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What ever happened to 1CER 3TP from Chilliwack?


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I left in '83 and just wondered if anyone from that time is on these boards?
Are you asking about the troop or about the people that were in the troop in 1983?
1 CER has moved to Edmonton with the majority of 1 CMBG.  The field troops have been renamed/numbered a few times to accomodate re-organizations to create the sub-units that have deployed to Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, etc (and because of the recent regimental transformation to four field squadrons).

What was 3 Tp at this time last year is now 1 Tp & in Kandahar.

1 Tp 80, 2 Tp 80--83, Park Troop 83-84, 2 Tp 84-85, Base Ops 85-88, so, I was all around it.... ;D
I was in 3TP from 81-83 until I leaft after my first engagement.
3 Tp 11 Fd Sqn became, after the move to Edmonton in '96, 3 Tp 12 Fd Sqn. A fourth Fd Tp was created for 12 Fd Sqn. 1 & 2 Tp remained with 11 Fd.

Maybe McG or Kat can detail the mutations from there.

I with with 3 Tp from Feb '80 until Jun '84 when I was sentenced posted to Pk Tp.
ha! Got you beat! I was in 1 troop, 3 Field Sqn - then 1 troop, 1 CER, with 3 troop taking over the APC's.. by the way, only really got to ride in those on 3 occasions as they were mostly broken down. After that Cyprus, then the transport section, then the Support Sqn OC's driver-come-dog's-body - then the big mistake - MCE in Ottawa - a place of a million laughs.... and the end of my career when I was offered a promotion to Sargeant without qualification - providing I kept my mouth shut about a few incidents...I told the gentleman concerned that when I look in the mirrorit's me I see not someone who..." well ... you get the picture... 1985.. and I am still pissed off about it. By the way.. how's your knees?
The dirty third (now calling themselves the filthy first).
The "Dirty Third" is the newest name. Back in the day it was Toilet Tp. Is a toilet still the punch bowl?
Well, let's see. Whatever happened? Ummm, Carpiquet Barracks got demolished, by heavy equipment 18 years later.
Tolken, you would have been on TQ3 around the same time as J. Stafford  and M. Fortier, then?  Fortier had the room next to mine in the 2 Tp wing.
By the way, whatever happened to Earl Butt and Mark Blanceau (?) - the mustachioed wonder? By the way... Since all of us had to endure them.. what did you think of the officers of that time period? I still remember the one idiot in charge of 3 troop around RV81 - the guy who was nice enough to kick me awake at 6 as he wanted a jeep to go fishing. Seeing as how I got in at 5:30, I was a little ticked off. I got him one with a hole in the gas tank, a flat spare, a slow leak in two tires, a hole in the Jerry can and a hole in the radiator.. oh and a dud radio  - and for two days...the rainy ones... I kept getting the calls for his recovery... ;D. What was his words to me once? Oh yes... "I'm an officer, you are a corporal, even if I'm wrong, I'm right.."
Earl, I don't know.

Mark, aka "Penisaurous Rex" ( ;D) is still in.

The "idiot" would be the same as mentioned here:

Last time I saw Earl (about '99) he was SSM of the Fd Sqn in Gagetown.  Blencowe is retired, and last time we had beer together (03)  he was working on the Sarcee Range cleanup project as a team leader.
So that's him... Yeeup... that would be it.... If you run into Marc - say hi for me.  tell him I spend each day in Poland with hordes of beautiful girls (who can cook) - most of whom think of me as their dad.. some of whom think of me as their grand-pappy.... So Sarcee is still being cleaned up? What about the Vernon range? When is the regiment going to have a reunion - not that I can afford to go of course, on a Polish salary as a teacher... By the way - does ol' Marc still have his 'mustache - or has domestic bliss trimmed it a bit... What ho for some of the others from that period? And why the Hell do they keep changing the designations for these troops?