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WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

Well through my research on CEOTP you can get whatever degree you like from wherever you like, you will have to enroll on your own time once your stationed, you will have to pay for the courses, once you pass the course the forces will re-imburse you.  It depends on what degree you will pursue, and what courses you've already passed to determine if you will gain any credits. The university you enroll in will be the one to decide that, just like a regular student switching courses half way through their year to pursue a different route.  Some are pre-requisites and some arent.  For me i have no university under my belt, but my three years at comm college can count for some things depending on what im going to pursue in the next few years, plus they give you 13 years to get this degree before you're in trouble which gives lots of time!! 
Trish: you need to be able to see clearly at far distances for MARS, markers buoys targets flags on the horizon are all a day in the life of a MARS officer :salute:
just an update... mars applicant files were sent off to the NOAB directors as of Aug 10th, my recruiter just sent them an email asking when the names will be released, hoping soon!
You should find out within the next week or two, as the next board is only a month away. But don't worry if you don't, I didn't hear from them until the wednesday when I was supposed to leave on the sunday. Ours was a special case though, as they don't usually do a board in July, so you guys should probably hear from your recruiting centres sooner.

Just try to relax and enjoy the rest of your summer, they won't forget about you, and you will all have a great time in Esquimalt when you go!

The next NOAB is 28 Sep to 02 Oct. we usually get word a week or two before the course who's going. Just enough time to book the flights and make up the travel orders. Successful applicants will most likely be placed on the Jan BMOQ if there is openings and the rest of your processing is complete.
Oh, the Wednesday before... what did you do for your job (if you were working at the time).

I was hoping ; 1- to receive a call, and 2- at least 3 weeks in advance.  I don't want to tell my boss until I am a 100% sure that I'll be going, because I can see the atmosphere from here for the next couple of weeks... And at the same time I will feel really bad telling her like the week before, even worse 2 days before...

Who calls you ?  Your recruiting centre or Esquimalt ?
My advice to you Trish is to tell your boss that there is a possibilty you'll be on this course and it will be short notice. My experience is most employers if you tell them it's for military service they are actually excited for you. Mind you there are the odd few that think it's a dumb idea and you'll never make it. I tend to ignore them. The Recruiting Centre will call you to come in and pick up your travel orders. They will tell you what flight your on and when it leaves and when you return. Unfortunatley sometimes we only get a few days notice on who will be going. Tell her what your planning to do and sit down with her and explain the process and what it means to you. She will most likely understand and if not your next boss will because he/she has done it already. Good luck and welcome to the Navy. By the way we are the Senior Service. (that ticks off the Army guys!)
Thanks FDO,
That's what I was planning to do, tell her even before getting the confirmation that I would be going.  And she won't be part of those who get excited !! haha
No problem Trish anytime and besides we'll get excited for you instead of her!
For sure, NOAB is a great experience and you will enjoy every minute of it!
Never mind just NOAB, the military in general is a great experience and I don't regret the day.... Sorry couldn't help it!
Well said FDO! I can't wait for the opportunity to see that you are proven right  :salute:
One more hopeful here.  I received a call yesterday indicating that if my med tests reach them in time, I could also be on the Sept 28 NOAB.  And Rob... don't worry about being the oldest....I'm 47  that's right, that's a '4'... nice to know there will be someone else there who has heard about the Beatles!  So I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be in.  I'm doing the day sail on Ville De Quebec tomorrow in TO.  Anyone else on that?
SI, sounds like I may be the young one on the NOAB at 25.  But don't worry I make up for it in lack of education! woot woot! Let me know how that day sail goes.  I'm booked on the one in Sarnia next week!
DIESEL 007 said:
SI, sounds like I may be the young one on the NOAB at 25.  But don't worry I make up for it in lack of education! woot woot! Let me know how that day sail goes.  I'm booked on the one in Sarnia next week!

Wait a minute Diesel, I'm here too !!! hihi  If I go to the next NOAB I'll probably be celebrating my 26th B-day on the way back home !
Let's cross our fingers that we all get a great wake up call from our recruiters next week !!

I won't spend the day on the ship, but it will be in Montreal on Sept. 19 and 20, I'll go visit it with my familly (that includes my parents and my grandmother).  They are scared for their little girl and they hope that someone there will reassure them I think !
All Right!!!  I got a call today from my Recruiting Centre and they told me I am confirmed for the September 28 NOAB in Esquimalt!!!  woo hoo!!

I am SO excited.  The woman told me that she will be calling me in the following days or by next week to confirm the exact travel plans.  She said I will be flying from Sudbury which is great.  Wow, I have read many posts on here about other people who have gone on the NOAB and now it is finally my turn.

Anybody else get a call yet???

SI, funny you mention the Beatles....  they happen to be one of my favourite bands.  And in case anyone hasn't heard, Sept 9 is the official launch date of the new Beatles Rock Band.  I don't have the money yet to buy it, but when I do......I'll be playing it eight days a week!
rob1972 said:
All Right!!!  I got a call today from my Recruiting Centre and they told me I am confirmed for the September 28 NOAB in Esquimalt!!!  woo hoo!!

I am SO excited.  The woman told me that she will be calling me in the following days or by next week to confirm the exact travel plans.  She said I will be flying from Sudbury which is great.  Wow, I have read many posts on here about other people who have gone on the NOAB and now it is finally my turn.

Anybody else get a call yet???

SI, funny you mention the Beatles....  they happen to be one of my favourite bands.  And in case anyone hasn't heard, Sept 9 is the official launch date of the new Beatles Rock Band.  I don't have the money yet to buy it, but when I do......I'll be playing it eight days a week!

Good luck! You will love every minute of it, it is a great experience, and a great introduction to your future career in the Navy. Best of luck to all of you that are going, the Navy needs you all  :salute:

Nice Beatles reference by the way, props for that! Too bad it comes out on the ninth, I'm leaving for St. Jean on the 6th, I guess it will have to wait until I get back...
Congrats Rob!  I hope I'll see you in BC in Sept....  keeping my fingers crossed for Sept 28th as well.  If I don't get the call it'll be "a hard day's night".  For now, I'll just "let it be" and enjoy my visit aboard Ville De Quebec...  yes I think I'm funny and my kids don't.
Well, I better get my first post in rather than just lurking around the site. I'm also very much hoping to be at this NOAB. I grew up on the Island and kick myself everyday for having moved away. Very excited for any reason to return.

And this Oct. 19 BMOQ has piqued my curiosity. That would be an uncharacteristically quick turnaround if we got loaded for that course, but fingers crossed.

Good luck to all.
I had my interview and medical on Wednesday.  Both went very well and I was told that I was a very strong competitor for MARS, but since I am over 40, I also need the doctors appt, blood work and ECG.  The earliest that I could get into my doctor is next Wednesday. After that, I am not sure how soon I can get the blood work and ECG done.  Once they are completed (and results sent to my doctor) I need to get the documents to Fredricton (I live in Saint John). I told them that I will drive them up instead of dealing with extra time in the mail.  From there, they need to go to Ottawa and back to the RC before I can be confirmed for the Sept NOAB.  The final date that this can be done by is Sept 18.  I don't think that things can happen that quickly.  How long have others waited for the Ottawa reply?  The Capt at the RC did say that he will try to expedite it.

Here's hoping for the best.....

Good luck to everyone in getting on the NAOB at the end of this month.  I wonder when the next one will be if I don't make this one...hopefully soon.

I went on the day sail on board Ville De Quebec (part of the GLD) on Friday in Toronto.  It was a beautiful day for a sail and we stayed out for about 5 hours.  The sun was bright (I managed to get a good burn), the water was calm and we were treated (subjected?) to a number of flyby's.  The CNE air show was on the weekend, so the snowbirds, some US Navy jets and a US raptor did some very LOUD maneuvers very close to us.  The ship for her part did some great figure eights that had us holding on and an amazing 26 knots to full stop in 2 ship lengths.  My trip via the RC was with a college group, so about 30 of us... I was the only one who had already applied.  For the tour we were kept together so it was a bit large, difficult to hear the tour guide at times.  We got to see the hanger, he-lo deck, operations room (lots of tech in there), bridge (which is where I hope to be working), and had the weapons systems all explained to us.... it was all very interesting and amazing.  I also had some good long conversations with various members of the crew including a MARS officer. For any of you who have the opportunity to attend one of these Great Lakes stops, I highly recommend it!  I think this was very much a preview for the day sail at the NOAB.

At any rate, I only experienced things that made me more sure that the NAVY is the place I want to be.  Now hope to get that call...