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What happens now?


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sooooooooo, I got into a little trouble with the law.

Last night I was waking home with my sister and her friend from a local street dance. We were all having fun, we were all in a good mood. Then some drunk guy started calling out to my  sisters friend. We tried to ignore him, I don't remember what he said, but I took him aside and started talking to him. Like "dude you can't say that crap. We're all trying to have a good night. don't ruin it." My sister was freaking out. I guess she knew the guy, Anyways, long story short he punched me in the face and I went flying. My sister and her friend started running at the guy. I told her I was fine (really I was, the guy hits like a little girl). But then he started beating up on my sisters friend, who did I forget to mention IS VERY PREGNANT. Everything went to a shit show then. The police showed up, everyone was screaming. The drunk guys friend was the one to stop the guy from hurting the pregnant friend anymore.

I feel really bad, my pride (and vodka) got in the way of my better judgement. I should have kept walking and ignored the drunk *******.

Apparently I gave the police a statement and they put me in a taxi and sent me home.

But what happens now? I mean, I'm supposed to go to basic training in November. Will this all blow over, or will I maybe have to go to court? I'm such a fc*k up.  ???
From the sounds of it, no charges were laid and you acted in self-defense or, at the very least, in defense of another.

But yes, you should have ignored the idiot and kept walking.

If I were you, I would call the CFRC just to inform them of the incident.  That way, if something does come up, at least they already know about it.
If no charges were laid on either you or the other guy then Iam sure it will blow over, if they were going to charge you, that night would have been the time and the place, he hit you, hit a girl and you defended yourself and the ladies, if anyone should be charged it's him, they just had to take your statement as part of proceedure.

But I would take PMedMoe's advice and inform them of the situation, and maybe try to get a copy of that statement just for proof.

Good Luck, maybe you shouldn't drink for a while  :salute:
Hopefully you got the officer's badge number and hopefully you can speak to him/her in regards to the incident and they can provide you with a statement if you explain your situation. Also your best bet is to contact CFRC once you have obtained your statement. I can't see why you'd need to attend court, unless you needed medical attention.
Good Luck.
I spoke to the police yesterday and we did a video statement. Apparently the guy was really mad because we accidentally walked in on a drug deal and the other guy who I thought was a friend was just some guy trying to get out of paying.

He's getting charged with possesion, 2 assaults and public mischief.

I don't have any charged against me, but now the guy is trying to tell the police that me and the pregnant friend were "trying to rape the drugs away from him"" I don't even know what that means. Like seriouslyyyyy, wtf? That can't actually get me into any sort of trouble right? The guy is obviously lying, but still. I mean, we were three girls minding our own, just walking. Not one of us is taller then 5'3 or over 120 lbs. The can't really think we'd try to "rape the drugs from him" right??

Ahh God, I should have stayed home. Just thinking about this makes me sick.
Barmecide said:
I spoke to the police yesterday and we did a video statement. Apparently the guy was really mad because we accidentally walked in on a drug deal and the other guy who I thought was a friend was just some guy trying to get out of paying.

He's getting charged with possesion, 2 assaults and public mischief.

I don't have any charged against me, but now the guy is trying to tell the police that me and the pregnant friend were "trying to rape the drugs away from him"" I don't even know what that means. Like seriouslyyyyy, wtf? That can't actually get me into any sort of trouble right? The guy is obviously lying, but still. I mean, we were three girls minding our own, just walking. Not one of us is taller then 5'3 or over 120 lbs. The can't really think we'd try to "rape the drugs from him" right??

Ahh God, I should have stayed home. Just thinking about this makes me sick.

I'd still get the Officer to vouch for you that you arent getting charged and that you were the victim and not the assailant. you shouldn't have any problems at all.
Barmecide said:
I spoke to the police yesterday and we did a video statement. Apparently the guy was really mad because we accidentally walked in on a drug deal and the other guy who I thought was a friend was just some guy trying to get out of paying.

He's getting charged with possesion, 2 assaults and public mischief.

I don't have any charged against me, but now the guy is trying to tell the police that me and the pregnant friend were "trying to rape the drugs away from him"" I don't even know what that means. Like seriouslyyyyy, wtf? That can't actually get me into any sort of trouble right? The guy is obviously lying, but still. I mean, we were three girls minding our own, just walking. Not one of us is taller then 5'3 or over 120 lbs. The can't really think we'd try to "rape the drugs from him" right??

Ahh God, I should have stayed home. Just thinking about this makes me sick.


I'm sure this must be a very unpleasant situation for you and an even more unpleasant experience for 3 women who, because of not being at the right place at the right time (how would you have guess this?) put you in a position were you had to defend a friend... along with yourself.

That being said: Breath!

You have a clean conscience, you have a clear statement from the police saying that you were assaulted and not the opposite and there is no charge against you.  Nothing could be clearer than that and there is no reason why this experience would result in problems for you in your enrolment.

Taking the time to speak to your recruiter and show him all the proofs you'll get from the police will put you at ease. Doing this will only prove him that you are an honest person and have nothing to hide. Until you meet with him, do not put yourself under so much pressure. You need to relax in order to handle that situation with care and I'm sure you'll be able to do this just fine.

It was a bad experience from which you've learned  :nod:

Take care,
The only problem I see is the fact that you might have to testify at some point, that could be once could be twice etc, but if you made a video statement talk to the crown and try to get it entered under the "victim impact" rule that way you dont have to show up to court and doesn't disturb your training.

Video statements are used alot now so people dont deny their written statement in court via intimidation,second thoughts,
But like everyone say's talk to the recruiters, and then talk to the Crown Attorney.
Good luck