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What book are you reading now?

Being that fact that I've been highly into finding information about the Vietnam War, I am reading the book Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. My highschool teacher gave me the book back in May as he notcied me on some websites about Vietnam, I find the book to be a bit more biased towards America as I am only on the 7th chapter (Vietnam Is the Place). The opening of the dictionary sized book ha, has a really interesting chapter that just kind of leaves you like... ???

All around, so far so good.


Mike F.
I'm currently re-reading Mitch Albom's "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" I really enjoy that book.  :)
A formal request from my supervisor to get back to work and stop *(&(&&((*(*& about.
A formal request from my supervisor to get back to work and stop *(&(&&((*(*& about.

..and it took me a while to get a hold of him too...... ;) 
[what, you didn't think I would let the case management social worker thing go, did ya?] :crybaby:
Just finished Fatherland by Richard Harris (2nd-3rd time I read it), and just started The Regiment( again) by Farley Mowatt. Also about a third of the way through White Devil an account of Roger Rangers by Stephen Brumwell
Down Under by Bill Bryson. Travelogue/history of Australia, first of his books I've read, really enjoying it. Also reading The Last Days of Mussolini by F.W. Deakin, an account of the so-called "Salo" Republic the remaining Fascists set up in Northern Italy after Mussolini's rescue.
Introduction to the Study of
for Canadian Students
In particular "The Defence Of Upper Canada; 1812"


Canadian Army Journal
Vol. XVII No.1 1963

"How to incorporate Political Correctness with your Anger Management"

Author: Someone who never had their umbilical cord cut. :)
NO MEAN SOLDIER by Peter Mcaleese (read it 4 times i love it )
Mcaleese's Fighting Manual by Peter Mcaleese
Delta Force By Charlie "Chargin" Beckwith

Just finished This Man's Army by Andrew Exum.  

Currently reading Good Muslim, Bad Muslim by Mahmood Mamdani and Why Terrorism Works by Alan M. Dershowitz.
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 by  Steve Coll
As the title says, what book are you reading now? It doesn't have to be military related or anything, so that's why I put it here in R/C.

For me, I've just picked up Lord of The Flies. I've never read it yet, and I always hear that its a 'must read'.

Cheers to a good thread ;)
