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What's the worst that could happen?


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I know this is kind of silly.  But I need some help answering this. 

My roommate is always asking me "what would they do if I refused to get up in the morning and just continued to lay in bed?"  or "what would they do if I didn't want to run or workout?"

He knows they can't hit you and I have no answer for him.  Does anyone know what the consequences would be for this?

At a minimum, arrest and incarceration... at least if I was your Sgt Maj. The QR&O entry:


(1) Section 83 of the National Defence Act provides:

"83. Every person who disobeys a lawful command of a superior officer is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for life or to less punishment."

Less punishment gives the CO or Court Martial a great deal of latitude in the sentence.
at best, the nice NCO would help you out of your bed
at worst, the bad NCO would help you out of your bed

geo said:
at best, the nice NCO would help you out of your bed
at worst, the bad NCO would help you out of your bed

:) :D ;D

ADD: Could you send a nice one in my home saturday morning, please ?
Got a book to buy early :).
Hmmm... the nice one is already booked...... guess you're stuck with me  >:D
This question sounds like the chance for an interesting object lesson for your entire serial.  Why not let your buddy try?  It may prove to be highly educational about military discipline - a lot more so than the obligatory QR&O lectures.
geo said:
at best, the nice NCO would help you out of your bed
at worst, the bad NCO would help you out of your bed

At worst, your course mates "help" you out of your bed.


"HERE'S your sign."
                  -blue collar commedy star
cavalryman said:
This question sounds like the chance for an interesting object lesson for your entire serial.  Why not let your buddy try?  It may prove to be highly educational about military discipline - a lot more so than the obligatory QR&O lectures.

Though, the whole platoon will be ultimately held accountable for the attempt....
Testify said:
My roommate is always asking me "what would they do if I refused to get up in the morning and just continued to lay in bed?"  or "what would they do if I didn't want to run or workout?"

Obviously he would be sent packing back home, and he knows it. 

Personally, people who talk like this make me nervous and it can be regarded it as a sign of emotional problems.  They're the same ones who say things like "what would happen if I steered towards that power pole?" when they are driving, and then wonder why no one wants to drive with them. 
GreyMatter said:
Obviously he would be sent packing back home, and he knows it. 

Personally, people who talk like this make me nervous and it can be regarded it as a sign of emotional problems.  They're the same ones who say things like "what would happen if I steered towards that power pole?" when they are driving, and then wonder why no one wants to drive with them. 
am with ya on this one greymatter,
these guys spout off some silly idea and find ways to dare someone else to do the hairbrained thing (in their stead).... with the end result being that the wrong person gets into the deep doodoo
GreyMatter said:
Obviously he would be sent packing back home, and he knows it. 

Personally, people who talk like this make me nervous and it can be regarded it as a sign of emotional problems.  They're the same ones who say things like "what would happen if I steered towards that power pole?" when they are driving, and then wonder why no one wants to drive with them. 

Heh.  Good news is, he is just my roommate and a lazy bum.  Whenever I talk about the army he gets interested but I know it would never happen.

Thanks for the input guys.
Yrys said:
:) :D ;D

ADD: Could you send a nice one in my home saturday morning, please ?
Got a book to buy early :).

Why don't you just have Mr. Potter work some of his magic to wake you up on time??  ;)

Or, failing that ... I could use some of my witchly abilities to do so!! Geo knows.  ;D
Testify said:
I know this is kind of silly.   But I need some help answering this. 

My roommate is always asking me "what would they do if I refused to get up in the morning and just continued to lay in bed?"  or "what would they do if I didn't want to run or workout?"

He knows they can't hit you and I have no answer for him.  Does anyone know what the consequences would be for this?


Well this actually happened on a course I was on a few years back (1990).  Tpr Slack didn't want to get out of bed.  2 people flipped his cot with him in it. (we were living in Mod tents with palates for floors).  Slack landed on his back, half on-half off the last palate.  Slack got out of bed the next day quickly when everyone else did.

Problem solved.

The charge is one option (depending, it could go Summary Trial OR Courts-Martial).   I HAVE seen this particular charge get thrown out because the NCO said "get out of bed" vice "get out of bed right now.  The pers DID get out of bed, albeit 15 minutes later, so it was dismissed under the "disobeyed a lawful command" stuff...lame, I know but it happened.   Extra duties are another.  Stoppage of leave.  Defaulters parade.  Recorded Warnings.  Note to file on Pers File.  Verbal warning.  How about the way the rest of your section/crew/troop etc would treat you?  The endless crap jobs that would come your way AFTER it is all over?

Personally, I like the Stoppage of Leave or Defaulters Parade options.  More time for the mbr to think about his total stupidity and unprofessional conduct. 

And more fun for the Duty NCO on a boring weekend duty.  8)

Oh I forgot to add...the MPs COULD arrest for your azz for committing a Service Offence, and send a nice MP Report to your CO/RSM.  They can't CHARGE, but can arrest.

Hopefully this is just the silly question it appears to be as opposed to "a information recce" but if it is going to happen, can you let me know when/where?  I could use some entertainment.
We had the exact opposite on my RESO course. Some poor lad went off his nut quite badly, and kept getting up out of bed one night. He thought he was a BGen, and kept waking everybody up to inspect the shacks....."I'm BGen Bloggins and these shacks are a d@*n mess. I'll be back in an hour, and they'd better be clean."

The Man-eating truck came for him later that day.......
Reminds me of that old wartime song:

Kiss me good night Sgt Major
Tuck me in my little wooden bed
We all love you Sgt Major
Especially when you holler "Show A Leg!"

Don't forget to wake me in the morning
Bring me round a nice hot cup of tea
Kiss me good night Sgt Major
Sgt Major be a mother to me
Pencil Tech said:
Reminds me of that old wartime song:

You missed the first part.

Private Jones came in one night,
Full of cheer and very bright.
He'd been out all day upon the spree.
He bumped into Sergeant Smeck,
Put his arms around his neck,
And in his ear he whispered tenderly.

Chorus (everybody sing)  Kiss me good night Sgt Major....