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white supremacist Mother has children taken away....

MedTechStudent said:
However, unfortunately the Charter says she has not done anything wrong.  So that will probably be the outcome.
So, then, would it have been fortunate if the charter had said that she HAD done something wrong?
Spreading hatred is a crime. Spreading hatred to your child is not? By minimizing the child`s contact with racism and hatred will minimize the chance that the child will grow up like the parent. At this stage, the kid is absorbing everything from his parents and will eventually determine the beliefs and ideals he will have.

Let me give you another example, the madras on the afghan-pakistan border are teaching young kids fundamentalist islam and hatred for the west, and many of them actually get recruited either into fighting or suicide bombers. Do you think it`s better to close down the schools or keep them open and hope the police catches them in the act?
meni0n said:
Spreading hatred is a crime. Spreading hatred to your child is not? By minimizing the child`s contact with racism and hatred will minimize the chance that the child will grow up like the parent. At this stage, the kid is absorbing everything from his parents and will eventually determine the beliefs and ideals he will have.
In the article in question, the mother claims to teach her children to respect others.  At least to tolerate them.  She teaches pride in her race.  If she were gay and teaching her kids gay pride say, oh, about 20 years ago, would it have been right to take her kids away?  What of the black parents who teach pride in THEIR race?  Is that ok?  Or is it "hatred" to be proud of some things, but not of others?
For me, pride in one's race is an alien concept (unless you're talking of the HUMAN race, and then only maybe).  I disagree with this woman's beliefs, but I also don't believe that the Q'uran is a divine book.  Yes, I acknowledge that many people DO think it is divine, and they live according to those beliefs.  I have no more right to take kids from muslim homes than I do from the home of this mother.
meni0n said:
Let me give you another example, the madras on the afghan-pakistan border are teaching young kids fundamentalist islam and hatred for the west, and many of them actually get recruited either into fighting or suicide bombers. Do you think it`s better to close down the schools or keep them open and hope the police catches them in the act?
madrassas aren't family homes.  Your argument is extreme at best, and inflammatory and irrelevant at worst.
Why does it have to be different? So if it was taught at home it would have been ok? Sure, the mom says that but why do you believe her at face value? She got something to lose if she says that she taught the children hate. Teaching hate in one place is the same as in another. My argument is not irrelevant, look at the rise of skinhead attacks in Russia and the attacks in Israel. Teaching children hatred and racism especially when they`re so young is a recipe for disaster as they don`t have the objective thinking to differentiate between what`s good and bad in the big context. And yes, I find parents teaching kids PRIDE in their race is a form of racism.
meni0n said:
Spreading hatred is a crime. Spreading hatred to your child is not? By minimizing the child`s contact with racism and hatred will minimize the chance that the child will grow up like the parent. At this stage, the kid is absorbing everything from his parents and will eventually determine the beliefs and ideals he will have.
If you're going to start invoking the Criminal Code you better understand the actual offenses related to hate contained therein:  Sec 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada

As others have said everyone involved over reacted.  Unless the child's health and welfare is immediately and provably endangered, there is absolutely no justification for the State to interfere in how parents choose to raise their child and the values they choose to instill.
Yes, agree that the teacher over reacted.  Call the parent and get her to pick the child up.  Explain to the child why they are in trouble.  You don't even NEED to bring race into it.  "You know dear, some peopl find that symbol very offensive because of its historical context and what it means to them.  Although you might not find it offensive it would be best if you don't do this again, as I'd hate to see you possibly losing friends or getting in to fights over it."  Talk to the mother.  I'm sure the teacher knew of her beliefs.  If the mother is tolerant of others (as claimed) she'd deal with the situation in an appropriate manner.

And yes, I find parents teaching kids PRIDE in their race is a form of racism.

Right, then let's get rid of multicultural fairs, because ultimately they are teaching children to have pride in their culture, which many times revolves around a specific race.  ::)
Culture :  all the knowledge and values shared by a society. We have people from many different countries that have immigrated to Canada and adopted Canadian culture. Culture is not tied to a race.
Flawed Design said:
Raising a child in a white supremacist environment is no better or worse a home than children raised in hate spewing religious ones "progressive" one.

Will the government go around pulling children out of homes who's parents teach god hates fags or kill the infidel? Or 9/11 was an inside job? Or we should honour our troops by wearing red shirts on Friday? Or advocate that Quebec should be a distinct society? Or advocate/deny that climate change is caused by human agency? Or owning guns causes/prevents crime? Or abortion is a mortal sin/a womans right? Or Darwinian evolution is correct/nonsense? Or healthcare should be public/private?

Actually that might not be a bad idea..
You can also stretch the criminal code :

The article stated: When her daughter returned home upset, the mother said she retraced the swastika in black ink and sent the girl back to school.

Criminal code:  Wilful promotion of hatred

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

The mother knew she was drawing a swastika on her own child and she knew the child was going back to a public place.
meni0n said:
You can also stretch the criminal code :

The article stated: When her daughter returned home upset, the mother said she retraced the swastika in black ink and sent the girl back to school.

Criminal code:  Wilful promotion of hatred

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

The mother knew she was drawing a swastika on her own child and she knew the child was going back to a public place.

But what is the mother doing.... Nothing but drawing a symbol on her child's arm.... The swastika has been around for over 3000 years and the original definition is on the following link.


Possibly the mother was utilizing the original sentiment of the symbol.... (I know a bit of a stretch)
She admitted she`s a white supremacist, therefor she knew exactly what she was drawing and that it didn`t mean the original meaning. Having a nazi flag hanging on her wall is kind of a giveaway.
but a swastika in and of itself, is not illegal, just what it represents in respect to the Nazi's ( and even there there are arguments)

PS: the Incas used the swastika design, as did the US Navy (in the design of a barracks)

Race: any people united by common history, language, cultural traits, etc.: the Dutch race.
  fm http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/race

As for the redrawing of the swastika, I didn't read the Winnipeg article and thus wasn't aware that had happened (my bad).  But wrt the flag IN her home, ON her WALL, how can that be a dead giveaway to a teacher if they haven't been in the house?  To us now it is, since it's been in the paper and the mother admitted it, although she has also admitted to removing it.
Strike, what I meant by race is white, black, hispanic etc,

She stated she removed it only because it might alarm the media and replaced it by a white supremacist logo. It`s no different. You can see what her intent was when she redrew it.
meni0n said:
You can see what her intent was when she redrew it.

No, I can't see what her intent was (I'm not psychic)... Please enlighten us!
From the article:
The young mother carefully folds the red Nazi flag emblazoned with a black swastika that once hung on her living room wall and lays it on her kitchen table.

In its place she has hung a banner that reads “White pride worldwide,” explaining that guests from the media might find it less shocking.

From wiki:
White supremacists frequently consider Jews to be the gravest threat to their cause, because they can assimilate much easier than other ethnic groups.

So white supremacist mom draws a swastika on her child, and you don`t know what her intent was?
