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Which Multi-tool to get


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Ok, I want to get a multi tool, but I'm not sure wether to get a Gerber or Letherman, (I need it for camping, hiking, and biking primarily) Any sugestions?
I love my gerber 600 Pro Scout. It serves me well in the bush and on the airfield. Not to mention on the slopes. You can get it at Canadian Tire for about $90.


Swiss Tool.  Most solid one I've used.  I've had mine for seven years and nothing has broken, pliers are the most solid I've seen.  You can access the blades without unfolding it, and they lock rock solid.  Never rusted on me either, unlike a Gerber I had.
Ok, realized I missed afew things I should have said about it at first.
1st) As said they rust a bit. Mine is starting on the handle. The actual tools and mounts are fine. Steel wool takes it right off too. Scratches it up like crazy though...
2nd) Bulk. It's a hefty piece of kit.
3rd) Have to deploy the pliers to be able to use the tools. Not a big deal as it just takes a flick of the wrist(awesome sound too), but takes a bit of time and makes the tool back heavy in the hand.

All I can think of so far. If I think of anything else, I'll post again.
There was an outdoor's magazine that did a head-to-head test years ago. They suggested the Schrade Tough Tool. I purchased one myself and am quite happy with it. It usually gets good reviews because it is beefy, sturdy, and less twist compared to others when you torque on them. Plus they have a grip good, unlike the leatherman that has edges that can did into you.

It is good you are researching. It is important to get a good multi tool.

I second the Swisstool. I have had mine for 5 years and has never failed me. It is heavy, but it is solid. Being mounted, I'm not too concerned with weight. You can feel it's strength when you use it. IMHO it has better grip with the plier and as AmmoTech90 commented, you can use the tools without opening it. Keep in mind each person has a different use and different liking to each feature on a multitool. It is again, my opinion only!

Hope you find one that suits your needs.

I myself am an advocate for the Leatherman.I own a Leatherman Charge now,and before that a Wave and can say that both are the Cadillac of Multi-tools.If rusting is a major concern,the Charge is made of high grade stainless with titanium handle,so no worries there.As far as size and weight is concerned,they are not a problem either.Add to that a leather sheath that allows the user to carry the tool in either the open or closed posn,positive locks for all implements,the fact that you don't have to open the tool to access the blades and a 25 yr guarantee,and you've got yourself a lean mean fixin' machine.
Leatherman also addressed the problem of the sharp edged handles by contouring them and the "palm pinch" problem by redesigning the inside edges.The only multi-tool that I ever pinched myself on(and cut my thumb wide open,I might add)was the POS issued Gerber tool.
I've owned the Scharade tough tool and again have nothing but good to say.With the Scrahade tool though,I found weight and overall size an issue,and when I bought mine,the lack of needlenose pliers(which they rectified).Overall a good tool.
Bad points about leatherman?Really the only one is cost.They are such nice tools,that you won't want to take them to the field for fear of losing them.

my 2 cents

PS-check E-bay,you can get all the fancy multi-tools at rock bottom prices if money is a option
I must vouch for Gerber.  It just may be bomb proof, however it IS stainless steel and has a unconditional lifetime warranty on it.  scissors and knife stay super sharp and pliers are great for wire stripping etc. 

Can. tire - $ 60

For military stuff you cant go wrong with a Gerber but for civvie i would say get a Victorinox
Without a doubt, the Victorinox Swiss Tool.  I've owned the same one since 1998 and it still does the job.  The only fault I found was with the stitching on the carrying case.
i have the wave, and the new charge. What i like about the leathermans is that you can open the blade without opening the tool first. The charge is a little more pricey as it just came out. As for cosmetics i like the wave better, it looks smarter, it comes with a leather pouch. The Charge is lighter, but i dont like the look, it has a crocodile skin pattern on the handles. However if you like the flicking action of the gerber tools to get easy access to the pliers than gerber is the way to go
My vote would be for  the Leatherman.  The gerbers are good tools, but the bead-blast finish they put on most of them is notorious for rust.  Schrade is no longer a real viable option, they went belly-up recently.

Personally I don't like my Leatherman, I'd rather have the black service issue Gerber with the tool locks...

the reason, as a rad op I'm always using the pliers and the ones on the leatherman tend to stick closed and you have to pry them open with something else, while the Gerber has the jaws locked to the handles for both open and close operation so when the WD sheathing sticks them closed I just pull the handles apart and go on, the leatherman makes it a chore.

Also I find that the leatherman just doesn't feel as solid in my hands as my Gerber.

I've gotten so used to the Gerber that I can open any tool with one hand, usually without even looking at it, while I find my Leatherman hard to get my banana fingers around the right tool without pulling them all out first.

I've never had a problem with my gerber rusting... though I usually clean it and give it a light coating of CLP after every ex.

Best advice I can give is borrow one of each and try them out, before buying one
I exchanged my gerber in Kabul for a SOG multi tool and I love it. It doesnt pinch the way the Gerber did and its power lock system is awsome. Just my opinion because I know lots of folks who were not as happy with the exchange.
Happy hunting  :salute: