I toyed around all day with what I wanted to say to everyone on this board. Having only recently joined, I am not sure what to think....I have enjoyed some of the insight I have been reading about the state of the Canadian Armed Forces, however I have been dismayed at the number of offhanded remarks about the US President, the US and it's government, people, and military! I am not saying my nation is perfect, far from it, what I do grow tired of is the inflammatory remarks I read in the press and I have seen on this website. Good natured bantering can be healthly, it can point out many stereotypes people have of one another. What is not healthy is the sort of demonizing of the US military and it's government that I have heard as of late. I liken it to the blame the victim, a woman is raped because she was wearing provocative clothing, similar to the terrorist attack on the world trade center, the US deserved it because of so and so......I make no apologies for what my country does, I am not a politician, I am a soldier that follows lawful orders, which don't include torturing somali teenagers. Remember this, I like to debunk several theories; before there was a Vietnam there was a French Indo-China, before there was an Israel, there was a British-Palestine mandate, and before there was a WWII, there was a WWI, care of yours and my european cousins. Please remember that the next time you level your critisism