I beleive that it is because these type of questions were being asked(and more importantly answered to civilians) that the CF is in the situation of needing more money.
Originally posted by GerryCan:
[qb] This argument shouldn‘t even be happening, it has to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever seen. Beatty, you‘re an idiot. Ignorant thinking such as yours is the same kind that got our army in the situation it is in today. [/qb]
I think you should relax and look at the whole thread. The guy is just asking. It‘s not as if he‘s slagging anyone or anything, he just wants to know why, thats all.

Why don‘t you do yourself a favour and answer the question, instead of calling him names.
